10 crore tablets used a month for tuberculosis, 60 lakh in Gujarat

The quantity is 60 crore tablets. Gujarat 60 lakh a month.
There is no shortage of TB medicines in the country

Regular supply of anti-TB drugs is provided to the states and regular assessment is done at various levels to ensure adequate stock position.

New Delhi, dated 13-12-2023

There is no shortage of anti-tuberculosis medicines in the country. Under the National TB Elimination Program (NTEP), regular supply of anti-TB drugs is provided from the Center to all States/UTs throughout the year and regular monitoring is done to assess the stock position at various levels from central warehouses to peripheral health institutions. is evaluated. , Further, resources have been made available to States/UTs for domestic procurement in limited quantities, as and when required, to meet emergent requirements.
Symptoms of TB vary among TB patients. TB infection occurs in most people.
in the eastern areas of Ahmedabad
It is a matter of concern that TB cases are increasing. In the year 2021, 943 cases of TB in children were reported and 18 children died. A survey regarding TB was conducted on 800 people in Raipur, Ahmedabad, in which TB infection was seen in 48 percent people.
There are 1.70 lakh cases of TB every year in Gujarat and 18000 cases of TB every year in Ahmedabad city, while 900 to 1000 people die. A survey conducted in Rajpur-Gomtipur of Ahmedabad revealed that 48 percent people have TB infection. Ahmedabad district has seen 85 to 88 percent TB recovery rate.

If a patient with TB symptoms is left untreated or undiagnosed, he or she can infect up to 10 people per year. The leprosy rate in Gujarat has reduced from 23% to less than 1%.

In 2022, 5700 people died due to TB in Gujarat. On an average, 16 people die every day due to TB in the state. In the last 3 years, 18 thousand people have died in Gujarat.

In 2019, there were 82 thousand tuberculosis patients. Whereas the number of AIDS-HIV positive patients was 1 lakh 21 thousand. AIDS is more dangerous than tuberculosis. Ahmedabad has the maximum number of AIDS patients at 23 thousand, Surat has 21 thousand patients and Morbi has the least number of AIDS patients at 729.

In the year 2020, there were 1 lakh 20 thousand 516 TB patients in Gujarat. In 2021 this number increased to 1 lakh 44 thousand 715. The total number of TB patients in the year 2022 was 1 lakh 52 thousand. Thus, there has been a 25 percent increase in TB patients in the state in two years. In Gujarat, an average of 137 people per 1 lakh population have TB.

The “Marm” box project for TB patients is running in Gujarat and Jharkhand. And which is getting good results. If we look at the reasons for the need of this project in Gujarat, currently there are 151315 TB patients in Gujarat, out of which 100746 patients are undergoing treatment in government hospitals while 50569 patients are undergoing treatment in private hospitals. Ahmedabad and Surat have the highest number of TB patients in Gujarat. While the lowest cases of TB are in Dang, Junagadh and Jamnagar.

It is a serious matter that Gujarat has the highest number of deaths in the country.

More deaths due to TB in the year 2022
condition – death
Uttar Pradesh – 14010
Maharashtra – 6270
Gujarat – 5764
Madhya Pradesh- 5547
Karnataka – 4338
As a pilot project in Kutch district, accurate diagnosis of TB and related tests is done in just 2 minutes through a portable X-ray machine of 80 lakh fused film. Patients with active TB are treated for 6 to 18 months. But if the X-ray comes negative after the IGRA test is positive, then by giving twelve doses of TPT medicine in three months i.e. one dose of the medicine every week, the person suffering from latent TB can remain fear free for 10 years.

The details of the quantity status of anti-tuberculosis drug are as follows: