Bharatiya Jana Sangh ruled Botad Municipality for the first time in the country

Dilip Patel

Ahmedabad, 11 September 2024 (Google translation from Gujarati, there is a possibility of language error)

The Bharatiya Janata Party was born in 1980 under the chairmanship of Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The Bharatiya Jana Sangh was active in Indian politics since 1951 as its predecessor. Its founder Shyamaprasad Mukherjee was in the first Congress cabinet of independent India.

From 1977 to 1979, the Jana Sangh merged with the Janata Party led by Morarji Desai.

Internal differences within the Janata Party resulted in the fall of the Janata government in 1979, resulting in the formation of the BJP as a separate party in 1980. Some old jogis formed the Bharatiya Janata Party i.e. BJP under the leadership of Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Vajpayee’s liberal Hindutva policy left a deep mark on the society. BJP faced a tragic defeat in the 1984 general election. After this, BJP adopted the path of hardline Hindutva.

From 1984 to 1998, BJP saw many changes in its Hindutva policy but it did not get enough seats to gain power at the Centre and complete its term.

In 1999, several parties with liberal Hindutva policies came together under the leadership of Vajpayee and formed the National Democratic Alliance (NDA). This government under the leadership of Vajpayee completed five years. BJP, the party of NDA at the Centre, is being considered today.

The defeat of NDA and BJP in the 2004 general election was surprising. The decade till 2014 belonged to the Congress-led UPA as it did not get acceptance in the country. The political sunset of UPA also happened in 2014, 2019, 2024 when NDA government was formed under the leadership of Narendra Modi. At that time people and parties had demanded voting by ballot, alleging massive tampering in EVMs.

The party is inspired by the principle of Integral Humanism
The BJP became a party representing democracy and merit. Here any member, irrespective of caste, region or religion, could reach the top position by his merit. These people and workers were a party, not an individual family. The BJP was committed to building a strong, self-reliant and prosperous India from its inception.
The BJP is highly inspired by the principle of ‘Integral Humanism’ propounded by Deendayal Upadhyaya. In a very short time, the BJP came to be counted as a major force in the Indian political arena. In 1989 (just 9 years after its formation), the party’s seats in the Lok Sabha increased from 2 to 85. The BJP and the Communist Party supported the Janata Dal and formed the National Front, which formed the government in India in 1989-90.
The BJP formed the government in many states in the 1990 assembly elections. In 1991, the BJP emerged as the main opposition party in the Lok Sabha by winning 120 seats. This was a remarkable achievement for a relatively young party. In 1995, BJP’s lotus bloomed in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Bihar, Odisha, Goa, Gujarat and Maharashtra and it was seen as the sunrise of BJP.

When Atal Bihari Vajpayee took oath as Prime Minister in 1996, he became the first Prime Minister of the country to come from a completely non-Congress background. BJP won the popular mandate in the elections of 1998 and 1999 and ruled the country for six years from 1998 to 2004 under the leadership of Vajpayee. After this, power again went into the hands of Congress and the people of India handed over the leadership to Congress for 10 years. In 2014, BJP again won a majority in the Lok Sabha with the slogan ‘Abki Baar Modi Sarkar’. BJP won 282 seats and formed the government under the leadership of Narendra Modi.

History in brief

1951: Shyamaprasad Mukherjee founded the Bharatiya Jana Sangh.

1977: Bharatiya Jana Sangh merged with Janata Party. Janata Party defeated Congress in the general election and formed the government under the leadership of Morarji Desai.

1980: Jana Sangh members joined Janata Party and formed BJP under the leadership of Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

1984: BJP contested Lok Sabha election as a party for the first time and won two seats.

1989: The party emerged on the national scene with a total of 88 seats in the election by supporting the Janata Dal coalition government.

1990: Advani jailed in Ramjanmabhoomi movement, BJP withdrew support from the government.

1996: BJP emerged as the largest party in the election results, Vajpayee became the Prime Minister but eventually resigned after failing to get the support of 271 MPs.

1998: NDA, once again led by BJP and formed with allies, won the election by winning 22 seats and ruled the Lok Sabha during BJP’s tenure.

2014: BJP won 282 seats and formed the government under the leadership of Narendra Modi.

2019: BJP won 282 seats and formed the government under the leadership of Narendra Modi.

The seed named Jan Sangh in 1950 has become the banyan tree of the Indian BJP party today. Today there is a clear majority in the Lok Sabha. BJP has 55.84 percent seats.

In his speech in the first session of the Bharatiya Janata Party in 1980, Atal Bihari Vajpayee had emphasized on taking the country’s politics in a new direction. It can be said that what Atal Bihari Vajpayee had said in 1980 has proved to be completely true for the BJP today. His line was, “Andhera mit jayega, suraj niklega, kamal khilega.”

BJP’s stronghold for 5 decades

50 years of BJP rule in Rajkot

Jan Sangh was first started in Rajkot in 1952

It happened and in 1967 Chiman Shukla became the first MLA of Jansangh. After Chiman Shukla’s elder son Kashyap, younger son Nehal Shukla was elected councilor. Since then the tradition of hereditary or family rule in BJP has started.

Since the establishment of Rajkot Municipal Corporation in 1973 till now, i.e. in 50 years, Congress has been in power for 5 years and one and a half months. While BJP has ruled here for the remaining 45 years. By the time the new term ends in 2026, BJP will complete 47 years in power.

There are 6 families in Rajkot who are the foundation stone of Jansangh for this 47-year rule. These include Arvind Maniyar, Chiman Shukla, Keshubhai Patel, Vajubhai Vala, Praveen Maniyar and Vijay Rupani. Chimanbhai, Arvindbhai, Praveen Maniyar have passed away.

The savior of Bharatiya Janata Party is none other than Jansangh.

After Gandhiji’s assassination, the leaders of the Sangh were put in jail in Gujarat. Later in 1952, Chiman Shukla founded the Jana Sangh in Rajkot, not in any office, but in a shed at Big Tank Chowk. Saurashtra has played a huge role in laying the foundation of the Sangh.

Chimanbhai Shukla was known as Kaka. Chimanbhai Shukla was the foundation stone of the Sangh. At that time, Chimanaka started a hunger strike against the people who changed parties in Rajkot. Due to which the ward was re-elected. It was won. This law also came after the first hunger strike against the turncoats.

First MLA of BJP

Chiman Shukla was the first MLA of Jana Sangh in 1967. Jana Sangh was first started in Rajkot in 1952. From the year 1985, this seat became BJP’s.

Chiman Shukla became the MLA of Jana Sangh from Rajkot Legislative Assembly seat 69, from where Vijay Rupani was elected and became the Chief Minister.

Chiman Shukla expanded the scope of Jansangh through many movements and agitations. Then other leaders including Keshubhai Patel joined it. At that time Chiman Chacha had gone to Nagpur to do a course in politics, where Atal Bihari Vajpayee was his classmate.

Big controversies, factionalism and fights were seen in this meeting of BJP in 2017 and 2022. There was nepotism. Former Chief Minister Vijay Rupani’s Rajkot West seat was given to Dr. Shah due to which Darshita lost. The religion of both Darshita Shah and Vijay Rupani is ‘Jain’.

This seat was permanently occupied by BJP which it lost.

From this meeting, Gujarat got two Chief Ministers Narendra Modi and Vijay Rupani. Apart from this, the record of winning the most number of times from this seat is also in the name of Vaju Wala. Who was the most eligible leader to become the Chief Minister in place of Vijay Rupani? But Modi did not make him the Chief Minister. Because Modi was not a leader who would say yes. He made a big mistake by making Vijay Rupani the Chief Minister. By making Vala the Governor of Karnataka, Modi has removed him from Gujarat politics.

Narendra Modi, elected from this seat, is the longest serving Chief Minister of Gujarat. While former Chief Minister Vijay Rupani got the highest lead of 53 thousand votes on this seat.

Most of the 65 thousand voters in this seat of Rajkot West are from the Patidar community. But not even once has a Patidar been made a candidate. Being a ‘safe seat’ for the BJP for years, social or religious factors do not work.

Despite having 27,000 Jain voters on this seat, a Jain candidate (Vijay Rupani) won in the last 2014 by-election and 2017 general election.

Although there are more Patidar voters on this seat, casteist and religious factors do not work here.

Regarding the seats going to BJP’s kitty continuously, he says, “Apart from BJP’s strong hold, Congress also does not get a good candidate here, which benefits BJP.”

BJP has been winning this seat continuously for the last 37 years. Since 1967, this seat has come to Congress only twice.

Vajubhai Vala was elected as the mayor of Rajkot Municipal Corporation in 1980 from the cadre of Jan Sangh and BJP’s founding leaders. Since then, water crisis arose in Rajkot.

Since 1985, when Vala won from Rajkot West seat, this seat has been BJP’s ‘Ajay Garh’ till date.

After assuming the post of Chief Minister in 2001, Narendra Modi considered it the safest assembly seat for himself. In the by-election held in 2002, Modi contested from this seat and won with a lead of 14,728 votes.

Later in the 2007 and 2012 elections, Vajubhai Vala again contested from the same seat and won. He has a record of presenting the budget 18 times in the Assembly.

Dr. Darshita Shah, who has studied MD Pathology, has been elected councilor in Rajkot Municipal Corporation for the last two times. In the second term, she was appointed Deputy Mayor.

Dr. Darshita Bhabhi’s grandfather. PV Doshi was an RSS pracharak. Whenever a big leader of the Sangh came to Rajkot, he used to stay there. Dr. PV Doshi’s son i.e. Darshita Bhabhi’s father was also a Sangh worker.

Sardar Patel left RSS for a year in 1948 on suspicion of the involvement of RSS people in the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. Banned. Then the members of RSS formed the political wing Shyama Prasad Mukherjee in BC. Bharatiya Jana Sangh was founded in Delhi in 1951. In the first election in 1951-52, 3 seats were won. Hindu Mahasabha got 4 seats and Ram Rajya Parishad got 3 seats. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee and Durga Prasad Banerjee were elected from Bengal. Barrister Umashankar Muljibhai Trivedi was elected from Chittor, Rajasthan.

Two years later Jana Sangh was established in Rajkot.

Gujarat Jana Sangh
Jana Sangh
National Level

Within 6 months of the establishment of Bharatiya Jana Sangh in 1951, the structure of Jana Sangh was organized in this Gujarat region as well. The first state president of the party was Dr. Tabib. Mohannath Kedarnath Diksha

He played a revolutionary role in the freedom struggle of India. The first regional vice president was lawyer Hariprasad Chaneshwar Pandya.

The state vice president and general secretary both came from the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. He was an honest worker and a person of eminence.

Suman Parekh
State General Secretary Sumanbhai Parekh was a full-time worker of the party. Later he joined the profession of advocacy. He died on 4 May 2018 at the age of 90.

Sumanbhai Chhaganbhai Parekh was one of the first generation volunteers of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and was one of the founders of Jana Sangh in Gujarat.

Born in Mahwa, senior RSS leader Sumanbhai Parekh completed his B.Sc. in 1948. After this, in the period from 1948 to 1960, he became a pracharak of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh.

He was the organization minister of Jan Sangh in Gujarat from 1955? (1951) to 1960. Worked with leaders like Pandit Dindayal Upadhyaya, Sarsanghchalak Guruji, Shyamaprasad Mukherjee, Atal Bihari Bajpai, L.K. Advani, revolutionary Sardar Singh Rana, Vakil Saheb, Nanaji Deshmukh. Keshubhai Patel, Shankarsinh Vaghela and Narendra Modi guided him till his death.

First reign

Jan Sangh was established for the first time in the whole country in Botad Municipality. Parekh was the chief government officer of Botad. He was practicing as a lawyer in Gujarat High Court. He was a member of the Senate of Bar Association, Gujarat University. For years Bhavnagar held various responsibilities as Sanghchalak in RSS. When he died in Bhavnagar, there was no other BJP leader there except Rajendra Singh Rana.

Golden Urban Party
The leadership of Jana Sangh at the beginning was from the urban middle class and the educated and upper class. As was the case with Congress at the beginning. This was natural for the initial position of Jana Sangh. It was a reflection of the situation of independent India at that time. The work of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh was special in the urban areas of Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Vadodara, Junagadh, Jamnagar, Sidhpur, Surat and Navsari. Jana Sangh workers were being sought in the cities under the influence of the Sangh.
Initially, no one was willing to become a member of Jana Sangh or contest elections. Jana Sangh started from the middle class.
The Sangh benefited from the separation of Pakistan
After Pakistan separated from India, Jana Sangh got the biggest advantage over Congress. Jana Sangh started campaigning to gain the sympathy of the people coming to India from Pakistan. Jana Sangh was successful in making its hold in that class. A large number of Hindus came to Saurashtra and Kutch from Pakistan. Then Saurashtra was a separate state and there was a Congress government in Thebarbhai.
Saurashtra liked the principle of Hindu Rashtra
The Hindu policy of Jansangh was liked by the religious people of Saurashtra. Thus the people of Pakistan and the people living in Saurashtra separated from the Congress and started supporting Jansangh. Jansangh was working on the principle of Hindu Rashtra and Hindu Rashtra. Hindu tradition was strong in Saurashtra.

Support of bandits

Apart from this, there were 222 states in Saurashtra whose land was taken by the Saurashtra government. Therefore, these Rajput kings were angry with the Congress. Hooliganism and robbery were encouraged to trouble the government. Bhupat Daku was one of them. Who started attacking those Patidar farmers who were given land. Many farmers were killed and many were cut off.

Landlords and Jansangh

At this time Jansangh had the support of the landlord Kshatriya Rajputs of Saurashtra. But they were the first generation with the Congress, who were the largest Kom Patidar land owners. Because all the land of Saurashtra was in the name of Rajput kings. Not a single farmer had land in his name. But after the merger of Rajpat with the country, at first they were not ready to give this land. But Dhebarbhai took the land by persuasion and transferred it in the name of farmers Kanbi and Bija.
Benefit to Jansangh
The direct benefit of this policy of the Sangh was that Harisingh Gohil was elected the second president of Jansangh. Those who supported the revolutionary organization, 231 Kshatriyas had political hold in the state. Jansangh came to the fore to some extent during his time.
Botad – Manavadar Sir
During Gohil’s tenure, Jansangh won the Botad municipal elections in Gujarat for the first time. Won a record 21 seats out of 25. Thus, the power started from here. In 1963, Manavadar Municipality of Saurashtra got majority (for the first time?). Which is the hometown of Keshubhai Patel.. After getting majority in Manavadar, local leader of Jansangh Gordhanbhai Chauhan was murdered.

First meeting of the Legislative Assembly

Jan Sangh also won the first seat in Saurashtra Assembly elections. The first seat was won from Rajkot city which is the center of Saurashtra. With this victory, Jan Sangh entered state politics. In 1967, Chimanbhai Shukla was elected as Jan Sangh MLA from Rajkot.

Praveen Maniyar joined and worked with RSS in 1953-54. Praveen Maniyar was a lawyer. His father Ratilal Abhechand Maniyar was the younger brother of Rajkot’s first mayor Arvindbhai Maniyar.

He held the responsibility of provincial caretaker and contact president of the western region in the Sangh for many years.

Janmashtami has been taking place from Rajkot under the guidance of Praveen Bhai since 1986.

He was a syndicate member of Saurashtra University for 30 years. In 1993-94, a movement was started to get a medical college for Rajkot. An all-party committee was formed.

, was formed. He was its convenor. He was the president when VVP Engineering College was established in 1994.

Praveen Maniyar played an important role in forming Keshubhai’s government.

Being the leader of the Sangh at the time of Bajharia-Khajuria rebellion during the reign of Shankarsinh Vaghela (RJP), he had full command of Rajkot BJP.

At that time, RJP workers also staged a dharna near his house.

Gujarat Parivartan Party was formed at a time of internal dissent in the BJP.

Gujarat Change Party

After the establishment of VVP Engineering College 19 years ago, he moved away from the political mainstream. But at the time of internal dissent in the BJP, Keshubhai remained with Patel due to his relations with him at the time of formation of Gujarat Parivartan Party. His relations with the leaders of opposition parties also remained till the end.

Ice Cream Alto
Praveen Maniyar, Mansukh Joshi, late Labhubhai Trivedi, CL Sanghvi, Dr. PV Doshi used to meet regularly for years at Satya Vijay Patel ice cream parlor in Sadar Bazar for many political discussions and debates.

Vaju Vali has been associated with the Sangh since his student days. He took over the leadership of the cooperative sector from 1971 to 1990. He also spent 11 months in jail during the Emergency in 1975. He entered politics as a councilor in 1975. He also became the mayor. He was a continuous MP from 1985 to 2012. After becoming the Urban Development Minister in 1990, he handled departments like Finance, Energy and Revenue as a Cabinet Minister till 2012. He was the Finance Minister 8 times. Vaju Vala has also been the State President of BJP from 1996 to 1998 and 2005 to 2006. Currently the Governor of Karnataka State.

When Narendra Modi succeeded in ousting Keshubhai Patel from Rajkot while he was in Delhi, he wanted to contest the Asilbridge assembly seat in Ahmedabad by vacating the seat of Keshubhai’s close supporter Haren Pandya. But Haren Pandya refused that he would not resign. Therefore, Keshubhai Patel’s second most trusted Waju Wala seat was vacated and the election was contested from there. Which was the stronghold of the Sangh.

The seat from which Narendra Modi contested the assembly election for the first time was Vala.

Jan Sangh
In Gujarat, Chimanbhai founded the Jan Sangh in Rajkot in 1952. Chimanbhai Shukla’s son Kashyap Shukla said that after Gandhiji’s assassination in 1948, the leaders of the Jan Sangh were put in jail. Therefore, the Sangh Parivar thought that we should have a political party. With this idea, five leaders including Chimanbhai Shukla, Nathabhai, Vasantrao founded Jansangh in Gujarat in 1952.

Rajkot was the AP centre of Sangh Parivar in Gujarat.

11 people formed Jansangh in a tent inside Big Tank Chowk in Rajkot. Keshubhai Patel, Arvind Maniyar, Vaju Wala were trained by Chiman Shukla. In this way, Keshubhai Patel and Chiman Shukla made Sangh and BJP big in Saurashtra.

When Shankarsinh Vaghela came to Jansangh, there was talk of merging Kshatriya and Patel. Then Shankar Singh stayed in Jansangh office for a month.

Vijay Rupani

Vijay Rupani was associated with Sangh since his student life. Vijaybhai has been the permanent president and mayor of Rajkot Municipal Corporation from 1988 to 1995. She was the general secretary of Gujarat region BJP thrice, which also included the responsibility of an important organization. 2006 Gujarat State Tourism Corporation, Member of Rajya Sabha from 2006 to 2012, Chairman of Municipal Finance Board for some time in late 2013, Director of Saurashtra Stock Exchange.

Vijay contested the Vidhan Sabha elections and was Minister of Water Supply, Labour and Employment, Transport.

Apart from being a minister, he was also Gujarat State BJP President. He took oath as Chief Minister on 7 August 2016. He was then ousted by Modi and Shah on charges of corona failure, peanut burning scam and corruption. (Google translation from Gujarati, there is a high possibility of language error)