Banaskantha best for Bajra, such bad results are coming from eating other grains instead of Bajra

Gandhinagar, 23 August 2020
Banaskantha has pledged to provide millet grains to the half of 6.50 crore population of the state. Bajra cultivation in Gujarat has increased by 125% this year. Millet is planted in 182,500 hectares, of which 50 per cent is planted in 98,400 hectares only by farmers in Banaskantha district. In this way, the farmers of Banaskantha have come to dominate the cultivation of millet. Millet is then grown in low-water areas of Kutch and Bhavnagar. Thus dry areas are favorable for millet. Whereas in South Gujarat, which has more moisture and more water, not a single field has millet fields.

Broke the dominion of Bhavnagar
However, the three-year average of millet in 2014-13-12 was 2.73 lakh hectares. Which came down to 1.78 lakh hectares in 2014. In 2015, only 1.46 lakh hectares of millet were planted. Five years ago, the picture of Banaskantha fields was different. In 2015, the total area of ​​millet cultivation was 19,500 hectares in Banaskantha. At that time, Bhavnagar had the highest millet at 33000 hectares. Kheda was then planted on 23500 hectares. Thus Banaskantha was at number three. But in 5 years, Banaskantha farmers established a rich millet farm. In 2015, Saurashtra was followed by central Gujarat and then north Gujarat in Bajra Pedawal. But now the farmers of Banaskantha have succeeded in bringing glory to the entire north Gujarat in millet cultivation.

Millet heritage
In Gujarat in 1949–50, millet was planted in 18.61 lakh hectares, which was 5.12 lakh tonnes. One hectare field produced 275 kg of millet. Which started harvesting 1231 kg per hectare in 2008–9. Thus, a 350 percent increase in productivity was shown by farmers and agricultural scientists in Gujarat. In 1953-54, 6.60 lakh tonnes of millet was produced in 23.45 lakh hectares. Today, farmers are taking 3 times the production. In 2003–4, 17 lakhs tonnes of millet were planted in 12 lskhs hectares. now 8 lskhs tonnes,  In fact, the population has tripled in 50 years, but millet production remains the same. It literally means that millet was the original food of the ancestors of Gujarat and now the practice of eating wheat and rice has increased. It is clear from the stubborn epidemic that both these foods are not suitable for the DNA of the locos of Gujarat. Many diseases like diabetes, obesity, blood pressure, heart disease, cancer have increased.

Millet is the best food
Rajasthan and Haryana eat Bajra well. Khichdi, Soup, Rabri or Rab, Rotla are the best. Increases immunity. No gluten, amino acids, niacin, magnesium, phosphorus, nutrients, iron are good. Is absorbed. There is an advantage for those who have impaired digestion. Eliminates anemia. Prevents diabetes, controls blood sugar levels. Millet relieves obesity, reduces appetite, slows digestion, fills the stomach. Beneficial for pregnant women in iron and calcium deficiency.