BJP general secretary and Union minister V Muralitharan today went on a one-day hunger strike against Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan over the smuggling of 30 kg of gold in Kerala. Union Minister of State for External Affairs and Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Muralitharan is adamant on the resignation of the state chief minister. The BJP believes that the wires in this case are related to lending to terrorist organizations. The party has demanded a thorough investigation.
BJP national general secretary Murlidhar Rao also backed the Union minister on the issue. “This is not only a case of gold smuggling, but it is also related to India’s security. It is also related to the financing network of terrorist organizations. It should be thoroughly investigated. The CM of Kerala has to resign. This is our demand,” he said.
Delhi: MoS External Affairs & Parliamentary Affairs V.Muraleedharan holds a day-long hunger strike demanding the resignation of CM Pinarayi Vijayan, over Kerala gold smuggling case.
— ANI (@ANI) August 2, 2020
Let me tell you that a senior IAS officer from Kerala was sacked on July 14 at the UAE Consulate in Thiruvananthapuram in connection with an investigation into the smuggling of 30 kg of gold by diplomatic channels.