What did the Minister for Transport Hiding in the Legislative Assembly do?

In Gujarat, the number of accidents has decreased by 9.18% in 2019-20 as compared to 2018-19. Under the Department of Vehicle Transaction is the Vehicle Transaction Account and Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation. In 99.60% area of ​​the state, 8490 s. T By 24 million passenger every year is again. Gujarat had 37.97 lakh vehicles in 1996-97, 2.65 crore in 2020. Vehicle Minister RC Faldu said in the Gujarat Legislative Assembly.

He said that due to good road accidents, 9.18% of accidents have been reduced. But it did not say that people were killed in Gujarat due to over-speed vehicle accidents due to good road.

Ranchod fruit has avoided revealing too many details. But what the central government has disclosed is also hidden. Here’s what he tried to hide –

According to a report by the National Crime Records Bureau, a total of 8574 people have been killed due to road accidents in Gujarat in one year. The highest number of 5972 people die due to overspeed.

16 people per day
In Gujarat, 16 people die every day due to road accidents. Due to over speed, 1834 people have been killed in Gujarat in 1 year. In Ahmedabad alone, 78 people were killed due to speed, 293 due to over speed and 2 people due to drunk driving.

5972 people’s motto
Accidents due to high speed have reported 13,941 cases in 1 year. In which 13,148 people were injured. So 5,972 people have died. In this way, 16 people are killed every day in road accidents in Gujarat. 300 cases have been registered in 1 year for drunk driving. Of which 296 were injured. In Gujarat, a total of 122 people have been killed in the drunk and drive.

Other reasons:
According to the other causes of the accident, the driver died 149 due to fatigue, 79 due to animals coming in the road, 179 due to bad weather, 119 due to low visibility and 54 due to bad road.
Causes and deaths of accidents in Gujarat
Over Speed ​​- 5972
Dangerous Driving – 1834
Weather – 179
Vehicle malfunction – 149
Drunk driving – 122
Low Visibility – 119
Coming between animals – 79
Driver exhausted – 66
Bad Road – 54

8,000 people die in road accidents in the state. 60% of accidents are due to eye weakness

How many accidents in which year? How many deaths?
Year Road Accident Accidental fatality in accidental accident injury
2012 – 27949 – 7817 – 27650
2013 – 25391 – 7613 – 24836
2014 – 23712 – 7955 – 22493
2015 – 23183 – 8119 – 21448