Thursday, March 13, 2025

Tag: તમાકુ

Tobacco and pollution contribute 50-50 to lung cancer in Gujarat

Ahmedabad, 3 August 2024 Tobacco smoke used to be the cause of lung cancer, but now 50 percent is caused by pollution. Smoking is the cause in 85 percent of patients. In Gujarat, 4660 lung cancer patients have been registered in Ahmedabad Cancer Hospital GCRI in 5 years. 8 thousand cancer patients in India and 2 thousand cancer patients in Gujarat...

For 22 years due to cancer, Badarpura village in Gujarat banned tobacc...

Dilip Patel, Amdawad 09 March 2023 In a proposal in a proposal on the sale of gutkha-cabachan from 6,000, 2001 to 22 years in Badarpur village of Vadnagar, 35 km from Mehsana in Gujarat. A person is known as Fri village. Muslim population is a village connected to farming and trade. For 22 years, no masala masala can be seen throughout the vi...

Gujarat has the highest productivity in tobacco cultivation in the cou...

Gandhinagar, 16 August 2020 Despite good rains in 2020, the average cultivation of monsoon tobacco in Gujarat is barely 1 percent of the cultivation against 55231 hectares. Last year at this time the area under cultivation was 1924 hectares, but now it is 626 hectares. Which shows below 33 percent. There are 400 hectares in Kheda and 200 hectares ...