Why, Sangh and Gujarat BJP grow relationship with the Muslim country Uzbekistan that becames Mecca?

Dilip Patel

Gandhinagar, 15 July 2023

CM Bhupendra Patel paid a courtesy call on Dilshod Akhato, Ambassador of Uzbekistan to India in Gandhinagar on 14 July 2023. Further strengthening of Uzbekistan-Gujarat relations was discussed. Since 2018, many such yatras-discussions have taken place in Gujarat. When this country is ready to become Mecca, why is BJP doing this?

The capital of Uzbekistan is Tashkent. Where Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri died suspiciously. Uzbekistan’s ambition to become the Mecca of the world is well supported by the BJP government in Gujarat, which believes in Hindu ideology, and the BJP government at the Center. Political relations have developed. There have been several MoUs between Gujarat, India and Uzbekistan. The Hindu Lab of Uzbekistan especially the Sangh has the best of relations with Gujarat. Agreements have been made for trade, industry, agriculture and education. The movement of political leaders of both the countries has increased. The Chief Minister of Gujarat is giving a lot of importance to him. PM Modi, Sangh and Gujarat are all helping Muslim democratic country. Spreads hatred towards Muslims in India and helps Muslim countries abroad. Dual policy of BJP and Sangh means relations with Uzbekistan. The people of Gujarat did not get any benefit from this relationship in 5 years. Gujarat’s pharma industry is suffering.

A cooperation agreement was signed between Gujarat and Uzbekistan’s Andijan region in 2018 with union activist, foreign-born, Chief Minister Vijay Rupani. It was revisited to take it forward.

On 15 July 2023, Gujarat and Uzbekistan also discussed investment and trade industry cooperation in sectors including tourism, IT, food processing, renewable energy.

Vibrant Summit will come to Uzbekistan in January-2024. The Chief Minister extended an invitation to visit Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan’s population of 30 million is as small as that of Assam.

Gujarat’s factories are ending

Ambassador Dilshod Akhato said that Gujarat’s reputed pharma companies have big factories in the pharmaceutical zone of Andijan region of Uzbekistan. He is given concessions and generous assistance. People from Gujarati community work in pharmaceutical, hospitality, medical sector and oil and gas sector.

Blow to Gujarat

Pharmaceutical companies are now going to Uzbekistan by hitting the feet of Gujarat. Since 2018, Uzbekistan offers Indian companies free land, tax exemptions for up to 10 years, incentives, accelerated clearances, accelerated environmental clearances and subsidized electricity and water. There bulk drugs are being manufactured by Indian companies. India is shifting a major part of its manufacturing capacity to Uzbekistan.

Although India produces a fifth of the world’s generic drugs, India imports more than 60 percent of its bulk drug requirements from raw materials from China. Paracetamol, Crocin are the Raw Materials. India imported raw material worth Rs 12 thousand crore for medicines from China. There are over 1,150 bulk drug units in India that manufacture around 350 bulk drugs.

The Uzbek government has created 8 Pharma Parks.

Viranchi Shahe is the president of the Gujarat chapter of the Indian Drug Manufacturers Association. Businessmen visited Uzbekistan in March. A fifth of the industry, or about 200 units, is planned to move to Uzbekistan. Some are leaving. That too with the help of Modi Government of India. Modi himself has failed to build such a park in Gujarat where a Muslim country has succeeded. The Uzbek government expects India to share information on drug production. Pharmaceuticals are dependent on imports to meet the requirements.

On 11 May, Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilizers and powerful Gujarat BJP leader and union activist Mansukh Mandaviya offered incentives to bulk drug manufacturers to discuss the Uzbek proposal.

On 25 November 2019, with Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, Head of the Administration Department of the President of Uzbekistan, S. A visiting meeting was held with Gordeev in Gandhinagar.

Why do people of Muslim countries like India? Hindu leaders of Gujarat never speak about this. Islam came to Uzbekistan 1300 years ago. Thousands of independent Muslims were jailed during 26 years of autocratic rule. About 9 million Uzbek citizens make pilgrimages and pray at these mausoleums annually.

Discussed security issues like Forensic Science University, Forensic Science Laboratory, Cyber Crime System, Police Academy and Protected University and Trust-Command and Control System in Gujarat.

In October-2019, a framework was prepared for mutual exchange agreement between Gujarat-Uzbekistan in various fields including security.

For capacity building of human resources in the area of crime prevention, work was to be done on law-enforcement agencies, specialized educational and forensic institutions, Vishwas Command and Control Center etc.

Gujarat has one of the highest crime detection rates in the country. Forensic Science University Cyber Crime Prevention and I.T. Intelligence develops.

The United States and the Soviet Union made a major diplomatic effort to prevent the war from escalating. element

The Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri and the Pakistani Prime Minister were in Tashkent (now in Uzbekistan) led by Alexei Kosygin, leader of the erstwhile Soviet Union.

Peace talks were held between President Ayub Khan. In which it was decided that before 25 February 1966, both the countries should come to the position of August 1965.

In 2019, Chief Minister Vijay Rupani held a two-hour long meeting with Uzbekistan President Yut Shaukat Mirziyoyev on the fourth day of his visit to Uzbekistan and talked about strengthening business-industry ties between Gujarat and Uzbekistan.

In the meeting, it was decided to increase people-to-people contact.

The businessmen accompanying the Chief Minister will sign various agreements with Uzbekistan for investment and setting up industries there.

Entrepreneurs from Gujarat are keen to start business in Uzbekistan but they are hopeful of getting necessary permissions and cooperation for the purpose soon.

From 19 to 23 October 2019, Uzbekistan-Gujarat signed various 11 MoUs on mutual cooperation. For the implementation of which a meeting with the Indian Ambassador in Tashkent was suggested. Three action plans were prepared to implement the MoU.

In November, this delegation consisting of Uzbekistan’s Minister of Innovation, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Head of the Chamber of Commerce was to visit specialized institutions like Agricultural University, GFSU, PDPU, I-CREATE and Natural-Organic Farming Centers in Kutch region etc. , Under the leadership of the director of the technology park Tashkent IT. A group of parks was scheduled to visit Gujarat on 20 November.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev announced that he would provide all possible assistance to the businessmen of Gujarat and would also give more incentive concessions by relaxing the rules using his special powers if necessary. Uzbekistan will get facilities and concessions that no other country has.

Three ministers from Uzbekistan will come to Gujarat every three months and spend two-three days in Gujarat and sit with state government officials and industry and trade representatives and sort out any issues.

It will also review and hold monthly coordination meetings with the Indian Embassy in Uzbekistan. Yut Shaukat Mirziyoyev expressed keenness to enhance mutual cooperation and trade-investment, especially in agriculture, pharmaceuticals, chemical, engineering and gems and jewelery sectors.

Representatives had to come for organic farming. In this meeting, Gujarat was told in detail about the world-class higher education sector, Forensic Science University, Petroleum University, Rakshak University and iCreative Institutes.

The President of Uzbekistan said that he would send the Minister of Education and Innovation of Uzbekistan to visit Gujarat so that the youth of Uzbekistan could benefit from their country’s agreement with these universities.

The Chief Minister also thanked the President for the laudable vision of naming a road in Uzbekistan’s Andijan city after the late Gujarat leader Sardar Saheb and installing a statue of the Sardar.

In 2021, Yut Dishold Akhmatov, Ambassador of Uzbekistan to India, paid a courtesy call on the Chief Minister of Gujarat.

What country is Uzbekistan?

President Mirziyoyev, who was on an official visit to India from September 30 to October 1, 2018, discussed the MoU between Gujarat and Andijan Province of Uzbekistan on the establishment of cooperation.

How is the country

Uzbekistan wants to become the ‘second Mecca’ of the world where pilgrims from all countries come every year.

This most populous country in Central Asia is home to many ancient well-preserved mosques and many famous pilgrimage sites.

Which are located along the Silk Road in cities like Samarkand and Bukhara.

It is a sacred place for millions of Uzbek citizens.

On the other hand, it is also an important opportunity for the Uzbek government to promote the tourism industry.

That too, when this country has become independent after decades of separatist and authoritarian rule.

A republic in Central Asia that broke away from Russia. The total area of the country is 4,47,400 km. 3 crore population.

At the time of the Russian Revolution in October 1917, the Tashkent Soviet took power there.

In 1980, when Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev adopted a policy of glasnost (openness), there was a major surge in Islamic awareness among Uzbekistan’s predominantly Sunni Muslim population. As soon as the national struggle for ‘unity’ started in 1989, the minorities started violent attacks. In 1990 it only declared political and economic independence, which the Soviet Union rejected. Declaring full independence after a failed coup in August 1991, it was proclaimed the ‘Republic of Uzbekistan’ in 1991. In December 1991, Russia became a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

On 8 December 1992, it adopted a new constitution and declared the country a pluralistic democracy. Around the same time, severe food shortages led to violent riots in the capital, Tashkent, and the economy began to falter. The country started disintegrating due to terrorist activities. In 1994 Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan created a new social organization and in 1996 decided to create a common economic market. Signed an agreement on economic union with Russia. Elections were held in 1995 and again in 1999. Parliament is known as ‘Oli (Holy) Majlis’, its legislative

It is a body consisting of 250 members.

It is bordered by Kazakhstan to the north and northwest, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to the east and west, while in the south a

In the southwest it is bordered by Afghanistan and Turkmenistan.

The region around the Aral Sea is known as the Turan region. Its height is 60 to 90 meters above sea level. To the south is the barren region of Kizylkum. The Ushiut plateau is situated in the west. It is about 200 meters above sea level.

The foothills are clayey, with high salinity. The area of Minbulk is about 12 meters below sea level.

A mountain range separates the valleys and plains in the west of Uzbekistan. The area between the Zervshan and Gishar mountain ranges is flat and sandy, known as the LOS region.

Due to the brown and sandy land of Uzbekistan, it can almost be called a desert. At some places, there is brown mud-muddy and saline soil on the banks of the river.

The western lowlands have short grass beds. The grass is found especially in the foothill areas and hilly areas. About 12% of the area is forest.

Deserts have a more profound effect on animal life. Siberian goats are especially common among domestic animals. The Aral Sea and rivers are considered to be the storehouse of fish. Water cats are more common. Its weight is about 130-170 kg. As much

Climate extremely dry, summers hot and dry.

The Amu Darya is the largest river in Central Asia. The number of small rivers in this area is about 600. The water of these rivers is used for irrigation before reaching the desert area. The total length of canals is 1,50,000 km. Is

The population is Uzbek, the rest being Russian, Tatar and Kazakh. Sunni Muslims form a major part of the total population.

Tashkent (Stone City) is the largest metropolitan city in Central Asia. The Institute of Oriental Studies houses about 80,000 ancient manuscripts. Samarkand is a 2,500-year-old city famous for its palaces, mosques and madrassas. The cities of Bukhara, Kiva, Kokand are more developed due to irrigation or coming in the way of Vanzaro.

There are 200 educational institutions including Bukhara, Kipa, Samarkand, Tashkent and Ferghana. Men wear embroidered clothes. Women wear silk and colorful clothes. White shawl is covered on the head. Eat more rice, meat, carrots and onions. Consumption of green tea and alcohol is common.

Uzbekistan is the third largest cotton producing region in the world. 66% of the country’s cotton is produced here. Cotton, plums, apples, peaches and figs are cultivated. Fine wool of Karakul sheep is the main product. Various types of clothes are made from the skins of musk and foxes. One-third of wool and more than half of silk is produced here.

43,463 km Length Roads and 3,483 Km. There are long train lines. The Amu Darya waterway is useful for the people of the local area. Tashkent and Pital are famous international airports.


The reserves of natural gas, mineral oil and coal are the largest. Minerals are obtained in impure form; These include iron, copper, zinc, lead, tungsten, molybdenum, aluminum and gold. Fergana, Novy, Kokand are major centers of chemical industries. Ghazan marble is widely used because it is durable and beautiful. Mechanical equipment, chemical fertilizers, coal, mineral oil, natural gas, non-ferrous metals and cotton are exported from here. Uzbekistan has about 1,400 factories, importing everything from textiles to electrical equipment, raw metals and processed food. This includes various equipment, tractors, airplanes and electronics equipment.


Uzbekistan’s ambition to become the Mecca of the world is well supported by the Hindu BJP government in Gujarat and the BJP government at the Centre.

Samarkand includes the grand Mausoleum of Duz and Chagatai, the tomb of Timurlung, Khan of the Mughals.

The astronomer Aludbek and Qusum ibn Abbas, a cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, were also buried in Samarkand. It was Qusum ibn Abbas who brought Islam to this country in the seventh century.

Many religious leaders of the world are buried in Samarkand. Uzbekistan is a Muslim majority country. There are many Christians here as this place is mentioned in the Bible as the final resting place of Saint Daniel (a prophet). Daniyar’s tomb, to reach which hundreds of people climb a hill on the outskirts of the city every morning. Prophet Daniel is called Daniyar by the Uzbeks.

An 18 meter long coffin is placed inside the mausoleum. A green velvet cloth is spread over it. The holy verses of the Quran are written on it.

Here are the ruins of an ancient city. There is a huge mausoleum.

Pistachios and apricots grow well here. There is a pistachio tree outside the tomb which people pray by touching. People also come here to pray for health related problems.

There are hundreds of historical tombs here. Many of which were closed during the Soviet Union.

The city of Bukhara, also known as the Silk Route City, has many famous mosques and mausoleums.

The 14th-century Sufi leader Bahauddin Naqshbanda became a popular leader who is said to have millions of followers around the world today. The mausoleum of the Sufi leader Bahauddin Naqshbanda is located in the city of Bukhara in Uzbekistan and is still accessible only to Uzbek citizens. (website tranelate from Gujarati to Google)