10,000 crores will be released soon for farmers on crop wastage

A package of Rs 10,000 crore can be released by the Modi government of the Center by April 20 to address the increased crisis of farmers due to the damage to the kharif crop. There was speculation about this for a long time, but during the 21-day lockdown in the midst of the Corona crisis, the government is in a mood to give relief. Due to torrential rains in the months of October and November last year, many crops sown during the kharif season, including paddy, were severely damaged. Relief on this behalf was sought by the farmers organizations.

Under the Prime Minister Crop Insurance Scheme, this relief amount will be directly transferred to the bank accounts of the farmers. The government is continuously pressurizing the insurance companies to release the compensation amount. The government wants to transfer this amount soon as the farmers are also facing problems due to the lockdown and they are not able to cut their rabi crop. According to a Times of India report, a senior Agriculture Ministry official said, “The insurance calculation is in the final stages. Soon we will provide relief to the farmers. ”If the farmers get this amount at this time, it will be a big help for them because they are not able to sell their products in the mandis at the right price due to the lockdown.

A few days ago an amount of Rs 4,500 crore was released to the farmers of Maharashtra. “After assessing the claims of Maharashtra, we are going to release about Rs 800 or 1,000 crore soon,” the official said. Apart from this, Rs 2,500 crore or Rs 3,000 crore can be released for the farmers of Madhya Pradesh. 1,500 crore can be released for Karnataka, Rs 1,200 crore for Rajasthan and Rs 800 to 1,000 crore for Andhra Pradesh. ”A package of Rs 600 crore can be released for Chhattisgarh.