Drinking liquor expensive, leaker permit price of Rs.15 thousand in Gujarat

Ahmedabad : On the one hand, there is strict ammunition in Gujarat, while on the other hand, the state government is stepping foot in the state of liquor exemption, which is earning millions of rupees. The civil hospital has raised the price of the new leaker permit fee intoxication in a very short period of time. The new leaker will have to pay fifteen thousand instead of ten thousand rupees in the civil hospital of the permit and six thousand in the renewal permit. Thus, the revenue from the leaker permit to the civil hospital will be increased by several crores.

The state government is calling for unilateral ammunition. So alcoholism is slowly entering. Not long ago, the state government approved the Laker permit shop at some of the city’s most popular hotels. On the other hand, the liquor has become expensive in the permit shop, which has been heavily taxed on Indian made foreign leaker (IMFL) found in the government permit shop. In a way, the government will earn millions of rupees from it.

On the other hand, a similar situation has occurred in the drug and health care permits provided by the civil hospital. Periodically, the price hike is also taking its toll on people.

According to the information obtained by the Civil Hospital, for medical reasons, the applicant for a new leaker permit was charged Rs. However, on October 7, the civil secret amendment-resolution has been increased to Rs 5,000. Thus, the applicant will now have to pay fifteen thousand rupees for a new leaker permit. On the other hand, the renewal permit has also increased by one thousand rupees. So now the fee for renewing the old leaker permit has been reduced to Rs. Thus, the new leaker permit has been increased by 5 percent and the renewal leaker permit by 5 percent.

Last year, the health department had in the past changed the functioning of the leaker permit to one of Asarawa Civil Hospital and transferred to Sola Civil Hospital. As a result of this, there was also talk of a leak in permit work in Asarawa Civil. However, as the work of the leaker permit in Sola Civil has been scrapped, the work has been entrusted to the civil hospital.

Only when the leaker permit was reassigned to civil to facilitate the operation of the lease permit, fix medical option charges were fixed for the new system and Rs 10,000 for new permit and Rs 5,000 for renewal permit. Then again this month, the new Liker Permit has been buzzing with people raising prices.

A senior official of the health department says that the medical option charged by the civil hospital for the leaker permit is deposited as a user charge in the hospital’s disease welfare committee, which is used in the public welfare.

Surprisingly, the welfare of the patients in which this money is deposited is a very important question. However, even the millions of rupees deposited in the leaky permit are not audited on time. Therefore, who is benefiting from this money is a matter of investigation. Of course, at the present stage, it is certain that drinking alcohol has become very expensive for alcoholics.

How a Liquor Health Permit is Granted

Civil Hospital Medical Officer Dr JM Solanki says, “This person’s health permit is given to anyone who has a health problem.
For this, the applicant has to submit the required documents for taking the form of a Liker Health Permit from the State Drugs Department and has to pay fixed fees in the Drugs Department.
The form for the medical option is then sent to the Civil Hospital for which the applicant should be given a Laker Health Permit. Where we conduct appropriate medical examination of the applicant. For this, the applicant has to pay a fee for Medical Opinion. After the physical examination of the applicant, we send the applicant’s Medical Opinion intoxicant account. On the basis of which the leaker permit is issued to the applicant through the narcotics department.

* Civil hospital earns millions from Laker Permit in last 3 years *

The hospital system generates millions of crores of revenue a year for providing medical options in a leaker health permit. Sources say that the amount collected by the leaker permit in the civil hospital’s welfare committee is sometimes higher than the grant made by the government to the patient welfare committee.