With Arjun of Kaliyuga, BJP became Congress

Dilip Patel
Ahmedabad, 5 February 2024
This is not Arjun!
Who had sworn in the Gujarat Assembly that he would never bow down to the gangs of Porbandar. He will not join hands with the goons of Porbandar. He kept that promise as long as he remained in Congress. But he has joined a gang even more dangerous than that gang of Porbandar.
Modhwadia, a gangman, which you used to call Ranga-Billa Gang.
Now you have gone to Modi’s family.
Arjun had left the war of Mahabharata. He won, Arjun of Kaliyuga lost the religious war to the Kauravas.
Now today’s Arjun says, not against injustice or oppression, but against his own heart. Arjun, who left the Pandavas and joined the Kauravas, left the raiyat of Gujarat, like, lying on a bed of arrows.
You started protecting the person against whom the war was fought. Now you will also be responsible for the murder of democracy. Just for the sake of the chair. Just for the pleasure of power.
Now you are fighting the war of Mahabharata against yourself. Kauravas and Pandavas have become one.
What will happen when Balram returns to the war?
You are in the policy of building Ram temple and playing Mahabharata. There is a difference between saying and doing. Sitting on the chariot of power.
Your own Mahatma of Porbandar was shot by that Kesari Jamaat, now you will say Bharat Mata ki Jai. Didn’t feel ashamed at all. You betrayed the people of Gujarat for power. By doing Mahabharata, you have become a partner in making India a dictatorial country. If, like Karna, had suffered injustice, the Gujarat Assembly would have remembered you. The people of Gujarat will always remember. Now it will be remembered as Khuttal. Now the battle of Gauchar, the battle for those lands will not be remembered. The war against the inductriyalaist was forgotten.

Now you say, resigned for Ram Mandir and social upliftment. But did you not remember Mahatma’s Kirti Mandir of Porbandar? You have sold the sentiments of Gujarat for your dreams.

Or you have joined hands with Narhari Amin, Kuwarji Bavaliya, Rathwa, Ram Singh to convert BJP into Congress. Then you have started the campaign to make Gujarat Congress free? Or has BJP been transformed into Congress? When Congress leaders are in majority in BJP, then you have gone to become the Chief Minister? Or have you gone to show Bharat Singh? Or, are you going to convert BJP into Congress?

Whom you used to call Ranga-Billa, will you now call him Jahampana, or sir? Now in any public meeting or meeting you will have to remember its name and say, sir, eveyy sentence. You were the commander of the Congress, now you have become a soldier of safforan. Have you worked to make ‘Modi’s family’ bigger? This, doesn’t make sense. Or do they want to hold the lotus in the hands of Congress in future.

Is there a conspiracy by holding the lotus?
Your new leader, Vijay Rupani had estimated the value of Gujarat Congress at Rs 25 crore, have you gone to prove it, or have you gone to disprove it? Left the party or left honesty?

Did you see the future of BJP? Or was Congress seen in BJP?
The people of Gujarat are asking you questions. Don’t answer this right now.