The political crisis in Rajasthan takes a new turn every day. On Friday, Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot shifted his MLAs from Jaipur to Jaisalmer so that the BJP would not buy them. Eleven members have gone missing during the stay, including six ministers and five MLAs, who have not yet reached Jaisalmer.
अमित शाह जी का नाम मैं बार-बार इसलिए लेता हूं कि फोरफ्रंट पर वो ही आते हैं, कर्नाटक के लिए भी, MP के लिए भी, गोवा हो,मणिपुर हो,अरुणाचलप्रदेश हो,तो मजबूरी में कहना पड़ता है कि अमित शाह जी आपको क्या हो गया है? आप रात-दिन, जागते-सोते हर वक्त सोचते हो किस तरह मैं गवर्नमेंट को गिराऊं।
— Ashok Gehlot (@ashokgehlot51) July 31, 2020
Transport Minister Pratap Singh Khachariwas, Medical Minister Dr. Raghu Sharma, Sports Minister Chandana, Agriculture Minister Lalchand Kataria, Minister of State for Medicine Subhash Garg, Cooperative Minister Udaylal Anjana, MLA Jagdish Jangid, MLA Amit Chakan, MLA Parasram Moradia, MLA Babalwan and MLA Baba Dhawan. , Which has not yet reached Jaisalmer. Gehlot said about the migration – there is external pressure on the MLAs. It is everyone’s duty to save democracy.
हम सबकी ड्यूटी है, हर नागरिक की ड्यूटी है…ज्यूडिशियरी हो, विधायिका हो, कार्यपालिका हो या मीडिया हो, सबकी ड्यूटी है, पहला काम है कि हम डेमोक्रेसी को बचाएं। हर नागरिक का कर्त्तव्य बनता है डेमोक्रेसी को बचाने के लिए वो आगे आएं, ये मैं अपील करना चाहता हूं।
— Ashok Gehlot (@ashokgehlot51) July 31, 2020
The Gehlot camp had 109, sometimes 104 and sometimes more than 101 MLAs. Only 97 MLAs were seen during Jaisalmer stay. There were 54 MLAs in the first flight and 6 in the second flight and 37 in the third during the journey from Jaipur to Jaisalmer. There are 97 MLAs.