Gujarat is best on castor, Cotton, groundnut, Cumin, Fennel and Date palm, Onion, Potato, Isabgol, Banana, Pomegranate, Sapota, Papaya and Lime

Gujarat is best on castor, cotton, groundnut, cumin, fennel and date palm, onion, potato, cumin, fennel and isabgul, banana, pomegranate, sapota, papaya and lime, sugarcane, milk & milk products and tobacco, gir kesar mango and Bhalia wheat

Pride crope of Gujarat, credit goes to farmers and agri scinctist

Gujarat is best on castor, cotton, groundnut, cumin, fennel and date palm, onion, potato, cumin, fennel and isabgul, banana, pomegranate, sapota, papaya and lime, sugarcane, milk & milk products and tobacco, gir kesar mango and Bhalia wheat

Coming to Gujarat, agriculture is not only a prominent feature of the state but also inextricably linked to its economy since Vedic civilization.

As of 2015-16, agriculture is still found to engage nearly half of the rural workforce (52%) despite a decline in its share in the state net domestic product (SNDP) to less than 20 per cent.

With only 6.2% of total geographical area and 5% of the total population of India, Gujarat contributes on an average of 21% of India’s exports, 11% of its industrial production and not less than 6.5% of the nation’s GDP since 2011-12.

Junagadh Agriculture University official said,  The state of Gujarat has also made several notable and consistent achievements in agriculture.

It is the dominant producer of cotton, groundnut, dates, sugarcane, milk & milk products and tobacco in India.

Other major crops produced in Gujarat are rice, wheat, jowar, bajra, maize, pigeon pea and gram. Castor, groundnut and mustard are the important oilseed crops of the state.

Cotton is an important cash crop of Gujarat covering 27.97 lakh ha and production of 98.72 lakh bales during 2014-15 which is approximately one-third production of the country.

Besides, Gujarat has recognition for highest area, production and productivity of castor comprising 12.98 lakh tonnes production (84% of total castor production of the country) from an area of ​​6.83 lakh ha.

In addition, the State has a share of 30% groundnut production in the country with 20.37 lakh tonnes production from 14.02 lakh ha.

Area under cultivation of horticulture crops and production are also continuously increasing in the state.

“Gir Kesar Mango” and “Bhalia wheat” have accorded unique GI identity in the country.

State is also known for Cumin, Fennel and Isabgul production and productivity. State contributes more than 90% production of the country’s Fennel.

Gujarat has the highest productivity in country for Onion (25 t / ha.) And Potato (28.81 t / ha.).

Besides, the state is 1 in the production of Cumin, Fennel and Date palm, second in production of Banana, Pomegranate, Sapota, Papaya and Lime.

Productivity of Onion and Potato is the highest in the country. State enjoys monopoly in processing of Isabgol.

The crop specific centers of excellence for the crops like Vegetables, Mango and Date palm have been established with the support of the world best technologies with a view to increase the productivity and quality by capacity building of the farmers.

Couple of good integrated pack houses, air cargo complex and gama irradiation projects has been established by Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation. Out of the 90 active onion dehydration units in the country, 75 units are located in Mahuva (Bhavnagar), Vadodara and Gondal (Rajkot) alone with a production capacity of 11,250 tonnes per day.