Tag: labour
To provide latest statistics related to Labour Welfare Twitter handle ...
In an attempt to supply updated latest statistics related to labour welfare, Snatosh Kumar Gangwar, Minister of State for Labour and Employment (I/C), inaugurated the twitter handle @LabourDG for Labour Bureau yesterday. On the occasion Heeralal Samariya, Secretary, Labour and Employmnet and DPS Negi, SLEA & Director General Labour Bureau were ...
Slowdown impact : Joblessness in India may cross 8%
A 30-day moving average of the unemployment rate during most of the first week of March 2020 was over 8 per cent, even though the ended with an unemployment rate of 7.71 per cent, Mahesh Vyas, managing director and CEO of one of India’s top consulting firms, Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), has said.
In a recent analysis of the unemp...