Modi’s 9 year achievement – kill bulls in embryo, give birth to cow

Dilip Patel

Amdavad, 18 Jun 2023

Amul Dairy plans to double milk production and milk acquisition in five years by using sex short semen dose from October 2020.

Gujarat’s Animal Husbandry and Agriculture head Radhavji Patel has said on 17 June 2023 that the Government of India has started the Rashtriya Gokul Mission programme. In which IV is using a sexed seaman. F. Rapid improvement in pregnancy in cows and buffaloes for embryos produced by the technology has started. National Dairy Development Board Anand has been appointed as the nodal agency for the implementation of this programme. IVF Government of India provides assistance of Rs.5000 per pregnancy to animal husbandry against the estimated total cost of Rs.21000 for insemination through technology. The Gujarat government has decided to provide additional assistance of Rs 15,000 per pregnancy.

Assistance of Rs 15,000 per pregnancy will be given for IVF pregnancies in cattle. In the first year on pilot basis, Rs. A provision of 1 crore 50 lakh has been made.

Usually a female animal gives birth to one cub every year after becoming an adult. About 12 to 20 cubs per year can be obtained from female cattle with high genetic quality and high milk production using in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer technology. Maximum use of female cattle with high milk production capacity is possible. Indirectly results in higher milk production and better genetic quality of progeny. By obtaining a large number of testicles from a donor female animal of this genetic quality, the resulting embryos are implanted into a normal recipient female animal after fertilization in an experimental school.

In this method, if sex males are used for fertilization, more number of females will be produced. More milk giving calves are born. This technique is good if animals with low genetics and low milk production capacity and economically burdensome for the farmer are used as recipients. All the above things have been said by Raghavji Patel.

Now it has to be seen that what is going to happen in Gujarat with this technology.

The governments of Congress and other parties spoiled the breeding of pure cows of Gujarat. 22 pure Gujarati cows like Kachhi, Kankerej and Gir were destroyed by rearing hybrid cows instead. Now the BJP government is killing the bullocks.

Those who use the name of cow in elections are now killing the cow dynasty in the womb. 250 organizations of BJP, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, RSS, Bajrang Dal, Sangh, which agitated for cow breed, are now silent and are ready to kill cow breed in its womb. This is the achievement of Modi’s 9 years rule by gathering votes by provoking Hindus.

What is this technology?

Sex short semen – Only cows are being produced using sex determination semen. Calves will no longer be born.
The Modi government at the Center has started only female calf production program by depriving mother cow of her right of natural birth. For that, it has been decided to spend Rs 600 crore in 3 years. Amul Dairy Union has launched a plan to double milk production in five years by using sex short semen dose. In 2013-14 India had 137 million tonnes and per head consumption was 300 grams. Which increased in 9 years to 200 million tonnes in 2022-23 and an average of 442 grams per person in 2022.

Which is now going to double by 2025. In 2025-26, 400 million tonnes of milk per year will be done by giving birth only to females. At present, the Modi government at the Center gives Rs 19 crore to the Gujarat government.

At present, out of one lakh cows, only calves are being born with this technique.

The pregnancy rate is 10% to 20% lower than conventional because of the sexual process and the stabilization of those sperm cells.

There are 96 lakh cows in Gujarat. Gujarat ranks 11th out of 17 states in cow rearing. The technique to separate X and Y sperm in 70 million dairy cows has a success rate of 80-90%. The success of the technology will largely depend on the fertility of the sorted sperm.
Means the population of 96 lakh bulls being born at present will stop being born after 5 years. At present, 1 lakh male children are being prevented from being born every year.

The demand for high genetic value bulls has increased. Bulls or calves are killed. There are hardly 16-17 lakh bullocks or bullocks as against 96 lakh cows in Gujarat. 80 lakh calves are less.

A man kills the calf of a male cow. Now that technology is killing before life.

Spermatozoa that are fertilized to produce more offspring of the desired species are known as sexed spermatozoa.

Currently, the male:female ratio is approximately 50:50. Now it will be 80:20 or 10:90.

Till 2015, there was no agency to produce sexed semen in India. So it had to be imported. Sexed semen is not available with all AITs. Sexed semen was not available for all breeds of cows and buffaloes in India. It is only available for HF and Jersey breeds. Since sexed semen is imported, its use requires approval from the AH department of the state and it is mandatory to maintain complete records of offspring produced from imported semen.

Sexed semen is available for Rs 1,500 to Rs 2,000 per dose. The Modi government at the Center is giving Rs 19 crore to each state for that. Some states subsidize it.

Amul Dairy has procured 150 crore kg of milk annually in 2021-22 by procuring milk from Anand, Kheda and Mahisagar districts. He had procured more than 51 lakh liters of milk on 16 February 2022.

Milk will double in five years
Anand Amul will double milk production in five years. Doubling Arda has used sperm dosing, embryo transfer, sex-determining sperm and over 2700 high pedigrees.

From October 2020, Sex is planning to double milk production and milk procurement in five years by using short semen dose. At present, 30 lakh liters of milk per day is being procured by the union from 1200 milk committees.

is being procured. Semen Station and Semen Collection Center have produced more than 81 lakh doses of semen during the year including high genetic quality bulls and calves.

During the year more than 72000 sexual inseminations have been used and more than 2700 high pedigree heifers have been born.

The annual turnover of the Kheda District Cooperative Milk Producers Union, popularly known as Amul Dairy, is Rs 10 thousand 229 crore. There has been an increase of 9.5 percent.

Amul Dairy Chairman Ramsingh Parmar has started embryo implantation in buffaloes like cows by setting a policy. The semen station and semen collection center have produced more than 81 lakh sperm doses during the year including high genetic quality bulls and calves.

Embryo transplantation was started in cows in 2021 and this method was also started in buffaloes. 130 pups have been born from 910 embryo transfers. 72 thousand sex determination semen was used during the year. 2700 padi-calves were born. 75 percent grant is given.

In the convocation address, Chancellor and Governor Acharya Devvrat said that the average milk production of cattle in the country is three and a half litres. Even with this average, India is the world leader in milk production. If students work towards improving the breed of cow so that the average milk production increases up to 10 liters then no one can imagine the progress of our country.

Governor Acharya Devvrat said that efforts are being made to produce more and more short penis semen for cows to give birth to calves. Important work is being done in this direction in Gujarat. Penis mini semen technique is very useful for milk production.

13 thousand crore rupees have been allocated for vaccination of cattle in the country.

The State Animal Husbandry and Animal Breeding Minister is Raghavji Patel.

Addressing the students, animal husbandry, dairy and fisheries have great importance in the economic development of the country. The contribution of animal husbandry and fisheries sector will be important in fulfilling Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s dream of making India a ‘five trillion economy’. For this, various efforts are being made by the Central and State Governments to promote education and research.

Narendra Modi established Kamdhenu University in Gujarat. But university doesn’t work for short seamen. Kamdhenu University Chancellor Dr. N. H. A total of 670 students are awarded to 499 students, 145 postgraduate students and 26 PhD students. Presently 4507 students are studying in Kamdhenu University. But no research has been done on the indigenous cow.

Milk production
Milk production in the world is increasing at the rate of two per cent, while in India its growth rate is more than six per cent. The per capita availability of milk in India is much higher than the world average. Milk consumption increased from 107 grams per capita in 1970 to 427 grams per capita in 2020-21. The world average consumption was 322 grams. India had 137 million tonnes in 2013–14 and consumption was 300 grams. Which increased to 200 million tonnes and 442 grams in 2022 in 9 years. This is miracle for animal husbandry business. The impossible has been made possible. Because of the huge amount of fake milk. Since now only cows are giving birth, adulteration in milk can be reduced.