Old video: Forest officer offering water to a thirsty cobra. Haven't seen anything like this before.
VC: FB @ParveenKaswan pic.twitter.com/wlpzsxRJ9y— Awanish Sharan (@AwanishSharan) May 21, 2020
In the scorching summer, wild animals are seen becoming helpless to get water to survive the heat. A video has gone viral on social media, in which a Forest Department official is watering a cobra snake with a bottle in his hand.
IAS officer Avanish posted the video on social media. Posting an old video wrote that Forest Department officials are watering a thirsty cobra.
The officer is seen filling the bottle with water and making the cobra drink water with pleasure. The phanidhar cobra first sees the water, then slowly starts drinking it. Drink water for a while and keep going back.
Drinking water from the bottle very comfortably. Forest department officials are drinking it.
The video is going viral on social media. People are praising the forest officer and applauding his courage. But if you do not do this, then cobra venom is the most dangerous and can endanger the life.