Six Pakistanis arrested with drugs worth Rs 480 crore from Porbandar

March 13, 2024

– Operation of Gujarat ATS, NCB and Coast Guard

– Methamphetamine sent by Haji Mustafa of Pakistan was to be sent to Punjab or Delhi: Joint action before delivery by Mediterranean Sea

Porbandar, Ahmedabad: Once again a huge quantity of drugs has been recovered from Sagarkanth in Saurashtra. 185 km from Porbandar. Indian Coast Guard, Gujarat ATS in the remote Arabian Sea, NCB in a joint operation has arrested six Pakistanis with 80 kg of methamphetamine drugs worth Rs 480 crore. Security agencies have once again foiled the nefarious activities of Pakistan and have taken action to bring the arrested drug smugglers to Porbandar. According to the details released by Gujarat ATS, the drugs sent by Pakistan drug mafia Haji Mustafa were to be sent to Punjab or Delhi. A large quantity of drugs has been seized by Malsk in a joint operation conducted by Malsk before its delivery on a boat in Gujarat.

Pakistan tried to smuggle drugs worth Rs 480 crore into India through sea route, but the agencies failed to do so. 350 km from Porbandar. A Pakistani boat with six drug smugglers has been intercepted off sea and action has been taken to bring all of them to Porbandar. On the night of 11-12 March, apart from the Indian Coast Guard, NCB. And Gujarat ATS. The operation was carried out jointly

A joint search and rescue operation was conducted by coast guard ships and Donair aircraft. Coast Guard ships were strategically deployed in the Arabian Sea and its Donair aircraft were circling around to scan and search for drug-carrying boats. The boat moving suspiciously in the dark of night was identified and captured.

The boat with which six fishermen were caught by the security agencies belongs to Pakistan. About 60 packets of 80 kg of methamphetamine drugs worth about Rs 480 crore have been recovered from the boat. Drugs and all the sailors are being brought to Porbandar. The most common method used by Pakistani and Iranian heroin smugglers is to deliver heroin to Indian smugglers across the supposed India-Pakistan International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL) and bring the heroin ashore for these smugglers. In this case, transparent packets of drugs worth Rs 480 crore have been seized from a boat in Gujarat before they were sent to the coast.

According to the claim of Gujarat ATS, Police Inspector J.M. Patel received information that a Pakistani fishing boat with registration number 4257G had been seized from Gwadar port by Pakistani drug mafia Haji Mustafa. WD. Some of these were filled with illegal drugs like heroin and methamphetamine. From 8 am to 15 pm at IMBL, Porbandar. The delivery person called the Indian boat with the call sign ‘Abbas’ under the call sign 14 ‘Ghani’ on the channel number of his boat, which came near the Indian waters. These medicines are to be delivered in Delhi and Punjab. Regarding information, top ATS officer N.C. B. Informed Delhi. The ATS team went to Porbandar and informed the Coast Guard and N.C. Met the senior officials of. B. A joint team was formed in Coast Guard patrol boats in coordination with Delhi authorities and patrolled around the above mentioned area. D.T. On the morning of 12th, the reported location was about 350 km from Porbandar. When a suspicious boat was spotted in remote Indian waters, six Pakistanis were caught inside the boat.

The six arrested Pakistanis include fishermen Bahr Ali, Andazalala Lala Akbar, Mutabilkhan Jangi Kalishar, Zubair Ahmed Sher Mohammad, Mohammad Ayaz Mohammadhisar and Mohsin Hussain, who live in different villages in Gwadar taluk in the Balochistan region of Pakistan. This quantity of narcotics was sent by Haji Mustafa from Gwadar port of Pakistan. This quantity of narcotics was to be delivered to Delhi and Punjab. Sources in Gujarat ATS say that as soon as initial information is received that the seized drugs in large quantities are to be sent to Delhi or Punjab, then the Delhi NCB will be interrogated.

Several attempts to escape in the dark failed due to the challenge of the Coast Guard

According to information given by Coast Guard officials in Porbandar, the Coast Guard ships challenged the suspicious Pakistani boat after detecting it at night based on inputs received by them. These Pakistani drug smugglers managed to steal the boat at high speed in the dark. The boats were quickly pursued by coast guard vessels.

Medicine worth Rs 480 crore or Rs 420 crore? Details of Coast Guard and ATS are different

In the case of drugs worth crores of rupees caught in the sea of Porbandar, it was announced that the Coast Guard has seized 80 kg of drugs worth Rs 480 crore. Meanwhile, separate details have been issued by Gujarat ATS in which it has been claimed that 60 kg of drugs worth Rs 420 crore have been seized. In such a situation, the haste to release details reveals lack of coordination between the two agencies. However, Gujarat ATS sources say that the case will be investigated by NCB Delhi.

10 joint operations were conducted in three years and 517 kg drugs worth Rs 3135 crore were seized.

Drugs are being smuggled in large quantities from Indian territorial waters by nefarious Pakistan and is known as B.The security agencies have been successful in busting this racket. Gujarat ATS by Indian Coast Guard in the last three years. Together, drugs worth Rs 3,135 crore have been seized by NCB, whose weight is 517 kg. This was the tenth time that a major operation was carried out.