Delhi, 4 SEP 2020

With higher number of patients getting cured, India’s total Recoveries surpass 30 lakh
Not only is India’s Case Fatality Rate lower than the global average and progressively declining (current figure is 1.74%), but a very small proportion of the active cases, amounting to less than 0.5%, are on ventilator support. 1

Data also shows that 2% cases are in ICUs and less than 3.5% of the active cases occupy oxygen supported beds. As a result of these measures, India’s total COVID-19 recoveries have crossed 30 lakh (30,37,151) today.With the recovery of 66,659 in the last 24 hours, India has continued its trajectory of posting more than 60000 recoveries for the 8th consecutive day. The Recovery Rate amongst the COVID-19 patients is 77.15%.

The higher number of recoveries has also led to a steady enhancement in the difference between the recovered and active ones. This difference has crossed 22 lakh, as on date. This ensured that the actual caseload of the country viz. the active cases (8,31,124 which are under active medical care), has reduced and currently comprises only 21.11% of the total positive cases.

India continues to scale new peaks in COVID-19 tests, More than 11.70 lakh samples tested for 2 consecutive days, Despite the very high testing levels, Daily Positivity rate is below 7.5% and Cumulative Positivity Rate is less than 8.5%

After having successfully achieved the goal of enhancing the daily testing capacity to more than 10 lakhs daily tests, India has scaled new peaks in COVID-19 testing for the last two successive days. For these two successive days, more than 11.70 lakh samples have been tested across the country. 11,69,765 samples were tested in the last 24 hours. No other country has achieved these levels of very high daily testing. With this steep exponential rise in daily testing, the cumulative tests are nearing 4.7 crore.

The cumulative tests as on date have reached 4,66,79,145. Even with this very high daily testing, the daily Positivity Rate is still below 7.5%, while cumulative Positivity Rate is less than 8.5%. With the aim to reduce the fatality rate below 1%, India’s Case Fatality Rate (CFR) has touched 1.74% following a gradient of steady and sustained decline.India’s substantial increase in the testing levels is anchored in the daily expanding diagnostic lab network across the country. As on date, with 1025 labs in the government sector and 606 private labs, the country-wide network is strengthened with 1631 total lab facilities.