Kutch desert, tap lake, 12.57 lakh birds in Thala lake, huge increase

More than 3.15 lakh birds at Tap Lake, an unprecedented increase.

More than 57,000 birds of 87 species were recorded in the Bird Sanctuary.

More than 4,85,000 birds in the Kachchh desert. : More than 3 lakh chicks are included

by the forest department of the state once every two years, by the forest department at 8 and 9 febria at the tap lake and thole bird sanctuary.

During the third was held in the bird count. More than 150 individuals participated. There has been an unprecedented increase in the number of birds at the tap lake.

Gandhinagar, February 15, 2020

More than 3,15,000 birds of 131 species were recorded in the faucet lake, which is the highest in the census so far.

Over 40,000 birds of 92 species were recorded at Birds and Thole. S. from the Department of the Interior for bird protection. R. P. And the Border Wing Homeguard’s Armed Forces have been placed. With the cooperation of the police department, legal action was taken against the predators.

The Nalsarovar Task Force has been set up to develop the facilities and develop the tourist facilities. The Nalsarovar and Thole Bird Seafood Conservation Society have been set up by the state government, it added.

Due to the good rainfall throughout the state last year, there has been a satisfactory storage of water in all the waterlogged areas of the state.

The forest department first conducted a bird count with the help of birdwatchers in the big and small desert of Kutch.

More than 4,85,000 of them were seen in the big desert and over 400,000 of the small desert. In the big desert of Kutch, a large nesting settlement of flamingos was declared by the state bird. More than 5,50,000 flamingos were reported in Kutch’s large and small deserts, including more than three million chicks. Bird ringing has been started with the help of Bombay Natural History Society.

Scientists at the wildlife institute of India for the first time have installed electronic devices in a total of six flamingo birds in the big desert of Kutch for the first time. The faucet lake has received recognition of the Ramsar site, which is an internationally important waterlogged area, in year-1. Apart from the tap lakes, several water-flooded areas such as Kachjia, Gosabara, Wadhwana and Thole are capable of gaining status of the Ramsar site besides large desert and small desert aquaculture areas of Kutch.