The success of cow hostel of Jamwali village has taken Ahmedabad by surprise

Farmers were not ready to keep cows. 35 cows were left, now it has increased to 250, now exporting milk, ghee and buttermilk.

Dilip Patel
Ahmedabad, 6 September 2023
A conference of 200 families was organized in Ahmedabad. In the Naroda Patel Samaj, a discussion was held on the unique cow hostel. People of Jamwali village of Jamnagar district, they talked about the Cow Hostel. Then the youth were surprised that we are living in the hostel, now how can even a cow stay in the hostel. But the success story of Cow Hostel, which has inspired people across Gujarat, is unique.
The people of Jamwali village have found a good solution to a perennial problem. The farmers of the village had stopped rearing cows. Fresh and clean milk was not available. That’s why a Pashuvas has been built to keep the cows. A cow shelter has been built on two and a half bighas of land outside Jamwali village. In which the people of the village keep cows. Cow owners come to milk their cows in the morning and evening. Cows have started from 2 March 2018. Running successfully since 5-6 years.
Cows raised
These families of the village had only 35 cows left. A hostel was started by keeping so many cows. Today there are 250 cows and calves here. It has an average of 80 milking cows. In such a situation, the people of the village have started rearing cows. Two decades ago, 350 families had one thousand to 1200 cows. But now, neither the women nor the men were ready to save or take care of the cows, so in 20 to 25 years the number of cows reduced to 100 and then only 35 survived. Now it is 250. The hostel management wants the number of cows to be at least 350.
Your milk, our dung
It works here on the principle of leave the cow and take the milk. We will handle the cow, you leave it here. Gauvas has been started on the principle that take the milk and we will keep the cow dung, cow urine and manure. A fee of Rs 700 per month is charged from the cow owner for keeping the cow. Rs 500 per calf. Gauvas is maintained by taking expenses from the owner of the cow apart from public offerings and donations. If the owner of the cow is not able to milk, the cowherd takes Rs 600 per month and milks the cow in the morning and evening. 35,000 per month to the cowherd for the maintenance of the cow shed. Who do all the work including cleaning and keeping the cow. Now,
Pure cow milk, ghee and buttermilk are available. There are many families who keep even one cow between two families. One milks in the morning and the other milks in the evening.
Donors get income tax benefits from the trust. Well, such a donation is received. Some time ago when a public program was held in the village, a donation of Rs 32 lakh was received. Programs like Kirtan receive donations of Rs 15 lakh in a year. 30 to 35 lakhs are spent annually. Rs 2 crores have been spent on permanent construction. Which has 3 sheds. And 4 warehouses have been constructed. Which is 80 feet long, 30 feet wide. Another warehouse is being prepared. Sheds, fans, sheds are made to keep the cows happy.
Forage grass
Leaves and twigs of groundnut plants are bought and stored in godowns. One heavy is one and a half mind. 35 to 40 thousand maunds of groundnut are fed to the plants. They carry fodder worth Rs 22 to 25 lakh. The field is full of tractors during peanut season.
50% profit
The population of Jamwali village is 3800 people. In which the population of Patidars is 2200. There are 550 houses in the village. The Patidar family together runs this hostel. Ghee is sold for one thousand rupees per liter. Which are sent separately to Rajkot, Ahmedabad, Surat and Mumbai. Buttermilk is given in the village at the rate of Rs.4 per litre. Women earn so much that their salary exceeds their income. Women earn 50 percent of the profit before expenses.
Export of milk
Now so much milk is being produced in the village that the milk is being sent to the neighboring city Jamjodhpur for sale. Earlier the dairy milk used to come from outside the village. At one go 90 liters of milk is sent to Jamjodhpur. Village shopkeepers sell milk to the Lagwa (customers). The demand for milk is so much that it is getting scarce every day. One liter of milk is sold for Rs.45. 150-180 liters goes to Jamjodhpur daily. A cow gives 10 liters of milk per day.
Ready to help
Gaushala hostale is run by Shri Kadva Patel Gaushala Seva Samaj Trust.Kirtibhai Sutaria 9898012968 is working as Gaushala secotory. Kirtibhai Sutaria is the president of Jamwali Patel Samaj. He had come up with the idea of starting a hostel for cows 10 years ago. It has now completed 5 years since its inception. The Gaushala president is Dinesh Sitapara 9979053810. Vice President Kantibhai Bhadania.
Cow hostel has been praised in every village. People wants cow hostel in another villages. This type of cow hostel is not found anywhere in Gujarat. Now this model has started in Nanivavadi. If someone wants to build a cow hostel in other villages, the people of Jamwali village are ready to help.
Cow dung
Every month 19-20 tractors of cow dung comes out from the Gaushala. Which is auctioned publicly. Farmers take it to their fields. Which is used for organic farming. Or even use chemical fertilizers to increase production. Public Hazara goes from 50 to 70 thousand rupees. There is huge demand for this cow dung. On launching other products based on cow urine and cow dung is being considered.

How about another animal shelter?
Animal Hostel is a unique concept of the Government of Gujarat. Among these, Jamwali Cow Hostel is very unique from other cattle hostels in Gujarat. The objective of Jamwali village was that the cow was getting destroyed and it should be saved. But the purpose of the other cow hostel is to keep cow in the hostel from the road. Those who have many animals keep them in the hostel and earn more profit by producing more milk. But the aim of Jamwali village is not like this.

Government scheme
In 2011, the Gujarat government announced a scheme to provide assistance for the construction of animal shelters. In which all the basic facilities for 1000 cattle of the village were to be provided at one place. Goucher’s intention was to maintain grass and health. Gobar gas plant was to be built. 90 percent government assistance was Rs 4 crore 15 lakh. 10% Village Public Contribution Rs. 46 lakh 11 thousand rupees were to be given.
Thus the first animal hostel in the whole country was established at Akodara village in Sabarkantha district of Gujarat state.

Known as the country’s first digital village 8 years ago, Akodara in Sabarkantha district is also the country’s first commercially run animal hostel village. In 2011, the Gujarat government started this animal hostel. The Animal Hostel changed the face of the entire village within four years. This village with a population of 1000 once had 200 to 300 cattle. 700 animals were adopted in 8 years after the establishment of the Animal Hostel. The problem of space and mess caused by keeping cattle has also gone away. People who used to rear two or three cows and get milk income from them, now have ten to twenty cows. Income has increased. In 2014, there were 1,166 cattle. The number of cattle doubled and the income increased by Rs 8 thousand.

Scientific approach is maintained in Animal Hostel. Cow dung bank has also been established to generate electricity from cow dung.

There are 36 sheds, water availability through 1.00 lakh liter water tank, 80,000 liter water sump, 3×85 square meter bio gas plant, 50 hectares of Gauchar development land, 3,000 tonnes of fodder production per year and 1,000 tonnes of vermicompost production. Has the capacity.
Akodara Milk Federation has seen an increase in milk production by 66,000 litres. Milk revenue Rs. 87.84 lakhs in the year 2009/10, but in 2010/11 it increased to Rs. 1.16 crores. Today it is double.

225 units of electricity were to be produced per day, preventing the emission of 3.2 tonnes of methane into the environment. Out of total 215 families in Akodara, 205 families are involved in animal husbandry. Women save four hours of work every day. With biometric identification, the entire history of the animal can be traced through bar codes.

Pashuvas was started in Upleta city of Rajkot in April 2022. The maintenance cost of a cow is Rs 2100 for 1 month. The one year maintenance cost of a cow has been fixed at Rs 25000.

9 years ago, a meeting of Gau Seva Commission and Municipal Council was held in Junagadh to build an animal hostel at a cost of Rs 4 crore 60 lakh. In which it was said to keep stray cattle. Municipal Corporation had to give 5 acres of land. The owner will have to make arrangements for milking of cows and grass in the hostel.
Rajkot city also has an animal hostel for stray animals.
Many people announced to build such hostels for stray animals in every city, but nothing happened.

In 2019, an ‘animal hostel’ was started in Ugara village of Ambala district of Haryana outside Gujarat by studying animal husbandry of Gujarat. There is GPS tagging to get insurance cover. A cattle owner will have to pay an annual registration fee of Rs 500. Cattle Insurance, GPS Tagging, Separate Partitions, CCTV Surveillance, Sheds, Biogas Units, Milk Collection Centers, Fencing, Gas, Bio Fertilizers, Solar Roof Panels, Milk Processing Units, Nurseries, Seed Treatment Centers and Goat, Horse and Pig Form. Keeps other animals. To provide grass Rs. The fee was Rs 250. If unable to pay then instead of paying money they will have to deposit 50 percent of the milk. The committee works for this.