New Delhi 03-04-2020
Modi had earlier advised playing the plate, conch. But now he has said to unite by spreading the mobile phone torch. The Congress leader, Hardik Patel, used to make a pledge to the people in his grand meeting in Gujarat movement. Thousands of people were following him. Hardik Patel conducted the largest experiment in Gujarat. Which is going to do now Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Watch the video
Narendra Modi said today that the nationwide lockdown against Corona’s global epidemic has been nine days. I would like to take 9 minutes for all of you at 9pm on Sunday 5th April. Listen carefully, turn on the candle, lamp, torch, or mobile flashlight for 9 minutes by turning off all the house lights at 9pm on April 5, standing at the door or balcony of the house. When a person lights a lamp all around, one will experience this great power of light. The only intention is that we are all fighting.
Onthe 5th of April, on Sunday, I want 9 minutes from all you, at 9PM.Listen carefully, on the 5thof April, at 9 PM, turn off all the lights in your homes, stand at your doors or in you balconies, and light candles or diyas, torches or mobile flashlights for 9 minutes.I repeat, light candles or diyas, torches or mobile flashlights, for 9 minutes at 9 PM on the 5thof April.
Today marks 9 days of the nationwide lockdown against the Corona pandemic. The discipline and spirit of service you have displayed during this periodis unprecedented, and embodies the true meaning of both.
Whether it is people’s curfew, ringing bells, clapping hands or clanging plates;they have all made the nation realize its collective strength in these testing times. It has led to the deepening of the belief that the nation can unite as one in the battle against Corona. This collective spirit of yours, of the nation, can be seen manifesting itself during these times of lockdown.
Friends, this is certainly the time of a lockdown, and we most certainly are confined to our own homes, but none of us is alone.The collective strength of 130 crore Indians is with each one of us, it is the strength of each one of us.It is required for our countrymen, to from time to time,experience the greatness, majesty and divinity of this collective strength.