Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani reached out to Gujarati-Indian families in the USA at a function ‘Chaalo India’ held under the aegis of Association of Indian Americans in North America (AIANA) through videoconferencing from Gandhinagar at 5.00 am (IST) today.
In a powerful presentation, he enumerated how ‘Gujarat’s development leads to India’s development’, opening up a new chapter on ‘politics of development’ under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, setting new benchmarks in different parameters, ensuring
Gujarat and India could face the world on equal footing.
Mr. Rupani said how Gujarat has become a global destination for investment as a sequel to
eight editions of the State Government’s biennial flagship event ‘Gujarat Vibrant Summit’
held so far, laying world-class facilities, widespread application of technology, ease of doing
business, providing education, health, water, housing to the ‘last man in the last mile’.
He praised the contribution of Gujaratis-Indians settled abroad in promoting India’s
uniqueness in unity in diversity, philanthropy and humanity. Gujarat has become a
manufacturing hub with zero defects, zero man-days loss, zero power-cuts, zero dropout
rates in schools and adopting zero tolerance towards terrorism, corruption and
communalism. He also talked about six new passport service centres being opened in the
state, making the process easy online, and about the ‘Pocket Cop’ Project uploading data
of 69-lakh criminals in the policemen’s mobile handsets, to maintain law-and-order, peace
and security in the state.
Mr. Rupani said that Gujarat has produced two illustrious sons of India – Mahatma Gandhi
and Sardar Patel – the state paying its befitting tributes by celebrating Mahatma Gandhi’s
year-long 150 th birth anniversary from October 2, 2018 and dedicating the Statue of Unity
near the SSP dam on the Narmada on October 31, 2018. He invited the Indians settled
abroad to participate in the unveiling of the Statue of Unity, designed to be taller that Statue of Liberty.