Ahmedabad : Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani allocated 1,432 houses and 20 shops at a function at Rajkot today and congratulated the new owners. This include 1,118 units built by Rajkot Urban Development Authority (RUDA) and 314 units built on PP model as slum redevelopment scheme at Bharatnagar.
He also dedicated and laid the foundation stone of 15 mlpd sewage treatment plant at Kotharia and 50 mlpd water treatment plants through remote control at the function.
Speaking at the function, he said that 22,000 houses have already been allotted to the beneficiaries, while the construction of 10,000 houses is on progress. He greeted RUDA and Rajkot Municipal Corporation for providing the amenities.
The Chief Minister asked all to contribute their might to realise the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s dream of New India to provide shelter as a basic amenity for every countrymen.
He reiterated his government’s resolve to revive Aji River, removing encroachments from the riverbed and cleansing the river all the way, and also free the town from slums in cooperation with the citizens.
Mr. Rupani also released the book titled ‘Learning Non-Violence’ prepared by Mahatma Gandhi Museum, Centre for Environmental Education and Neo Foundation as a textbook in 20 schools in the city to mark the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
Standing Committee Chairman Udaybhai Kangade welcomed the guests. Municipal Commissioner Banchhanidhi Pani gave details of the projects. Mayor Binaben Acharya spoke on the civic body’s development works.
Those present on the occasion included MP Mohanbhai Kundaria, MLAs Lakhabhai Sagathia and Arvindbhai Raiyani, BJP City Unit President Kamleshbhai Mirani, Collector Rahul Gupta, Police Commissioner Manoj Agrawal, former mayor Jaiminbhai Upadhyay and former MLA Bhanuben Babaria.