10 crore workers go, now the Modi government formed committee for statistics

New Delhi, 23 May 2020

Starting economic activities and providing employment to laborers has become a challenge across the country due to the migration of workers due to the lockdown. To collect data on migrant workers, the Center has formed a cabinet group headed by Union Social Welfare Minister Thavarchand Gehlot for the benefit of migrant workers. Will create opportunities to provide employment. States have written letters to collect data on overseas laborers arriving home during the lockdown.

Dendra’s Modi government is taking directionless decisions. The work that needed to be done when the migration of labor cores began by migrating trains has now begun. Statistics on the number of migrant workers in each state have been sought from each state. When India migrated to Pakistan, 1.50 crore people migrated. Coroma is estimated to have displaced 100 million people

The fourth phase of the lockdown ends on May 31, 2020. After that, restrictions on state borders may end.

A major obstacle to starting economic activities is the lack of labor. These problems are exacerbated by the fact that state borders are largely closed to public transport and private transport. There is also an opinion in the government that when one can go from one state to another by train, the boundaries of the route should be opened. This will make it easier for people to come and go. Industrial units will benefit the most, as are the border areas in most states.

Difficulties have also increased in Delhi due to border closures in the NCR area. These limits can be opened when the fourth phase of the lockdown is completed on May 31. The central government says inter-state public transport services can start with mutual support. But given the growing number of cases of coronavirus infection, with most border restrictions, public transport is almost closed.
