Gujarat Chief Minister posts video message on Facebook

Ahmedabad: Gujarat Chief Minister posts video message on Facebook to uproot corruption
“Government set up ‘faceless, transparent system’ to uproot corruption” “Anti-corruption teams plan ‘traps and raids’ to meet people’s expectation to provide Vyavastha, not Vyatha’”I am monitoring everything through CM Dashboard system, which has 3,400
indicators for swiftness in process and progress with transparency, round the clock. I
expect cooperation from People should on this, he added.

Gujarat Chief Minister Mr. Vijaybhai Rupani today ascertained that the
state government has setup ‘faceless, transparent system’ to curb and prevent
corruption in the government machinery. In new system, the slogans such as
education, poverty, corruption and unemployment will not just remain aphorisms but
turned into a reality, he added.
In an audio video message posted on the Facebook from the Chief Minister’s Office in
Gandhinagar, Mr. Rupani said the state government is following the footprints of
Prime Minister Mr. Narendrabhai Modi, who had given this aphorism when he was
Chief Minister of Gujarat that “Hu khato nathi, khava deto nathi” (I don’t take bribe,
nor let anyone accept bribe) in curbing and preventing the bribes in the government
He said that transparency is one of the four pillars of his government and as a first
step in this direction the state government has strengthened the Anti-Corruption
system in the state with widening its scope of “Traps and Raids”, which included legal

assistance from legal experts, on the working style of the CBI. Gujarat Government is
determined to curb the corruption with iron hands.
To bring total transparency and improvement in the functioning of the government
machinery, we have introduced technologies and online system. For instance, first we
implemented online system in revenue department, which resulted into curbing of
the large scale corruption in converting agricultural lands to NA. For this purpose we
have had set up a cell in Gandhinagar consisting of 8 (eight) competent officers to
handle such applications directly, rather than being handled at the district level. We
have introduced a “Coding System” in handling the application so the official cannot
recognized the applicant; same way the applicant can also not get information about
the officials who is going to process his application, the chief minister said.
Under the new system several factors such deciding premium, heirs and
documentation of 7/12, clearance of maps and other processes have been made
online. Still there may be some shortcomings but the state government is determined
to overcome these shortcomings will soon block them to make it a total transparent
system. Our ultimate objective is to setup “Faceless System” with total transparency
through usage of technologies.
Same way the system has been improved in leasing and tendering out of minerals,
sands, stones and other natural resources to the contractors. The government has
made documentation of such natural resources with making surveys of the areas by
drones. It has vastly prevented the large scale theft of the priceless natural resources,
Mr. Rupani said.
Our another success story is abolition of the check-post system, which many
projected would result into loss of revenue to the government, but, in reality it has diminished the income of the corrupts people involved into it and increase the state
income by 21%.
“Vytha Nahi, but Vayvastha” (No harassment, but good governance) is the mantra of
our government. We have introduced this new system in education as well which
have resulted into vertical increase in the presence of teachers and students in the
classrooms and also improved the quality of education.
“Similarly, every government project is being implemented through direction bank
transaction. We have shunned the cash transactions. The benefits of the schemes are
directly getting deposited into the bank accounts of beneficiaries. We have used this
new system in distributing assistance worth of Rs. 3,800-crore declared for the