Ahmedabad, 2 July 2023
The total GST revenue of the country in June 2023 was Rs 1,61,497 crore. Every person in the country pays tax of Rs 1200 in a month. Out of which Rs 1571 crore was returned to Gujarat. Which is Rs 225 per person in Gujarat. This means that the amount of money that the central government takes as tax from Gujarat is decreasing. But it is estimated that people from Gujarat have paid tax of Rs 9 to 10 thousand crores. The tax that is not paid directly by the people but they are paying in the form of tax in the house or business they buy.
The Gujarat government has not disclosed how much revenue it got under GST in June.
Out of which CGST generated ₹31,013 crore, SGST ₹38,292 crore, IGST ₹80,292 crore (including ₹39,035 crore collected on import of goods) and Cess ₹11,900 crore (including ₹1,028 crore collected on import of goods).
The government has offset ₹36,224 crore for CGST and ₹30,269 crore for SGST from IGST. The total revenue for the Center and States in June 2023 after regular settlement is ₹ 67,237 crore under CGST and ₹ 68,561 crore under SGST.
The revenue for the month of June 2023 is 12% more than the GST revenue for the same month last year. During the month, the revenue from domestic transactions (including import of services) was 18% higher than the revenue from these sources during the same month last year.
Since the implementation of GST, its collection till now is Rs 1,000 crore. For the fourth time the figure of 1.60 lakh crore has been crossed. The average monthly gross GST collection for the first quarter of FY 2021-22, FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24 respectively is Rs. 1.10 lakh crore Rs. 1.51 lakh crore Rs. 1.69 lakh crore has been registered.
The graph below shows the trend of total monthly GST revenue during the current year. Table-1 shows State-wise figures of GST collected in each State during the month of June 2023 vis-à-vis June 2022 and Table-2 shows the share of SGST received/reimbursed from IGST to States/UTs in June 2023 .
जून 2023 के दौरान राज्यवार जीएसटी राजस्व[1] | ||
राज्य/संघ राज्य क्षेत्र | जून’22 | जून’23 |
जन्मू और कश्मीर | 371.83 | 588.68 |
हिमाचल प्रदेश | 693.14 | 840.61 |
पंजाब | 1,682.50 | 1,965.93 |
चंडीगढ़ | 169.7 | 227.06 |
उत्तराखंड | 1,280.92 | 1,522.55 |
हरयाणा | 6,713.89 | 7,988.18 |
दिल्ली | 4,313.36 | 4,744.11 |
राजस्थान Rajasthan | 3,385.95 | 3,892.01 |
उतार प्रदेश। | 6,834.51 | 8,104.15 |
बिहार | 1,232.06 | 1,437.06 |
सिक्किम | 256.37 | 287.51 |
अरुणाचल प्रदेश | 58.53 | 90.62 |
नगालैंड | 33.58 | 79.2 |
मणिपुर | 38.79 | 60.37 |
मिजोरम | 25.85 | 55.38 |
त्रिपुरा | 62.99 | 75.15 |
मेघालय | 152.59 | 194.14 |
असम | 972.07 | 1,213.05 |
पश्चिम बंगाल | 4,331.41 | 5,053.87 |
झारखंड | 2,315.14 | 2,830.21 |
ओडिशा | 3,965.28 | 4,379.98 |
छत्तीसगढ | 2,774.42 | 3,012.03 |
मध्य प्रदेश | 2,837.35 | 3,385.21 |
गुजरात | 9,206.57 | 10,119.71 |
दादरा और नगर हवेली और दमन और दीव | 349.7 | 339.31 |
महाराष्ट्र | 22,341.40 | 26,098.78 |
कर्नाटक | 8,844.88 | 11,193.20 |
गोवा | 428.63 | 480.43 |
लक्षद्वीप | 0.64 | 21.86 |
केरल | 2,160.89 | 2,725.08 |
तमिलनाडु | 8,027.25 | 9,600.63 |
पुदुचेरी | 182.46 | 210.38 |
अंडमान व नोकोबार द्वीप समूह | 22.36 | 35.98 |
तेलंगाना | 3,901.45 | 4,681.39 |
आंध्र प्रदेश | 2,986.52 | 3,477.42 |
लद्दाख | 13.22 | 14.57 |
अन्य क्षेत्र | 205.3 | 227.42 |
केंद्र का क्षेत्राधिकार | 143.42 | 179.62 |
कुल | 103317.18 | 121433.52 |
जून’2023 में राज्यों/केंद्रशासित प्रदेशों को आईजीएसटी से एसजीएसटी शेयर ऑफसेट | ||
राज्य/संघ राज्य क्षेत्र | રકમ (રૂપિયા કરોડમાં) | |
जम्मू और कश्मीर | 417.85 | |
हिमाचल प्रदेश | 222.35 | |
पंजाब | 961.45 | |
चंडीगढ़ | 122.21 | |
उत्तराखंड | 221.64 | |
हरयाणा | 1,153.80 | |
दिल्ली | 1,136.95 | |
राजस्थान Rajasthan | 1,554.76 | |
उतार प्रदेश। | 3,236.11 | |
बिहार | 1,491.33 | |
सिक्किम | 39.3 | |
अरुणाचल प्रदेश | 105.43 | |
नगालैंड | 61.38 | |
मणिपुर | 49.88 | |
मिजोरम | 55.95 | |
त्रिपुरा | 84.46 | |
मेघालय | 86.75 | |
असम | 743.95 | |
पश्चिम बंगाल | 1,503.81 | |
झारखंड | 304.92 | |
ओडिशा | 409.84 | |
छत्तीसगढ | 366.81 | |
मध्य प्रदेश | 1,606.95 | |
गुजरात | 1,571.56 | |
दादरा और नगर हवेली और दमन और दीव | 27.97 | |
महाराष्ट्र | 3,484.55 | |
कर्नाटक | 2,688.90 | |
गोवा | 162.97 | |
लक्षद्वीप | 4.8 | |
केरल | 1,415.11 | |
तमिलनाडु | 1,873.31 | |
पुदुचेरी | 184.21 | |
अंडमान व नोकोबार द्वीप समूह | 24.33 | |
तेलंगाना | 1,621.37 | |
आंध्र प्रदेश | 1,159.88 | |
लद्दाख | 28.68 | |
अन्य क्षेत्र | 82.97 | |
कुल | 30,268.53 |