Rajasthan Book Of Records, why not Gujarat Book of Record

Rajasthan and Gujarat has Huge artistic and cultural traditions which reflect the Bharat theway and ray of ancient life. There is a rich and varied folk culturefrom villages. Rajasthan is a treasure trove of History,Music, Art, Culture, Architecture, Festivals, Painting and Religious Syncretism. Rajasthan Book of Records is not just and award giving or record keeping organization but it’s an organization which will bring out Rajasthan’s hidden Talents, Culture and Tradition though appreciating the unique or outstanding work in the different fields whereas the focus would be cultural and traditional records been made or the outstanding work done for Culture and tradition or Social work. We will even focus on all the other categories too: · RBOR also provides a good opportunity for (Corporate Social Responsibility) CSRs to carry out environment-friendly and social activities with creating or breaking records, which is also useful for Corporate Branding and Promotion of new Products and services. RBOR does not only give the certification of breaking the records to any Individual/ Organization but also suggests the several records to common man which they can break and can make their own identity in this competitive world. RBOR would also work in the sector of Research for Rajasthan and data keeping of different fields where people throughout the world can contact to our organization to access the data kept with us. · RBOR will release its magazine in 2 times in every year and would bring out some extraordinary work of Rajasthan in its magazine of that time which would even include Researches, Records, Articles, talents, and all the other aspects mentioned above. RBOR is organization which will have priority consideration of people Born or living in Rajasthan from past 5 years and have done some extra ordinary work in their field. The judgment of record or award will be based on jury decision and the way to reach jury is through our respected Members or executives of organization. It will have wide range of information on several subjects, divided for easy reading into chapters. Including the ever-popular Human Story section, there are sections on Education, Agriculture, Medical Science, Business, Sports, Nature, Adventure, Radio, Cinema etc.  It will even have special yearly award such as Youth Icon of Rajasthan, Businessman of the year, Rising Star of Rajasthan and many other categories. This would be decided by two jury teams one the all-time jury team of RBOR and another one which would be formed from the senior members of the related fields. Why not Gujarat not start Gujarat Book of Record ?