Water worth Rs 3200 was served per person for 2 hours

No action taken despite strange case of corruption in Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad, 18 October 2024
The Sherpa meeting was held in Ahmedabad city from 6 to 8 July 2023. 39 people came from India and abroad. They were taken to the sightseeing places and heritage walks of Ahmedabad. A lot was spent in Sherpa meetings.

On July 7, the food officer nominated for the guests in the two-hour heritage walk spent Rs. 1 lakh 24 thousand for drinking water. In two hours, one person was given water worth Rs. 3200. This amount was paid to Gandhi Caterers. The nominated officer has spent many such wasteful expenses in the past as well. Food for Thought, Flower Show, Urban-20, Kankaria Carnival programs were held.

The qualification for the post of nominated officer has not been decided yet. This officer does not fit the basic qualification. A particular lobby is more interested in operating the complex.

The BJP rulers of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation are spending recklessly to celebrate any small or big festival.

Earlier in the three-day event of Food for Thought, the commissioner had paid Rs. 59 lakh to the consultant without any tender, offer or quotation and Rs. 76 lakh was paid to Gwalior Sweets.