Journalists are being targeted in Gujarat

Protest against registering crime against journalist Tushar Basia – Take action in 20 attacks on journalists

28 January 2024, Ahmedabad (Translated from Gujarati by Google)

On January 12, 2024, Faujdar Rathore of Surat’s Singanpore police station did not file a complaint against the government against a pervert, who had put his hand on the private parts of a sixth class girl on a public road in Surat. The report of this incident was presented by Navjeevan (Gandhyan institute) News journalist Tushar Basia. Journalist Tushar Basia raised his voice considering the victim as his daughter. The police had to file a complaint 12 days after the journalist’s report. Then on January 24, 2024, Singanpore Faujdar Rathore registered a case against molester Isam under IPC section 234A/ POCSO Act section 8, 23(1)(2)/ Juvenile Justice Act section 74/ IT Act section 66(e). FIR registered under. The child’s attention was drawn towards the government. Journalist Tushar Basia was made an accused. The law was misused to harass the journalist.

The complainant did not want to file a complaint, but after the video of the incident went viral on social media, a complaint was filed within an hour of Navjeevan’s report.

On the day of molestation of the complainant, the girl’s mother and people of Riddhi-Siddhi Society went to Singanapore police station in the women’s helpline car with the CCTV footage of the society. Tushar Basiya has told that she is the daughter of ‘Marathi maid sister’. The police has made such an allegation. But, they have taken care that the identity of the child is not revealed. Neither the name of the girl nor her parents, siblings are mentioned in the report. If Tushar Basia had not published this report, Singanpur police would not have filed an FIR till now. Thinking that his image would be tarnished, he registered the crime within half an hour.

Surat Police Commissioner Ajay Tomar did not take any punitive action against PI Rathod, who did not lodge an FIR despite having knowledge of a serious cognizable crime for 12 days. It was shifted to Rajkot after protests by independent journalists across Gujarat.

An innocent journalist performed his true duty and followed the religion of journalism. What does he want to prove by falsely implicating her in a serious crime? Tushar Basia’s image has been deliberately maligned.

It seems that Surat Police does not have knowledge of law, hence we demand from State Police Chief, Home Secretary to stop the arbitrariness and misuse of law of Surat Police and take action against the culprit.

Taking the law into their own hands, the police have held Tushar Basiya responsible under POCSO Act Section-23(1)(2)/Juvenile Justice Act Section-74. Imprisonment up to 6 months/fine up to Rs 2 lakh.

But Section 19(7) of the POCSO Act says: “No person shall be liable to prosecution, civil or criminal, for furnishing information in good faith.” Tushar Basiya’s intention was to get justice for the girl. The pure charity of Tushar Basiya is visible, but the pure charity of Surat Police is not visible. Tushar Basia’s ism has become distorted in jail. Police should respect Trakar Tushar Basia instead of sending him to jail.

There have been several incidents of attacks on journalists and abuse of law by police in Gujarat in the 10 years since 2014. The Home Department should investigate this and publish a white paper.

Here are some such incidents from Gujarat

On January 25, 2024, journalist Sohilbhai Bamani of Timbi village was attacked by thugs while working in Jafrabad of Amreli district.

In March 2023, journalist Abeda Pathan and her team were attacked and molested in Chandkheda, Ahmedabad. The journalist had to give up food and water. But no action was taken.

In July 2023, a journalist was attacked by co-travellers in Botad.

In December 2023, journalist Amar Bakhai, who had gone to get news about Junagadh ropeway, was attacked by 3 ropeway employees. The journalist was admitted to the Civil Hospital for treatment. All the videos were deleted from the journalist’s mobile.

In September 2023, journalists were also attacked in Rajkot and attempts were made to break cameras.

In August 2023, journalist Deepak Tadvi of Sankheda taluka was attacked in Dabhoi.

In June 2023, journalists were attacked during Fajr in Balasinor, Mahisagar.

In October 2022, a journalist was attacked in Porbandar.

In April 2022, journalist Vikas Bharatbhai Shah of Valod taluk was attacked.

In August 2021, journalist Dinesh Kalal was attacked in Chandlodia, Ahmedabad.

In August 2021, the court had sentenced one year’s imprisonment to the seekers who attacked journalists at Asharam Ashram in Ahmedabad city.

In May 2022, Vikram Sakhat, a farmer and journalist associated with Rajula Vavera village, was attacked and his hands and legs were broken.

In 2022, journalist Nidhi Dave was attacked and murdered in the presence of police in Narol area of Ahmedabad.

In November 2022, there was a fatal attack on a journalist in Savli taluk of Vadodara.

On May 7, 2020, the Ahmedabad Crime Branch registered a case of sedition – national sedition against Dhawal Patel, editor of Ahmedabad news portal Face of Nation. He had to flee abroad.

In July 2020, journalist Rajesh Gajjar was attacked in Deodar in Banaskantha district.

In 2019, journalist Sameer Ashokbhai Gadkari was attacked in Jamnagar.

In December 2019, journalist Girdharibhai was attacked several times in Kanipura, Nadiad. Complaint lodged at Nadiad Town Police Station went.

In October 2019, Banaskantha reporter Kuldeep Parmar and cameraman Akash Parmar were attacked. After reporting on the ashramshala of local BJP leader Laxman Bard in Kuwarashi village, his brother Vadan Singh wrote a letter.

The cars were hijacked and taken to a nearby farmhouse. Where the beating took place. In Banaskantha, journalists complained to the collector about police repression.

In May 2019, journalists were subjected to inhuman lathi charge and attack by police in Junagadh without any reason.

In 2019, a bootlegger attacked a journalist’s house in Jamnagar and threatened to kill him.

The petition demands immediate suspension of the Junagadh district officer and immediate legal action against the Jamnagar bootlegger.

In this application, ‘Press Club Wankaner’ President Ayub Mathakia, Vice President Hardev Singh Jhala, Minister Mayur Thakor, Joint Minister Taufiq Amrelia, Treasurer Arjun Singh Vala and members Amarbhai Rawal, Ghani Patel, Shahrukh Chauhan have all submitted an application to the provincial officer. Press Club of Wankaner’. An oral presentation was also given to convey the demand to the Chief Minister.

cyber attacks

Cyber attacks are increasing in Gujarat. Journalists are being harassed by using abusive language on social accounts for criticizing some parties or leaders.

Recently, such attacks were also made on the Gujarat Bureau Chief of New Indian Express.

Journalist Dilip Patel, who writes openly, is being continuously attacked on his social accounts.

Journalist Hari Desai has also been attacked on social media.

There are hundreds of journalists who are being attacked on social media, the main objective of which is to stop them from writing, by cyber thugs of a particular party. Which needs to be stopped.

For this, there is an urgent need for the Gujarat government to provide legal protection to journalists.

Sureshgiri Goswami was attacked in Bhuj 4 years ago. A meeting of journalists was held and Mandvi’s attack was condemned.

Journalists were attacked in the mood of Bharuch. Mister

In 2016, journalist Gopal Patel was attacked late night in Bapunagar area of Ahmedabad.

In 2016, journalist Sanjay Jani was attacked in Jamnagar.

8 years ago, 22 journalists covering the Maharally of Patidar community at GMDC Ground in Ahmedabad were attacked by a police convoy.

Many such incidents have happened in the last 10 years.

Bharuch journalist Dineshbhai Advani was attacked and escaped.

The main job of journalists is to deliver information to the public. Fearless and impartial journalists are being mistreated.

It seems that Gujarat is ruled by anti-social elements. Law and order has become paralysed.

If this kind of misbehavior is meted out to fearless and impartial journalists, then you can see how the country’s economy has become. It has become difficult for a journalist to write. Is it wrong for journalists to give correct information?

There were 140 attacks on journalists in Pakistan in a period of 11 months. Do you want to make Gujarat another Pakistan? In the last nine years, the BJP government has deliberately tortured the media and suppressed the voice of the media by deploying investigative agencies to suppress British Broadcasting Corporation, Newslaundry, Dainik Bhaskar, Bharat Samachar, Kashmir Wala, The Wire etc. The Indian government uses UAPA and sedition laws to silence critics.

On 14 June 2023, the Editors Guild expressed displeasure over BJP leader and minister Smriti Irani threatening journalists, saying, “Do not attack the freedom of the press.” An atmosphere of fear and intimidation is created in an attempt to silence anyone who speaks against the government.

In protest against this attack, local organizations of journalists protested across the state and had to repeatedly appeal to government representatives. In 2020, 64 accused who obstructed the work of Gujarat Police were arrested and sent to jail under PASA. Action should also be taken against those who obstruct the work of journalists.

Swami Journalist

Journalists will never be forgotten. The fourth estate of truth will survive. Journalists reporting are inherently at risk. Investigative journalism is at risk for independent journalists. A journalist has to walk a tight rope.

It is not enough for someone with vested interests to dig up information. What do they want to hide? They adopt all methods like Sama, Daam, Dand and Bheda. Punishment is adopted as a last resort for recalcitrant, unruly and sometimes stubborn journalists. Journalists are not afraid of evil elements. When a journalist is spotless and clean, he does not hesitate to raise his anger against anyone. A journalist who lives with his head under his pen takes pride in his honesty. This quality makes him a little arrogant and a little careless. He does not want police protection.

There is a demand to provide police protection to journalists in case they are attacked or murdered. There is talk of government security. But, a true journalist does not ask for security. It’s fun to roam around with your life at stake. It is also addictive. This intoxication gives him the strength to take risks. An occupational hazard.

public meeting in 2019

In 2019, as if freedom of the press and media, the fourth pillar of democracy in Gujarat, might be under threat, a committee of senior journalists was formed and a written presentation was given to the government in an open session on 15 April. -Investigation of the incident and the entire journalist community of Gujarat

Due to security concerns, an immediate meeting was organized in Ahmedabad.

There is discussion in TV9 about the mysterious death of journalist Chirag Patel, threats to the media by BJP MLA Madhu Srivastava and harassment by the Information Department by sending clarifications.

There is an atmosphere of concern regarding media security in Gujarat.

When journalists ask questions, they are threatened with being watched. A meeting was organized on all these cases of misbehavior with press and media in an open forum at Vastrapur Lake, Ahmedabad under the leadership of senior journalists.

There is a perception in the media world that the government, police, officials etc. do not treat journalists properly in Gujarat. If the government or officials want to harass the media, even if democracy is destroyed, such a leader will forget the government. When the media in Gujarat comes together and presents its views to the government, the government also considers it very serious and takes immediate action and it is important for the government to give a positive message that journalists and media are safe in Gujarat.

The Home Department issues a circular for the guidance of the police. The government should provide security to journalists on the field and create an environment where they can work freely. Women journalists should be provided special protection to avoid harassment in the field. Formation of Journalist Protection Committee in every district or taluk or city.

State Coordination Committee Members: Dhimantbhai Purohit, Hari Desai, Dilip Patel, Padmakant Trivedi, Bhargav Parikh, Tikendra Rawal, Darshan Zamindar, Abhijeet Bhatt, Gaurang Pandya, Prashant Patel, Jignesh Kalavadiya, Narendra Jadav, Yunush Ghazi, Chetan Purohit, Deepen Padhiar. , Mahesh Shah was

On 8 April 2017, the All India Journalists’ Protection Committee demanded from the Gujarat government that like the Maharashtra government and 8 other state governments, the Gujarat government should also bring a law for the interests of journalists. There have been repeated demands to make attack on journalists a non-bailable offense under the Journalists Protection Act Bill. The provision is that the attackers will have to pay a fine and also bear the expenses of the treatment of the injured journalist. The loss should be compensated by the attacker. The draft of twelve demands given to the Gujarat government is pending with the government today.


health care issue

1- To provide Journalist Health Card to provide free health facilities to all the people working as journalists in Gujarat.

2 – Free treatment to journalists and their family-dependents in civil hospitals, PSC centres, CSC centers and municipal corporation-run hospitals and clinics of the state.

3- Journalists who are required to have a photo identity card of that organization.

4- In place of the identity card, write on the letter pad of the organization in which the journalist is working.

5 – The Health Department should issue a separate Gujarat level card in the name of Journalist Arogya Sahay.

6 – Diagnostics and all types of tests should be done free of cost and available medicines and injections should also be covered.

7- To include senior journalists and independent journalists also in the health facility scheme.

Journalists and journalist organizations continue to be attacked.

In terms of the Press Freedom Index, India’s position dropped two places to 142nd among 180 countries surveyed in 2022. The situation is even worse in 2023. From now till the Lok Sabha elections, the incidents of suppressing the freedom of institutional journalists and independent journalists have increased in Delhi and all the states. According to the Global Media Group, media freedom continues to be under attack. In 2021, 4 journalists were killed in the line of duty in India. Gujarat is also not behind.

White House reporter Sabrina Siddiqui of the Wall Street Journal newspaper is being harassed since June 2023. The newspaper has complained about this to the White House. The newspaper said that ever since our reporter asked a question to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the people of India have been harassing him online. Some leaders of Modi government are also included in this.

The government has begun harassing critics and prosecuting those reporting incidents.

Ten sedition cases were registered against the three senior-most editors of the editorial department of a magazine covering farmers’ protests – the publisher, the editor and the executive editor. An independent journalist was arrested at the protest site. The magazine’s Twitter handle was also suspended for a few hours. In a case related to farmers’ protests, the Editors Guild of India said that police cases were “intimidated, harassed and suppressed by the media.”

Four journalists included in the caravan were attacked in two separate incidents.

Attack on Minister of State for Home and son

16 On 21 December, the son of the country’s Minister of State for Home committed a shameful act by attacking journalists. Farmers were crushed by vehicles in Lakhimpur Khairi, Uttar Pradesh. Media persons were not only seen abusing, but were also seen trying to raise their hands on a journalist. When the journalist asked Ajay Mishra, he started speaking loudly, ‘Don’t ask such stupid questions. Have you lost your mind?’ He was seen running towards the reporter and even trying to snatch his microphone, saying, ‘Turn off the mic.’ ‘ Was seen saying. The big question is that if the Union Minister can threaten the journalists in this way then how can the poor people

What can happen to ?


Karsandas Mulji was a passionate social reformer, fearless journalist and writer of nineteenth century Gujarat. His magazine Satya Prakash has a unique place in the social and cultural history of Gujarat. On September 21, 1860, Karsandas published his famous article ‘H’

Exposed the original religion of Hinduism and the current heretical ideas. In this article he described the actions of the Maharajas as unworthy. Because of this article, Jadunathji Maharaj sued Karsandas for defamation of Rs 50,000; Whose report was published in the name of ‘Maharaja’s Liable Case’ (1862).

corporate power

Democracy requires an environment for the media to operate free from corporate power and political power. But those who seek the truth suffer the most. The role of knowledge institutions is to challenge power and hold those in power accountable. But instead, once captured, these institutions themselves become the hands of senior officials. Legal protection of freedom of expression is inadequate, making them easily abolished.

Officials don’t like it when a journalist tells the truth. Hence the attacks. So journalists ask.

That is why politicians and officials sitting in power do not like journalists who write the truth. That’s why they are often harassed. In the last 20 years, many incidents have happened in Gujarat during the Modi era. For this, there is Editors Guild to protect the rights of journalists. However, there is no active organization protecting journalists in Gujarat. So the officials of Gujarat get a lot of money. Considering him fearless, parties fight against him. That is why the government has been harassing such journalists.

atrocities in valsad

On 11 April 2022, a report was published in Valsad’s South Gujarat Current newspaper with the headline “Administrators arranged liquor smuggling”. After the report, Valsad police registered a case against newspaper editor Punyapal Shah and arrested him. Besides this, the police also filed a complaint against his uncle Jayantibhai, who has no connection with this newspaper and lives separately with his family in Belimora. Even in the government, police officers are misusing their power and running the government. It is working to suppress the voice of the media, which is considered the fourth pillar of democracy.

300 newspapers protested and the police arrested them

On September 11, 2018, 300 journalists, editors and owners of small newspapers were stopped from going to the Secretariat in Gandhinagar. The police took him into custody. He was taken to Sector 7 police station. He wanted to go before the government and raise many issues against the government.

4100 newspapers closed

In Gujarat, 4100 small and medium newspapers have been closed due to various reasons. Advertisements of those who do not trust the government are stopped. Ultimately the newspaper sinks into losses and has to be closed. The news of Gandhinagar, which is the pride of Gujarat, is also troubling the journalists.

One last example of cannibalism

In July 2023, Bhupendra Patel’s government has killed this newspaper by stopping the advertisements of Gandhinagar Samachar. This newspaper has been bought by BJP leader and BJP MLA. Since 2003, this newspaper was continuously in the eyes of Modi. Modi often insulted his journalists. Therefore, sending journalists to the Secretariat had to be reduced.

Phoolchaab moved to corporate

The newspaper through which Jhaverchand Meghani fought for the freedom of the country. The BJP fan industry has also gained access to the Janmabhoomi Group’s Phulchhaab Newspaper Trust, which was the foundation of Kasumbi for the people of Gujarat. Who has bought NDTV?

In 2019, there were 16 attacks on journalists in Gujarat and Chirag Patel was murdered in Ahmedabad. The number of deaths of journalists worldwide in 2019 is the lowest in 16 years. But 2019 was the most cruel and worrying year for Gujarat.

two tv channels closed

On September 20, 2022, 200 policemen entered the office of Network News Gujarat in Gandhinagar. The woman said this in the presence of anchors. The channel has been closed. At least 300 journalists and technicians were made redundant. This TV channel exposed many scams of the government.

In 2022, K News TV channel in Ahmedabad was closed by canceling the license of Ahmedabad Collector. Which was strongly criticized by the government.

tawai on youtube channels

Many YouTube channels are run by clean journalists. Tawai has been appearing in front of him again and again. In good and reputed institutions

The government did not take any action

On May 15, 2029, prominent journalists of Gujarat placed a demand before the state government.

Gujarat Journalist Protection Committee submitted a complaint letter to Chief Minister Vijaybhai Rupani and Minister of State for Home Pradeep Singh Jadeja regarding the attack on journalists in Junagadh. The Minister of State for Home assured that no such incident will happen in future.

annexation of previously informed government


Raids to suppress Bhaskar

On July 22, 2021, there was a rift between ‘Dainik Bhaskar’ and ‘Divya Bhaskar’. The government had stopped his advertisements. The Income Tax Department raid was an attempt to intimidate the media.


On September 8, 2021, the Income Tax Department raided Sambhav-VTV of Bodakdev, Ahmedabad. Vadodaria Qutub after its anchor joined Aam Aadmi Party and created trouble against BJP.

These proprietary institutions came under target. They are still fighting today.


GSTV and the website have never worked under the patronage of the government. That is why direct and indirect attacks are being made on him.

On the night of Ganesh Visarjan in Vadodara, Vadodara Police fatally attacked a GSTV journalist. The journalist has suffered a fracture and is sitting down. Fent was captured and dragged away. PSI Alpesh Patel gave leadership. Subject

Rea pulled the officer over, asking him to file a complaint.

Sameer Ashokbhai Gadkari, who was working as Bureau Chief in a newspaper named Divya Bhaskar of Jamnagar, was attacked.

22 journalists attacked in Ahmedabad

In 2015, 22 journalists were attacked at the Ahmedabad GMDC grounds during a Patidar rally. The police convoy was attacked. Demanded action against the police officer who assaulted him. But nothing happened. Along with this, a complaint was sent by the journalists to the Sub-District Magistrate in Allapad.

Cameras were snatched and broken. Cassettes and memory cards were broken. The police repressed to a great extent. Not only on the GMDC grounds, but the journalists and cameramen who went to cover the incident of police lathicharge on innocent people in Ahmedabad city were also attacked by the police. Which has not been investigated in detail.

In 2016, the media persons covering Hardik Patel, who was going from SGVP hospital to the fast camp after undergoing treatment during the movement, were stopped by the police from covering him. Not only this, all the journalists present were misbehaved by senior police officers.

GMDC incident

Six years ago, journalists and cameramen of print and electronic media who had come to cover the rally of Patidar community of 12 lakh people at GMDC grounds in Ahmedabad were suddenly attacked by a police convoy.

The police snatched the cameras kept by the journalists and broke them. The police have resorted to repression to the extent of breaking the cassettes and memory cards kept in the cameras. Not only on the GMDC grounds, but in Ahmedabad city, the journalists and cameramen who went to cover the incident of lathicharge on innocents were also beaten up by the police. Journalists ask Rupani, why don’t you bring law for the safety of journalists?

A journalist was burnt in Ahmedabad

In March 2019, the burnt body of Ahmedabad TV journalist Chirag Patel was found. He is full of all these doubts. The government has made a habit of waking up only when there is a presentation or any movement.

The body of private channel journalist Chirag Patel was found in a suspiciously burnt condition. When no conclusion was found in the investigation, City Police Commissioner AK Singh handed over the investigation of the case to the City Crime Branch. The mystery of the murder has still not been revealed. The murder of the Ahmedabad journalist happened when incidents like threats and murders often happen in Ahmedabad. Journalists ask Rupani, why don’t you bring law for the safety of journalists?

Nothing happened even with protest

Journalists, cameramen and photographers from print media as well as electronic media as well as media representatives observed two minutes silence at the Collector’s office and paid tribute to him.

Chirag Patel’s grandfather said that today we have appealed for justice for our son. The way the local police is investigating us, even after three days they are saying that there is no evidence. The police is trying to save the accused. We have demanded a CBI investigation.

In the case of mysterious death of channel journalist Chirag Patel, many journalists of Ahmedabad city together took out a candle march. Journalists demanded proper investigation and justice into the death of Chirag Patel. The family demands that the investigation be handed over to the Crime Branch. Journalists ask Rupani, why don’t you bring law for the safety of journalists?


On July 24, 2015, anti-social elements vandalized the MLA’s office in Aravalli and attacked a journalist. A similar incident had also happened in Visnagar.

Those who attacked journalist Jayeshbhai Bhailalbhai Jhala in Halvad on 7 April 2018 were not caught for a long time.

On December 4, 2018, a BJP official attacked a journalist in Rajkot.

On 18 November 2018, a police complaint was filed against the attacker who attacked Haroon Togaji node, a journalist who had written about irregularities in the Kharivav mandal of Sarhad Dairy. He attacked and injured his shoulder and threatened to kill him.

On December 3, 2019, Young Pratibha, a journalist from Surat, was attacked by bootleggers.

-Kuldeep Parmar

On October 4, 2019, TV9 journalist Kuldeep Parmar and cameraman Akash Parmar were kidnapped and beaten up by the brother of a BJP leader from Banaskantha, Gujarat. To cover up the irregularities in government assistance in Kuwarshi village of Banaskantha, BJP leader went to the ashramshala of Laxman Bard. Laxman’s brother Vadansingh, along with 7 others, kidnapped both the journalists and took them to a nearby farmhouse. Where he was beaten. Both the journalists were released after two and a half hours.

Rajesh Gajjar

On July 21, 2020, journalist Rajesh Gajjar was attacked in Deodar over a news dispute. On July 21, 2020, a news channel journalist was attacked in Deodar, Banaskantha while reporting on illegal purchases.

From now on, freedom of journalists is under attack in Gujarat. There are reports of crime without any reason.

attack on mansi

On 21 February 2021, when Divya Bhaskar’s female journalist Mansi was attacked by the police, write to her editor.

You can shoot but you can’t stop us from exposing the lies.

On 13 October 2021, a woman journalist was attacked in Keshod, Junagadh.


On August 9, 2021, unknown assailants attacked TV channel owner Dineshbhai Advani in Bharuch and fled in an Innova car.

Amdav 23 August 2021

Crime Tehelka weekly editor Dinesh Kalal was attacked in Chandlodiya.

Uday Ranjan

On December 20, 2021, during a protest at the BJP office in Gandhinagar, Gandhinagar Police targeted and attacked G24 Hours journalist Uday Ranjan.


17 May 2020 Journalist Hardik Joshi was attacked along with others by a group of workers on the road near Shapar Veraval. 110 journalists died due to Corona. In which the journalists demanded compensation and assistance. But the government has not accepted it yet. 11 journalists have received compensation.

to put

In 2020, Mandvi Bar Association President Kheraj N. regarding Divya Bhaskar journalist Sureshgiri Goswami. Saddened by this news, Raag and his two companions beat each other in public.


In 2022, miscreants attacked a journalist outside the court in Disha and seriously injured him. Political people had their hands on him.


A complaint was filed at Dolwan police station against the person who attacked the journalist on 7 April 2022. The journalist was attacked asking why should the news be reported.

2021 Schedule of Presentations to Government

Recently there have been incidents of attacks on the expression of journalists. Which is a matter of concern for journalists all over India. Journalism is the fourth pillar of democracy. When people do not see any hope from government, court, system for their money problems then they go to journalists. Common people hope that by publishing their news they will get justice.

A case of treason has been registered against many senior journalists of the country regarding the violence that took place in the farmers’ tractor rally on Republic Day.

sovereignty of parliamentarians

The incident that happened in Gujarat with Delhi journalist Paranjay Guha Thakurta is shaking the country.

In an incident in Surendranagar, BJP MP Dr. Mahendra Munjpara threatened to kill a journalist of WE TV and Gujarat Samachar. Earlier he had misbehaved with 3 journalists at different times.

Many crimes were registered against the journalist

Another incident is even more frightening. Because an incident of filing a case against a journalist by Adani Group, which has good relations with BJP, has come to light. In which the Bhuj court had ordered his arrest.

Adani has filed a case against Paranjoy Guha in the courts of Ahmedabad and Bhuj. These cases are ongoing. Paranjoy has written a book exposing the collusion between the government and Adani.

Guha is the only journalist from Bhajat mentioned in the Heidenberg investigation. He has done many researches in Gujarat. He is being harassed from Gujarat itself. He was offered to explain several times but he did not budge. Even in Gujarat, there are 108 such journalists who never succumbed to government pressure. They are still fighting today. Cases have been registered against many people in Gujarat.

This is the incident which has journalists all over the country worried.

Adani Group has filed a defamation complaint against Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, former editor of Economics and Political Weekly. In which the magistrate of Mundra, Kutch ordered the arrest of Thakurta. Gujarat High Court banned it on 25 May 2021.

On behalf of petitioner Paranjay, it was said that the lower court directly issued the non-bailable warrant without issuing summons or bailable warrant, which is not legally correct. Paranjoy had given an affidavit that whenever the lower court asks him to appear, he would appear. Hearing the argument, the court ordered an interim stay on the arrest.

Paranjoy Guha Thakurta wrote an article in the Economics and Political Weekly in 2017 that the central government had changed the rules of the special economic zone to give a benefit of Rs 500 crore to the Adani Group.

This article was first published by Thakurta as editor in Economics and Political Weekly on 14 June 2017. A notice was sent to this organization on behalf of Adani Group. This article was removed by the organization and after this Paranjoy Guha Thakurta resigned.

Subsequently, the same article was published by the news portal The Wire on 19 June 2017. Therefore, Adani Group filed a defamation complaint in the Kutch court against Tar Tamaj Thakurta and others. In May-2019, Adani Group withdrew all cases against The Wire. But the case against Thakurta was not withdrawn.

Journalist Paranjoy is a person who speaks the truth to those in power. He has written a book on Narendra Modi’s scams in the purchase of Rafale aircraft.

Bahadur Paranjoy is a journalist who has written a book exposing Adani. In which he has revealed many evidences. This book has also had an impact on BJP.


Police pelted stones at journalists who had gone to cover the elections for the Radharaman Temple Board of the main Swaminarayan Temple in Junagadh city. In this case, the journalists continued protesting throughout the day and sat on strike demanding strict action. Also, there were huge protests in the entire state on this lathi charge issue.

After seeing the anger of journalists, Rupani

The government suspended one PAI of Distaff of Junagadh A Division and two constables, Junagadh Range IG. Journalists ask Rupani, why don’t you bring law for the safety of journalists?

5 policemen attacked the journalists themselves.

The police failed to stop the attack on Swamy and targeted the media. Journalists were manhandled and lathicharged. The investigation of the entire case has been handed over to ASP Raviteja Kasam Setty.

The viral video of the incident has been given to journalists for investigation.

Later, PSI Gonsai and two constables Bharat Chavda and Vijay Babaria were immediately suspended.

Journalists united due to this incident. There have been many such incidents of attacks on journalists.

One such incident of violation of communal rights by the police happened in Ahmedabad.

Journalist murdered in Junagadh

A journalist named Kishore Dave from Junagadh was murdered in his office.

atrocities again in ahmedabad

Hardik Patel’s journalists, who were fasting for 16 days, started paying taxes across the country. Which Gujarat Rupani government did not like. Therefore, after giving personal instructions to the police that the journalists should not publish the news of Hardik Patel in any way, the behavior of the police towards the journalists was very bad.

The social leader misbehaved with journalists and cameramen outside Hardik’s house. Once the police officers tried to snatch the camera from the cameraman present at the spot. The police attacked a cameraman on the head with a stick, due to which the cameraman bled to death. Journalists ask Rupani, why don’t you bring law for the safety of journalists?

When Hardik Patel, who was on fast, was returning after getting treatment at SGVP Hospital, Assistant Police Commissioner Ashutosh Parmar stopped the journalists and cameramen present behind him and said that the journalists and cameramen would not be allowed inside.

This time when the journalists who wanted to enter inside were trying to convince ACP Parmar, Parmar lost his control and started talking to the journalists in threatening language. This time, DCP Jaipal Singh Rathore and Joint Police Commissioner Amit Vishwakarma, who reached there, also ordered that journalists will not be allowed entry. Journalists ask Rupani, why don’t you bring law for the safety of journalists?

It is clear from the behavior of the police officers that due to the media coverage Hardik is getting, such an order has been given at the behest of the state government to stop journalists and cameramen from going near Hardik.

In a heated clash between police and journalists, police officers pushed journalists and cameramen, with some police batons hitting a cameraman in the head. Some policemen tried to confiscate the camera of the cameraman who was recording the entire incident. Journalists ask Rupani, why don’t you bring law for the safety of journalists?

Journalists are protesting by sitting on the road. When the journalists contacted the Ahmedabad Police Commissioner and informed him about this, he denied that he had given any such order, but the journalists present at the spot were not allowed to meet Hardik Patel. Journalists ask Rupani, why don’t you bring law for the safety of journalists?

One should think a hundred times before attacking a journalist. But now there is no fear of law. So journalists ask, why doesn’t Rupani bring a law for the safety of journalists?

Honest and fearless journalists fight for the justice of the people. They are raising their voice to stop corruption in the society. People also look to journalists for justice.

in hot

Three months ago a bad incident happened with a journalist in Tapi district. Journalist Anilbhai Gameet of Tapi district was beaten by the defeated candidate Dineshbhai Chhotubhai Gameet in Songadh. In protest against the incident, all the journalists of Tapi District Journalist Association met Tapi District S.P. And presented it before the Collector and demanded strict action. The police arrested him. Journalists of Tapi district, forgetting their discrimination, condemned this incident in strong words in every news channel and newspaper. Journalists ask Rupani, why don’t you bring law for the safety of journalists?

The Editors Guild of India believes that, in many cases, police cases are “intimidated, harassed and suppressed by the media.

Caravan is an investigative news magazine. This magazine has often had to face confrontation with the Modi government. Executive editor Vinod Jose declared that “This kind of story is being created. It is very dangerous. We live in a polarized environment where the government has branded its critics as traitors. It is the responsibility of journalists to question those in power.” There is work.”

The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party denies that journalists are being targeted. BJP believes that all this is being done for ‘planned propaganda’ against the government.

Manita Journalist

In Gujarat, many alleged pro-government journalists have published inflammatory and often anti-minority stories. But hardly any action has been taken against them. They have been placed in good positions in the government and government institutions. If a TV channel fires a journalist, the media cell helps in hiring them again. Even after every month, many people get help.

Sedition crimes dating back to the British Empire are now being used against journalists.

Crime increased under Modi rule

Data compiled by Article14 website

Sedition charges have been filed against 405 Indians over the past decade for criticizing leaders and governments, the highest number of cases since Narendra Modi took power in 2014, according to the .

In 2020, sedition charges have been filed against 3 journalists in Gujarat.

In which the Rupani government committed treason against Ahmedabad journalist Dhawal Patel in 2020.

Crime registered. This journalist will now have to leave his newspaper and take refuge in America. Journalists ask Rupani, why don’t you bring law for the safety of journalists?

Opposition leaders, students, journalists, writers and academics have become victims of the repressive law. Journalists ask Rupani, why don’t you bring law for the safety of journalists? But the government itself is silencing the voice of journalists.

Traitor journalist, true journalist

On Friday, May 7, 2020, Ahmedabad Crime Branch booked Dhaval Patel, editor of Gujarati news portal – Face of Nation, under sedition – sedition case for uploading news from Ahmedabad, which led to protests by journalists across Gujarat. Demand was made that the offense should be withdrawn immediately. The journalist had to flee the country. The government has tortured journalists to this extent.

He has written several reports exposing political leaders and officials of Gujarat.

The BJP high command can remove Chief Minister Vijay Rupani from his post and make Union Minister Mansukh Mandaviya the Chief Minister in his place. We do not understand how he wrote news of such importance that it could be a crime of treason. This attitude of the government spread fear among the journalists. Still, there are 108 journalists who fearlessly expose Saraka’s mistakes in the public interest. Since such incidents happen frequently in Gujarat, journalists feel unsafe and their freedom is taken away. Journalists often feel that they cannot write properly.

Even when he wrote a report about the scam going on in Nadiad Municipality, the Collector closed the newspaper against him for 9 months. This was a direct attack on newspapers. This was an attack on the freedom of journalists. Dhawal went to the High Court and won. The High Court said that Calcutta has no right to stop any newspaper.

Thus, the officer had filed a false case against him and had committed bribery.

Many journalists were declared traitors

Even before this, the Gujarat government had accused Times of India journalist Prashant Dayal of treason. Many other journalists in Gujarat have also been booked under this section. From now on, freedom of journalists is under attack in Gujarat. There are reports of crime without any reason. Which we condemn. The case on cashew is being prosecuted by Gujarat’s well-known lawyer Anand Yagnik. At the time of this incident, there was a lot of anger among the journalists against the Narendra Modi government. Under the leadership of Dilip Patel, 700 journalists gathered in front of the Ahmedabad Police Commissioner’s office and protested. With the intention of reconciliation, Modi government had proposed to remove this journalist from Times of India. He was not accepted by the Times management. But then a plan was made to remove him in a different way.

Four such journalists in Valsad, Surat and Ahmedabad were declared traitors by the BJP government.

Attack on female journalist Gopi

On July 19, 2008, two children died in the ashram of fake priest Asaram Bapu. The residents went on strike in protest against this. There was a lot of anger in BJP against Modi government. The rally turned violent. Maulvi’s supporters attacked the journalists. People set police vehicles on fire.

Many journalists including Aaj Tak’s female journalist Gopi Maniyar were beaten up. Equipment covering the clash between ashram supporters and residents was also damaged.

After this Gopi said that Asharam Bapu’s supporters had come out with sticks. Media personnel were assaulted. I also got injured in this attack. The journalists marched in front of the Ashram ashram the next day without any complaints being filed against them by the police. But the police stopped it in Sabarmati itself. Journalists ask Rupani, why don’t you bring law for the safety of journalists?

attack in banaskantha

Police have arrested Vadansingh Bardan, the main accused who kidnapped TV Nine journalist Kuldeep Parmar from Banaskantha and carried out a deadly attack.

In a polarized environment, journalists are more divided than ever. Most of the mainstream media, especially some partisan news networks, seem to avoid criticism of the Modi government. But independent journalists are fighting back.

what do leaders say

Former Chief Minister of Gujarat Suresh Mehta and Late. Keshubhai Patel and some Congress leaders have been clearly saying that there is a state of emergency in Gujarat since 2001 and journalists cannot write against the government. Many people believe that Gujarat and India are no longer safe for journalists. Such a situation is created and also intimidated. But truth does only what it has to offer. A police case is also registered against him.

Journalists’ phones are being tapped.

Dilip Singh Kshatriya case

July 2023 In August, Dilipsingh Kshatriya, Gujarat chief of The New Indian Express, was attacked online after he wrote a report that 44,000 women were missing from Gujarat. The threat was given over a phone call. Their main office was also targeted. But this is the newspaper which

Censorship was challenged during the crisis. Even during times of crisis, Ramnath Goenka fought against the government. The dark deeds of Reliance were exposed. How can he bow down before Modi and Patel’s government? However, Dilip Singh Kshatriya was harassed by the ruling party where he was previously employed. The workers were forced to leave their jobs.


Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi’s crisis was public. Modi’s crisis is hidden. Since 1985, Amey Modi has become in the habit of hiding.

Officially the rights have not been removed, but in practice there are no rights. This is very shocking. We are living in a chaotic, informal crisis. Even in an official emergency, a citizen can hope that sometimes it will be lifted and the situation will return to normal. How can you end an emergency when it has not been officially declared?

online threats

The world’s most populous democracy, India, is also sending the message that newspapers are no longer responsible for criticizing the government. If the opposition party speaks something, they are insulted on social media. Social media is under attack. In which the saffron gang of English BJP attacks. But it has been seen on X and Facebook that journalists are not afraid of this. Facebook is now under the control of the Government of India.

Hired gangs of political parties work extensively to online troll journalists who criticize the government. They are threatened. Women journalists are treated rudely. Journalists ask Rupani, why don’t you bring law for the safety of journalists?

67 journalists arrested

67 journalists have been arrested in India in the year 2020. 200 journalists have been beaten. A journalist who went to cover the gang rape of a teenage girl in Uttar Pradesh was arrested and jailed for five months. There are no details of how many journalists were prosecuted in the nine years from 2014 to 2023. But on the basis of 2020, it can be said that at least 500 journalists would have been targeted in the country. These details should be disclosed by Gujarat and Central Government.

freelance journalist

The good journalists of Gujarat who cannot tolerate interference in their thinking and writing are upset. Their livelihood has been stolen. There are about 200 such journalists who are working independently.

It has become very difficult for freelance journalists to survive in Ahmedabad. Journalists have often been harassed. Death threats were given and trolled badly. The current political situation is different in that rights are being violated openly even without an official declaration of emergency.

make laws

Freedom of expression is not adequately protected. However, it was guaranteed in the Constitution. But Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru limited that freedom by introducing the first constitutional amendment in 1951. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi imposed Emergency in 1975 and thereafter newspapers in India were throttled for 21 months. Thus Nehru first attacked the journalists. Now BJP, Modi and Rupani are killing. Journalists ask Rupani, why don’t you bring law for the safety of journalists?

In programs for journalists, leaders talk about civil liberties. But dirty politics is going on behind the scenes.

Even the police and judiciary, a legacy of the British Raj, often do not provide protection. The track record of Gujarat Police and courts in this matter is also not commendable.

attack in rajkot

On December 17, 2019, young journalist Kuldeep Joshi of Jetalsar was fatally attacked with a knife by Amit Bhuva of the village. A person named Amit, who was following political people, attacked him.

Rally of journalists in Gandhinagar

Naya Gujarat Public Rights Awareness Committee gave a petition to Gandhinagar Collector. Complaints were filed in 8 municipalities regarding killings and attacks on RTI activists, social workers and journalists. In case of assault or murder of the petitioner seeking information, the police were demanded to immediately register an FIR and try the case in a fast track court. In which Rupani did nothing for 4 years. Journalists ask Rupani, why don’t you bring law for the safety of journalists?

Application form in Rajpipla

By a journalist of a news portal. Regarding the news written on 7th May, the date of keeping the grudge. Detained on the 11th. And a crime of treason has been registered which is very condemnable. Regarding this, journalists of Narmada district applied to Journalist Rajpipla.

Journalists are being attacked all over the country including Gujarat. Journalists are being implicated in false cases by the police department under the direct direction of the government. The right to freedom of expression and speech is being violated. Narmada District Collector Manoj Kothari submitted a petition requesting the Chief Minister to withdraw the sedition case registered against the journalist. There is no security for journalists in the state. Attacks on journalists. Conspiracies are hatched against them and they are tricked. The unjust and despicable behavior of the police department towards journalists was condemned. To keep journalists under pressure, false cases are being made against them. At the time of application Bharat Shah, Ayaz Arab, Yogesh Vasava, Rahul Patel, Vishal Pathak, Kanaksin

Mathuroja, Jayesh Gandhi, Ashiq Pathan were present.

A meeting was held in Ahmedabad

Journalists got a public bake at Vastrapur Lake on 14 May 2019. A meeting of the state level coordination committee was held. Rupani demanded the government to enact strict laws for the safety of journalists. Regarding which Rupani has not taken any action till date.

Journalists are always working in the face of death, forgetting everything and risking their lives. During the movements, journalists faced lathicharge along with people.

All print media, electronic media, radio, social media, web portals and all mediums of journalism were included in the meeting.

Senior and young journalists also joined Ray. Journalists are often attacked in Gujarat including Junagadh. Seeing this, a wave of concern was seen in the journalism world. If journalists are not safe then where will the public be? Journalists ask Rupani, why don’t you bring law for the safety of journalists?

Conspiracy to make journalists casteist

There are no journalists in Gujarat now…if there are, then there are no SC journalists, ST journalists, OBC journalists, minority journalists, yes, there are no general category journalists. Vibrant is a dynamic government information account of Gujarat. Journalists ask that if this is possible then why doesn’t Rupani bring a law for the safety of journalists?

Information Account issues accreditation cards to accredited journalists. This card also has to be renewed every year. For the first time, the Information Department has added a new column in the renewal form sent to journalists. In which information has been sought about the caste of the journalist.

The electorate has been ruthlessly divided into minority vote banks. A journalist does not belong to any caste or society. There is no need to know the caste of journalists.

History of Gujarat Journalism

Journalism is one of the major professions of the modern civilization of Gujarat. Which includes things like acquiring, writing, editing, presenting, monetizing, publishing or broadcasting news. In today’s era, there are many mediums of journalism, which include newspapers, magazines, radio, television, social media. It is divided into two main media namely print and audio-visual.

Mumbai Samachar is India’s oldest daily in Gujarati language. It’s been 200 years. Mumbai Samachar was started in 1822. Gandhiji was a good journalist. During the era of independence, many journalists were fighting against the British. Most commercial TV channels and publications and websites now praise governments. Because they fear that the government will take action against them. Or they are given money by the government. (Translated from Gujarati by Google)