10 lakh people smoke in Surat: 14 to 17 year olds victims in Gujarat

March 13, 2024

– Today is ‘No Smoking Day’

-A person who smokes definitely becomes ill but the smoke can also make the person standing near him sick.


‘No Smoking Day’ is celebrated every year on the second Wednesday of March. However, this year the event is being organized to create awareness among people on the principles of prevention and protection of children from tobacco use. However, in today’s era, youth between 14 to 17 years of age become addicted to smoking after smoking cigarettes. However, in Surat, more than 10 lakh people are estimated to smoke in the city.

In today’s era, amidst the hustle and bustle of changing life, young men and women are smoking cigarette or beedi or hookah to give each other look and style or to impress a girl or friend and gradually they are giving up the habit of smoking cigarette or cigarette. Getting used to it. In Surat city, youth aged between 14 to 17 years have started smoking. It is estimated that there are more than 10 lakh smokers in Surat, including youth. In which 50 to 60 percent people smoke cigarettes, BDS or hookah in front of their friends. The rate of smoking among girls has also increased in the last 3 to 4 years. Dr. Nilesh Mahal of Bharat Cancer Hospital said.

He further said that smoking invites diseases like heart disease, bronchitis, pneumonia stroke and many types of cancer, TB, lung problems, memory loss after pressure, paralysis, cough and menstrual swelling. This can even lead to death, the special thing is that a person who smokes too much of BD-cigarette becomes ill but the smoke from it can cause many diseases to the person standing near him.

Smoking is mainly seen in metro cities

The problem of smoking is mainly seen in metro cities. The busy life of metro city, constant running around, body and mental fatigue are responsible for this. In the increasing competition, it is natural for a person to feel constant work pressure. But for this reason addiction cannot be said to be the solution to any problem. To give up the habit of smoking, first of all a person has to be determined. This requires concentration and mental strength. This power can be made possible through meditation, pranayam and yoga. Give up all addictions including smoking.