’Prime Minister of Gujarat’ Narendra Modi!

Anil Jain, News Click. 24 Oct 2022

Narendra Modi asks for votes like the Prime Minister of Gujarat. His entire propaganda is done keeping Gujarati identity at the center, of which he himself becomes the only symbol.

If Prime Minister Narendra Modi goes to any state other than Gujarat for election campaign, he does not talk about the identity of that state, but when he goes to Gujarat for election campaign, he starts behaving like the Prime Minister of Gujarat instead of the Prime Minister of the country. Are. He asks for votes like the Prime Minister of Gujarat. His entire propaganda is done keeping Gujarati identity at the center, of which he himself becomes the only symbol. Elections have not been announced yet in Gujarat but he has been visiting Gujarat continuously for a long time and campaigning there. During his recent visit on October 19, he appealed to Gujarati identity at two places. In a programme, the Prime Minister said that Gujarat has to teach a lesson to those who abuse it. In another program he said that some people do not like the success and prosperity of Gujarat. Even during his previous visits, he said many times that efforts were made to stop Gujarat’s development and Gujarat was defamed. They don’t do such things in other states. When the farmers of the country were protesting on the borders of Delhi, they were called Khalistani and terrorists, but in the election meetings of Punjab, Modi never said that those who defamed Punjab have to be taught a lesson, because those defaming them are from BJP. Were the same people. Similarly, people of Bihar and Eastern Uttar Pradesh are stigmatized and insulted across the country, but the Prime Minister never talks about their identity. In many states of the country including the capital Delhi, the people of North-East are teased and insulted, South Indians are made fun of, but the Prime Minister never talks about their identity.

Amul is also worried about Gujarat

Earlier, governments used to get worried as elections approached. The increase in prices of essential commodities was reduced. The central government used to control the prices of petrol and diesel. But now it seems that private companies have also started participating in the election concerns of the government. This is a proof that everything is possible with the presence of Modi. Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation has recently increased the prices of its product Amul Milk but it has kept Gujarat free from this increase. Earlier, the prices of Amul milk used to increase simultaneously across the country. Its advertisement also comes on television that ‘Amul drinks milk India’. It is surprising that the milk which the whole of India drinks increased its prices and left out Gujarat. The prices of full cream milk and cow milk have been increased by Rs 2 per liter. Soon after that, Mother Dairy also increased the prices of its milk by Rs 2 per litre. Since Mother Dairy’s milk is sold mostly in North India, it did not have to worry about Gujarat. Elections are going to be held in Gujarat by the end of next month or in December. Therefore, Amul milk makers decided not to increase the price in Gujarat. In the rest of the country, milk prices have increased for the third time in a year.

Ram Rahim gets parole again before elections

Gurmeet Ram Rahim, who was the head of Dera Sacha Sauda, has again been released on parole. Ram Rahim, who is serving a sentence in a murder and rape case, has got parole for the third time this year and this time the parole is for 40 days. Earlier this year, when assembly elections were to be held in five states including Punjab and Uttar Pradesh, Ram Rahim was released on parole for 21 days. Then he had also issued an appeal to the followers of his camp to vote for BJP. However, BJP did not get much benefit from it in Punjab. The party could win only two seats but the BJP, which was fighting separately from the Akali Dal, got a good number of votes from Dera lovers. Now by-elections are being held on Adampur assembly seat of Haryana and the second phase of local body elections are to be held in the state. Both elections are very important for BJP. The nomination process for the local body elections has started and voting is to be held in Adampur on November 3. It is believed that along with settling the disputes related to his camp, Ram Rahim can also issue a confidential appeal in favor of BJP. Even during the Haryana Assembly elections in 2019, he was released on parole and had issued an appeal in favor of BJP. It is noteworthy that Dera has the maximum number of followers in Haryana and Ram Rahim is still popular among them. However, the jail administration is citing the rules that every convicted prisoner has the right to parole, but Ram Rahim’s case is different and special from other prisoners.

National President’s challenge to save the state

Himachal Pradesh assembly elections are very challenging for BJP. Not because there will be a big disaster if the BJP government does not survive there. BJP has government in almost half the states of the country including the Centre, hence the resignation of the government of a small state like Himachal will not have any significant impact on its health. It is not a Congress which has governments in only two states. Despite this, the Himachal Pradesh election is important for the BJP because it is the home state of the party’s national president. It is almost certain that BJP President JP Nadda will get another term. That means BJP will hold the next Lok Sabha elections under his chairmanship only.

Will fight. But before that, if BJP loses in his home state, it will be a big insult to Nadda as well as the party. The morale of opposition parties will increase. Congress will get government in one more state, which will increase its strength. That is why Prime Minister Narendra Modi has deployed his full force in Himachal Pradesh. He visited Himachal Pradesh six times in the last six months and even stayed there for one night in June. He has made three visits to Himachal in the last 17 days and during this he inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of dozens of projects and flagged off the Vande Bharat train. He described Himachal as his second home. It is noteworthy that in Himachal, there has been a change of power in every election for the last three and a half decades. That’s why this time BJP has given the slogan of changing the customs and not the rule. BJP hopes that the death of veteran Congress leader Virbhadra Singh has weakened the Congress and by taking advantage of this, it can change the tradition of changing power in five years.

Officers are reluctant to come to Delhi

Generally, officers of All India Services i.e. IAS, IPS, IFS etc. aspire to come on central deputation to advance in their career, but for some time suddenly such officers have become disillusioned with Delhi. The officers posted in the states are shying away from coming to Delhi on central deputation and are not seeking central deputation anywhere else. The Central Government is making great efforts to change this situation. Its rules were also changed last year. A provision was made that officers could go on central deputation without the approval of the state government. Despite this the situation did not change. Recently, in a meeting of the Principal Secretaries of the states, Union Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh made this point and tried to remove the hesitation of the officers in coming to Delhi. But the hesitation of the officials persists. Even the officials of BJP ruled states do not want to leave the state and come on deputation to the Centre. The result of this is that the Central Government has a shortage of officers. There is a shortage of 1472 IAS and 872 IPS officers at the Centre. For this reason, officers from other services are being posted at the Center or experts from outside the service are being appointed to higher positions in the Center through lateral entry.