Modi’s lockdown fails, India at number four in Corona the world, reach number one in the world

Corona is not likely to fall in the country recently. The number of corona infections in India has reached close to 3 lakh. It is likely to intensify in the coming days. According to experts, the number of corona infections in the country could reach its peak in mid-July or early August. Then the whole world can reach number one. India has topped the list of countries most affected by Corona. Reached fourth place after the US, Brazil and Russia. In India, the situation of the entire country has deteriorated due to the rude announcement of lockdown by Narendra Modi.

The Vice Chairman of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi, Dr. S.P. According to Biotra, corona cases in India could reach a peak in mid-July or August. I don’t think the vaccine will come before the first quarter of next year.

10 thousand cases every day
Every day, about 10,000 new cases of corona are coming into the country. The total number of corona infections in the country has reached 2,97,535. The good news is that 1,47,195 of these people have survived the epidemic. Corona has killed 8498 people in the country.

The situation can be difficult
If corona cases increase in the country at this pace, a dire situation could ensue. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has said that the number of coronaviruses in the city could reach 5.5 lakh by July 31. Think about the situation in the country if you show so much patience in Delhi. Delhi and Gujarat are currently ranked third in the list of states most affected by corona in the country. The number of infected corona in Delhi is 34687, in which 1085 people have died. 12731 people have recovered from the capital’s Corona.

The health system is crumbling
In these same cases, the hands of the Delhi government have begun to rise. The Supreme Court said that the condition of corona patients in Delhi is worse than that of animals. But the fact of the scary land behind it has been seen by Delhiites for the last several days. Hospitals do not have beds. Patients are everywhere. Some are questioning Corona’s test reports. Some are accused of doing politics in the hospital. While some are questioning the mortality. Meanwhile, ordinary Delhiites are worried about where he should go. The question is what will be the condition of the patients when Corona’s case is at its peak.