Junagadh, 19 March 2022
Rejecting Modi’s promise of doubling the income of farmers at an agricultural camp in Gujarat’s Junagadh, Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah said that the Modi government is not going to double the income of the country’s farmers, but will bring many benefits to the country in the next 10 years. Determined to multiply.
Natural farming
Amit Shah said that natural farming is the only option left. Continuous use of DAP and Urea will make the earth like pebbles after 25 years. DAP and Urea kill beneficial organisms like earthworms in the fields. Pests do not appear in the fields where there are positive bacteria. There is no need to spray any kind of insecticide.
Organic farming increases yield, harvests rainwater and does not use pesticides. The price is also good in the market. A campaign has been started for natural farming. By using urea and DAP, we can protect our body from diseases like cancer.
Co-operative societies
Established three national level multi-state cooperatives. All the products of the farmers doing organic farming under the society will be covered under the patent of Amul.
A co-operative society for export of crop produce. The association will act as an export building for the export of the produce of any farmer in the country. It has been decided to form cooperative service cooperative societies in panchayats. Arrangements have been made to register all the three service cooperative societies, milk and fish production societies as one type of society.
Milk production
The dairy and animal husbandry sector contributes 4.5 percent to the country’s GDP. The contribution of the dairy sector to the agriculture sector is 24 per cent, which is the highest in the world at Rs 10 lakh crore. Today, about 45 crore people from 9 crore rural families are directly involved in the matter of employment.
The dairy sector has grown at an annual rate of 6.6 per cent in the last decade. Ministry of Cooperation, NDDB and Department of Animal Husbandry will set up rural dairies in 2 lakh panchayats of the country. The growth rate of dairy sector will be 13.80 percent. The milk processing capacity is 126 million liters per day, which is the highest in the world.
22 percent of the total milk production is processed. Formed a multi-state cooperative society for exports, so that by joining these 2 lakh rural dairies, they can increase exports by 5 times.
In 1970, India produced about 60 million liters of milk per day and was a milk-deficient country. This production has increased to 58 crore liters per day in 2022. India’s population has increased 4 times from 1970 to 2022, milk production has increased 10 times. Per capita milk consumption in the country was 107 grams in 1970, which has increased to 427 grams per capita today, which is more than the world average of 300 grams.
India’s share in milk production has increased to 21 per cent and the Amul model has contributed a lot in this. After the formation of 2 lakh Primary Milk Producer Societies in the country, India is likely to produce 33 percent of the world’s milk. By 2033-34, India aims to produce 33 per cent of the world’s milk with an annual milk production of around 330 MMT.