1 crore people are living on live bombs in 50 cities of Gujarat

Dilip Patel
Ahmedabad 31 May 2024
After the death of 27 people in the TRP game zone fire in Rajkot, Gujarat is worried about the potential fire sites. Gujarat Industrial Estate has come inside 50 cities. In which such chemicals are made or stored which can explode in case of fire. About 1 crore people are living in danger in 50 GIDCs.

50 cities of Gujarat are sitting on live bombs. Chemical factories located in the middle of the city have become dangerous. There are 48 GIDCs which are built in the middle of the city. Which was earlier far away from the cities. Due to the development of the city, people have started living around it. Who are constantly surrounded by mercury pollutants. Comes in front of death.

The industries that are left should not be expanded. New industries should not be set up. A policy has to be made to take dangerous industries away from the city to areas where there are no human settlements. Because 1 crore people are living around live bombs.

On the other hand, the state government itself has stopped issuing fire NOC to factories located in industrial establishments. Therefore, many colony units are facing difficulty for business. To solve this problem, Sanand Industrial Estate is building its own fire station.

Those doing business with multinational companies need FIRE NOC. Still it is not being given. Multinational companies want to import-export but they are not given. Many companies are stuck in internal audits, fire and insurance claims. Because the government has stopped issuing NOC.

New certificates have been stopped for 4 years. Now when the fire brigade comes after extinguishing the fire, no factory is inspected.

50 solvents, chlorine, naphtha, ethyl oxide are dangerous in the city. Ethanol oxide spreads downwards. There are 7 to 8 factories in Vatva. A factory has opened in Kathwara. Which is very dynamic. Fainting, skin, tinnitus if leaked. If there is an explosion, the building blows up.

So, Vijay Rupani’s government considered shifting all these industries to non-residential areas 40 to 45 km away from the city. A policy was to be decided that the areas which will not be able to become residential areas in 50-100 years, the government will help them by selecting them. The government had considered shifting 48 GIDCs out of the city. But then nothing happened.

DNA test will be possible in Rajkot Rajkot. But if a fire breaks out in these 50 cities, it will be a terrible fire that will melt the entire people. Not being able to do DNA testing will be horrific.

Many people believe that these industries should be sent to Khambhat in VIPL. So many people are opposing it. Many industries have moved to Khambhat.

There are 225 GIDCs located in the cities of Gujarat. There are 68,500 industries in it. Built outside the city. As the cities grew, they came in the middle. Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Surat, Rajkot, Bhavnagar, Ankleshwar have come between the GIDC and the industrial areas of the city. 25 percent of the industries have moved to the center of the city. Of these, 25 percent are in Ahmedabad and North Gujarat, 12 percent in South Gujarat, 27 percent in Central Gujarat. Noise and air pollution is increasing. The noise of vehicles and the wind fill the ears of the city.

After Vijay Rupani was removed from the post of Chief Minister by Narendra Modi, CR Patil, Amit Shah, the proposal to shift the polluting industries out of Ahmedabad has been in the government since 2020. Such a situation arose that the previous government had to restart the plan by giving incentives.

Can be shifted out of the cities. Especially gold, silver and platinum as well as smoke factories can be given new infrastructure away from the city. Industry figures are higher than vehicles in 6 out of 8 pollutants. However, the industry lobby is increasing pressure to hold vehicles responsible for pollution and not to move out the industries.

Ahmedabad, the country’s only world heritage city, has become like a fire city. Highly flammable chemicals will now have to be moved to safer places away from the city. Hazardous chemicals are stored in factories.

When a cotton factory caught fire some time ago, it contained ethylene oxide. If it had caught fire, the entire area could have suffered huge losses.

Ethylene Oxide,

Some countries have banned Indian spices because the amount of ethylene oxide in spices exceeds the prescribed limit.

The Food and Drugs Department said that Indian spices contain high levels of ethylene oxide. Spices are exported with a light spray of ethylene oxide to kill moths and prevent moths from becoming active again. Spices are added despite the risk of diseases like cancer.

Ethylene oxide is a tasteless and odorless chemical used as a pesticide in agriculture, health care and to disinfect food. It is also used in making textiles, detergents, medicines, adhesives and solvents. Used to clean surgical instruments in hospitals.

Excessive consumption is dangerous. Exposure to the chemical or excessive consumption can cause irritation to eyes, skin, nose, throat and lungs. Brain and nervous system can also be damaged.

The entire Ahmedabad can be wiped out by dropping a hydrogen bomb. Russia’s bomb can travel 1000 km. M. Breaks window panes and travels 100 km. M. People suffer third degree burns.

Hydrogen is a colourless, odourless, non-metallic, highly flammable gas at room temperature. When hydrogen reacts with acid to form ammonia it releases toxic hydrogen sulphide. Hydrogen sulphide is also one such dangerous chemical.

Ammonia gas is a poisonous and flammable gas. It smells bad.

Sulfuric acid, solvent plants are located in large numbers around these 50 cities.

Carbon monoxide
It is a colourless, odourless and slightly non-flammable gas, but it is highly poisonous gas. It is produced in vehicles, machinery, coal, wood, fuel. Flammable chemicals should be kept a few kilometres away from the city so that no accident occurs.

Town planning
For the first time in the state, 8 metros and 156 municipalities had to make a provision not to include chemical plants in development plans and town planning schemes. A list of types of chemical units was sought from the Gujarat Pollution Control Board. According to that list, factories of such chemicals were to be kept out of the city. Incentives were to be given for that.

Nothing happened on the proposed amendment in the Town Planning Act.

50 plots of vacant GIDC land can be profitably used for the construction of affordable housing and commercial complexes in key areas.

Bad policy of Modi

Modi has set a policy of violating environmental laws. If the government comes back, pollution laws will be made in favor of the industry. All GIDCs have now been exempted from public incentives for installing or expanding new equipment to increase industrial production. Out of which only one person has been deleted. Now if the Modi government is formed again, the burden of pollution on the people will increase and the burden of pollution on the industry will be reduced.

Environmental composition report is released every year. It has not been implemented. For this, a complaint will have to be made in NGT.

Industries have been given many concessions in the 5 trillion economy. Laws like labor law, factory inspection, pollution have been relaxed.