Biggest exodus from Saurashtra to Tamil Nadu, exodus continues under Modi Raj

Gujarat is considered the world’s largest migration
Gandhinagar, 01 March 2023
In 150 years, it is estimated that 2 crore Gujarati people from Saurashtra, Lat, Gujarat, Charotar, Kutch region have gone to the country and abroad. However, if the people who migrated from Gujarat in the last 1000 years are counted in this, then this number can increase even more.
2.5 million people of Saurashtra origin live in the state of Tamil Nadu. Keeping the identity of old Saurashtra as well as the tradition and heritage of Saurashtra intact. It is declared by the Hindu Government of Gujarat. But the census figures prove this claim of Modi to be false. Because the number of Gujarati language speakers in Tamil Nadu is not 25 lakhs but 2.75 lakhs. Thus the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Bhupendra Patel of Gujarat BJP is spreading the illusion that 25 lakh Gujaratis live in Tamil Nadu.
How many Gujaratis?
Rank State Gujarati Speakers -2011
55,492,554 people in India are 4.58% Gujarati.
1 Gujarat 51,958,730 85.97
2 Maharashtra 2,371,743 which is 2.11 percent.
3 Tamil Nadu 275,023
4 Madhya Pradesh 187,211
5 Daman and Diu 123,648 50.83
6 Karnataka 114,616
7 Rajasthan 67,490
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 73,831
9 West Bengal 41,371
10 Andhra Pradesh 58,946
11 Delhi 40,613
12 Chhattisgarh 39,116
14 Jharkhand 22,109
15 Jammu and Kashmir 19,261
15 Uttar Pradesh 15,442
15 Orissa 14,856
18 Punjab 13,531
22 Himachal Pradesh 10,012
34 Bihar 8,297
16 Goa 6,846
17 Assam 7,660
19 Haryana 7,519
13 Kerala 4,710
23 Uttarakhand 3,921
24 Tripura 1,384
25 Puducherry 1,428
21 Chandigarh 1,573
26 Nagaland 277
27 Arunachal Pradesh 362
28 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 241
29 Meghalaya 343
30 Manipur 164
31 Lakshadweep 24
32 Sikkim 197
33 Mizoram 59
Emigration claims after Somnath attack
During Muhammad’s invasion of Ghazni in 1024, Somnath Prabhas largely from Patan, Veraval and the surrounding area migrated to Saurashtra by sea to seek refuge in Khambhat, Surat and then the Vijayanagara Empire. It is said, but in history neither the government nor the Tamil Gujarati organizations have declared the evidence.
After the decline of Vijayanagara, this community, skilled in silk weaving and other crafts, was granted patronage by the Maharaja of the Madurai dynasty. The community has settled in Madurai and the surrounding area since the year 1500.
After the mass exodus of this community from Saurashtra, it was completely cut off from its roots. However, he has retained all his Saurashtrian traits. Saurashtra’s customs, marriage system, Yagya, Bhajan-culture, cultural heritage are still mixed there like sugar in milk.
Saurashtra Tamil Sangam has a program from 17th April 2023 to return home, connect with their roots and recognize their native culture. Saurashtra will expand hospitality. These people of Saurashtra, who had migrated to Tamil Nadu via sea to save their culture, are again going to worship Lord Somnath in Saurashtra.
Went to 8 places in Tamil Nadu to invite 8 Ministers of Gujarat Government.
We will reconnect them with our culture, with our food and drink. Saurashtra and Tamil Nadu will play.
Various seminars like Business, Textile will be organized in Rajkot.
Gujarat is hosting the 15-day tour from April 17 to April 30. Till April 1, 2023, 25 thousand people have registered for the Tamil Sangam programme. 9771 are females and 14749 are males and 3 (three) are transgender.
Officers of 12 district judge cadre will come to Gujarat. The Tamils of Saurashtra will be tied to the womb.
The government will bring 3 thousand guests to Somnath by special train. Then sightseeing will be done to places like Somnath, Porbandar, Dwarka, Rajkot and Statue of Unity (Ekta Nagar). Art under Painting, Performing Arts, Drama Performance, Literature, Beach/Sand Art, Traditional Folk Music Craft Culture Sculpture under Culture Architecture, Language, Cuisine and Heritage Commerce-Industry Shopping Festivals, Textiles and Handlooms, Business Meetings, Exhibitions, youth sports, dialogues, education and educational exhibitions, Gujarati and Tamil language workshops will be organised.
Saurashtra Tamils have the best contribution in Tamil Nadu. He has been specially invited to Gujarat. The program was started in 2005 with gastro-andrologist Chandrasekharji, Houston-based Radha Parasuramanji, 7 IAS, 5 high court officials and a parliament PRO. Ganesh is coming to Gujarat.
Since 2005 efforts have been made to reunite this community with present-day Gujarat and in 2010 the Virat Saurashtra Sangam was organized in Madurai. For the first time in Saurashtra, such an unprecedented program will take place.
Today after 1200 years as Saurashtra Tamils in Tamil Nadu this community has made outstanding contribution in every field by maintaining the heritage of their land, language, culture, literature, weaving art survey in Tamil Nadu.

The migration of the people of Gujarat to foreign countries continues even today, because of what?
In 2021, the Union Home Minister revealed that over 6 lakh Indians have given up their citizenship in 5 years.
On an average, 1.25 lakh people are renouncing Indian citizenship every year since Modi came to power in 2014. Within 10 years after Modi’s power ends in 2024, 12 to 13 lakh people would have left the country. Most of them are from Gujarat. In the entire country, maximum number of people of Gujarat are migrating from the country. In which there are 1.25 lakh leaders of Gujarat who are elected every year, their children and He himself is ahead of common people in migration.
Since 2017, the number of people giving up citizenship every year is 1,33,049 in 2017, 1,34,561 in 2018, 1,44,017 in 2019, 85,248 in 2020.
About 40% of applications for renunciation of citizenship come from the United States, followed by Australia and Canada, which together account for 30% of Indian citizens renouncing their citizenship.
Indian passport has to be surrendered. After Indians renounce their citizenship, they have to apply for surrender or relinquishment certificate.
India ranks 69th in the Passport Power Rank as per the World Passport Index. As of 2020, the number of people who relinquished citizenship in the United States is 6,705. A record increase in the number of people was observed. In which the natives of Gujarat are more.
Between 1990 and 2017, there has been a 150 percent increase in the number of people settling abroad from India.
As of 2020, there are about two crore people of Indian origin living abroad. The people of India are at the forefront of the list of migrants in the world.
About 7 million people of Indian origin migrated abroad in the 1990s, rising to 17 million in 2017 under the Modi regime. Today it is estimated to be 20 million.
In the last 30 years, the number of people of Indian origin settled abroad has increased by 143 percent.
Every year 1.20 lakh politicians are elected in Gujarat. They also send their children abroad. 50 percent of the children of BJP leaders are studying abroad. Instead of loving the country, they are going abroad to get jobs from the government. Generally, international migration is driven by economic leaders.
In 2011, 637,000 artisans settled abroad. In 2017, the figure dropped to 391,000. After Modi’s capitalist government, artisans are not going abroad, but rich and educated people are leaving the country.
There has been an increase of 82,669 per cent in the number of people of Indian origin living in Qatar. Earlier, 2,738 people were settled in Qatar. In 2017, this number reached 22 lakhs. In 2021 it can be more than 25 lakhs. From 1990 to 2017, the population of Indian origin in Oman increased by 688 percent and in the United Arab Emirates by 622 percent. In Sweden, Netherlands and Norway the number of Indians increased from 42 to 56 per cent. Due to affordable education and more job opportunities, students and job seekers have started settling there. Education in Germany is free and there are many job opportunities. That’s why people started going there.
About 30% of the people who go to different places from Gujarat every year are from Surat and 15% from Ahmedabad. The number of Surtis is the highest among Gujaratis who go on foreign trips. Goes to 50 countries to study abroad. Out of which 80 percent people live there. 51% of them like America. Every year 5 million students from all over the world go to study in other countries. 5% of India is going abroad. Out of which 85 percent like 6 countries. 17 percent goes to China. In 2005, 1.46 lakh students went abroad. Now this number has increased to 1.90 lakh.
More students from Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra go abroad to study than from Gujarat. In 5 years, 1.77 lakh students and 1.98 lakh people have gone abroad for employment. In which 41 thousand went abroad from Gujarat in 2018 and 48 thousand in 2019. In 5 years till March 2021, 1.99 lakh industrialists of Gujarat went abroad for jobs while 1.90 lakh people went abroad for studies in 5 years. Most of them live abroad. A total of 4 lakh Gujaratis have gone abroad in 5 years. On the other hand, from 2001 to 2021, since Modi came to Gujarat, 6 million Gujaratis have gone abroad, most of them living there. In the last 7 years since Modi became the Prime Minister, the number of citizens from Gujarat going abroad for studies and employment has been increasing steadily. In the first 5 years, 1.77 lakh students have gone to America, Canada, London, Australia and 1.98 lakh for employment. More people from Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh are settled abroad than from Gujarat.(google translation)