His house survives
Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel and Mohammad Ali Jinnah are Gujaratis. Jinnah is considered an anti-hero in Gujarat. Mohammad Ali Jinnah is also from his native place Gujarat. Jinnah’s ancestors were residents of Paneli village.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah lived in Big Paneli village near Porbandar. The distance between Gandhi and Jinnah’s hometown is not 100 kilometers. This village is known as Jinnah village. Harshad Mehta was also from this village, so Harshad Mehta’s village is also known by this name and also by the name of industrialist Valji Jagjivan.
Mahatma Gandhi’s birthplace is Porbandar and Jinna’s parents’ house is also a big village in Rajkot district. Small businessman and Mahatma Gandhi belonged to the Vania caste among Hindus. Gujarati was the mother tongue of the ancestors of both India and Pakistan.
Located in Upleta taluka. Big Paneli had a population of 13 thousand in 2011.
Childhood and marriage
There was a tradition in Gujarat to add the father’s name after the name. Jinnah’s full name is Mohammad Ali Jenabhai.
Jina’s father’s name was Jenabhai Thakkar and grandfather’s name was Punjabbhai Thakkar. Father was a rich businessman. Jinna’s mother’s name was Mithibai.
Jina’s parents married their son to an 11-year-old girl Amibai of Bigi Paneli village at the age of 16 before he went to England. The girl whom Jinna married was named Amibai. Jenabhai and Mithibai were scared of Jinna going to London.
He never saw the girl he married. During the marriage, Amibai was covered with clothes from top to bottom. After marriage, Jinna went to London and when he returned, Amibai died.
No one knows about Amibai or her family in Bigi Paneli village.
16-year-old Mamad was married to 14-year-old Amibai of Bigi Paneli. Ameibai also belonged to the Khoja caste. In those days all marriages were arranged by the children’s parents.
After his wife’s death Jinnah later married a Parsi girl in Mumbai.
He worked as a lawyer in Mumbai. Here his interests were confined to Rattanbai (Ruttie), the daughter of the Parsi millionaire Sir Dinshaw Petit – whom he married in 1918 despite strong opposition from her parents and others. The couple had a daughter Dina, but the marriage proved unhappy and Jinnah and Ruttie soon separated. It was her sister Fatima who succeeded him.
Jinnah was the eldest of seven children of Punja, a wealthy merchant, and his wife Mithibai. His family included members of the Khoja caste.
After receiving education at home, Jinnah was sent to the Sindh Madrasa al-Islam (present-day Sindh Madrasatul Islam University) in Karachi in 1887. Even after embracing Islam, Punjalal raised his children in an open religious environment, influenced by both Hindus and Muslims. Jinnah was therefore initially very free-minded and liberal religious. In the early stages, he even avoided revealing his Muslim identity. However, after entering politics, he became a supporter of the separation of Pakistan on religious grounds.
He later joined the Christian Missionary Society High School (in Karachi), where, at the age of 16, he passed the matriculation examination of the University of Bombay (now University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India).
Early education was in Gujarati language at home. On the suggestion of Sir Frederick Lee Croft, the general manager of Douglas Graham & Co., Karachi’s top managing agency, Jenabhai sent Mohammed Ali Jenabhai to London in 1892 to gain business experience.
He decided to become a barrister rather than learn the business.
Early years
In London he joined Lincoln’s Inn, one of the law societies preparing students for the bar. In 1895, at the age of 19, he was called to the bar. His wife and mother died in London. However, he completed his studies and also studied the British political system, frequently visiting the House of Commons.
He was highly influenced by the liberalism of William E. Gladstone, who became prime minister for the fourth time in 1892, the year Jinnah arrived in London.
When the Parsi leader Dadabhai Naoroji, a prominent Indian nationalist, ran for the British Parliament, Jinnah and other Indian students worked day and night for him. Their efforts were successful: Naoroji became the first Indian to sit in the House of Commons.
When Jinnah returned to Karachi in 1896, he found that his father’s business had suffered and he had to depend on himself. He decided to start his legal practice in Mumbai, but it took him several years to establish himself as a lawyer.
After 10 years he turned to active politics. He was not a religious fanatic. He was a Muslim in the broadest sense. He had nothing to do with sects.
Today Gandhiji’s house in Porbandar has been converted into a museum. So the house of Jinnah’s grandfather and his father is today a farmer Hindu family.
This house is about 110 years old and is a medbaandh building. Two rooms with kitchen downstairs and two rooms with kitchen upstairs.
Nothing has changed in the house. Plastering has also been done in some places. Rest of the structure is the same.
Jinbapa’s 108-year-old two-storey house still stands in a narrow lane near Azad Chowk in Moti Paneli.
It seems that some repairs and renovation have been done in it. It is also known as Jina Poonja (a commercial firm).
Nothing has changed in this house till now
A typical Gujarati house with one room downstairs, two rooms upstairs and two kitchens is still the same. The courtyard seen in old houses is also here.
There is no mention of Jina coming to Gujarat twice, but there is mention of Big Paneli. He attended the Bombay Provincial Conference in October 1916 and the Congress Conference organized by Muhammad Ali Jinnah in Ahmedabad in 1921.
Building owner
The Hindu living in Jina’s house is Pravinbhai Popatbhai Pokia Patel. Mother lives with Nandubhan.
Many people come to see this house every day. Sometimes a journalist, sometimes a district officer, sometimes a leader comes. In 2005, foreign media also came to see this house.
Want to sell the house
Pravinbhai Pokia’s elder brother is Chamanbhai Pokia. Want to sell the house. We will buy a new house. If he wants, he can make a small museum. Jina gets angry at living in the house. This house belonged to Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s father. This is also the identity of the family in the village.
Jinnah’s grave is in Pakistan. Paying tribute to Jinnah, Advani described him as a secular and a messenger of Hindu-Muslim unity. He has left an indelible mark in history and created history. Since then, his political end has come. There was a fierce controversy in the BJP over this statement of Advani. The BJP has distanced itself from Advani’s statement. The controversy arising from Advani’s statement reached Bigi Paneli village.
Bhim Jayni
70-year-old Kiran Bhimjya of Moti Paneli village gives fluent information related to Jinnah’s identity. This village is also infamous due to the partition of India. Jinnah fought for India’s independence. He created Pakistan, that’s why people are angry.’
Made in Karachi
Jenabhai went to Karachi for business. Muhammad Ali Jenabhai later anglicized his name. Jinnah went to London not for studies but for business. Later he started studying to be a barrister there.
Born in Karachi
Jeena’s father Jenabhai Thakkar went to Karachi for business in 1875. Jenabhai met Sir Frederick Lee Croft in Karachi. He was the general manager of Karachi’s top management agency Douglas Graham & Co. Contact with Frederick proved to be a turning point in Janabhai’s life. Jenabhai’s business flourished and brought in huge financial gains.
At that time many business houses from Gujarat reached Mumbai and Karachi ports. Both these ports were very important for their business ventures. Jinabhai was adept at trading in many things simultaneously. Cotton, wool, oilseeds, leather trade, etc. Zenabapa started a large-scale money lending business.
It was in Karachi that Jenabhai’s wife Mithibai gave birth to a son on 25 October 1876 (the date of birth is still not fixed.) All the male members of Poonjabhai’s house had Hindu names. But Karachi was completely different.
Jenabhai named his son Mohammad Ali Jenabhai.
Mammad (Muhammad) was the first of seven children of Jinabhai and Mithibai. In Pakistan, December 25 (1876) is celebrated as the birth anniversary of the Father of the Nation.
According to the records of a madrasa in Karachi, where Muhammad first knelt down, Muhammad Ali Jinabhai was born on October 20, 1875. This date is very likely to be correct.
In 1893, Jinabhai prepared to go to London for a business apprenticeship, at the same time Mithibai gave birth to Muhammad. Muhammad’s beloved name was Mamad.
Leaving Amibai at home, Muhammad Ali left his father’s business at the age of 16 and went to London to study law.
Father Jinabhai was angry and upset with this decision of Muhammad. Jinabhai’s business also started incurring losses, so Jinabapa left his house at Tower Street, Azad Chowk, Bigi Paneli and moved to Ratnagiri in 1904.
Jina is believed to have come to Rajkot in 1940.
Ganod Village
Jenabhai and Mithibai brought their son Muhammad Ali to the dargah of Hasan Peer for the ‘Aqiqa’ ceremony. This dargah is located at Ganod, a few kilometres from Paneli village. Here Muhammad Ali’s head was shaved. Mithibai was performing this ritual to protect her son.
Teacher Panelina
The family came to Paneli from Karachi for the ‘Mundan Vidhi’. Muhammad Ali Jinnah did not have a formal primary education. Mithibai and Jenabhai invited a teacher from a large panel to teach him Gujarati. At the age of nine, he was sent to a primary school and later to Sindh-Madrasa-tul-Islam. Here he studied for three and a half years. After the madrasa, Muhammad Ali was sent to a church mission school in Karachi.
Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s grandfather was a Hindu. His grandfather Poonjabhai Thakkar lived in Paneli village with his three sons Valjibhai, Nathubhai, Jenabhai and a daughter Manbai.
This family was Khoja Muslim. Khoja and Vohra are traders. They are peaceful business people. They adopt other culture and language very quickly. Poonjabhai used to work in handloom.
Poonjabhai’s youngest son Jenabhai left Paneli. Paneli moved to nearby Gondal.
He belonged to the Lohana Thakkar caste. Later he accepted Islam. Poonjabhai started the fish business. Therefore, the people of Lohana-Thakkar caste boycotted him. After the boycott, this family accepted Islam. This family became Khoja Muslim.
Six Khoja Muslim families live in the village. At that time, about one hundred Khoja families lived in this village.
Poonjabhai Thakkar’s son was Jenabhai Thakkar. Jenabhai’s son was Mammad i.e.
Mehmad Ali Jinnah. This family
He was a Hindu. Punjabbhai used to trade fish. The Lohana caste was conservative. In such a situation, there was a lot of opposition to the fish trade. After this opposition, Punjabbhai accepted Islam.
Later Punjabbhai wanted to become a Hindu. But the Hindu public did not accept him.
Fed up with the persecution of society, Punjabbhai accepted Islam (Khoja, a subsect of Islam). Most of the followers of Aga Khan Saheb have Hindu names.
Roots of the Jina family
Lohana society is an outcast society.
Jinna was born in a Shia Muslim Khoja family. These are followers of Ismaili Aga Khan. Between the 10th and 16th centuries, thousands of Khoja families faced persecution in Iran and fled to areas including western India. There is no exact date of when Jina’s ancestors fled. But the Khoja themselves are a minority in Islam and the followers of Islam in India are also a minority.
The type of names of Jina’s grandfather and father suggests that this family had converted from Hindu to Muslim.
Jinnah’s ancestral roots are linked to Iran. Jinnah’s grandfather, father, mother and siblings had Hindu names. However, this is done to reduce the identity of non-Indian origin in Muslim society. Jinnah’s ancestors were Sahiwal Rajputs in Punjab and married an Ismaili Khoja woman in Kathiawar.
Inadvertently, Pakistan’s founder Mohammad Ali Jinnah told that Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s ancestors came to India from Persia (today’s Iran).
Jinnah’s grandfather Poonjabhai Thakkar, who regularly visited the mansion, was forced to convert to Islam. There were dilemmas. Pakistan’s Father of the Nation was written. The gotra of Hindu Lohana is found in Persia. As a result of religious persecution in Persia, Hindu Lohana and Memon and Khoja families who accepted Islam had to migrate to India.
Partition is fine
Seven days before the independence of Pakistan, Mohammad Ali Jinnah was traveling from Delhi to Karachi with his sister Fatima in a KD C-3 Dakota aircraft. After climbing a few steps on the plane, Jinnah was so tired that he fell on his seat panting. When the plane landed, Jinnah was so tired that he could barely stand up from his seat. The ADC tried to support him, but Jinnah refused to take his help.
Before leaving for Karachi, he sold his house at 10, Aurangzeb Road, Delhi to Hindu businessman Seth Ramkrishna Dalmia for three lakh rupees.
The place where the green and white flag of the Muslim League had been fluttering for years.
On 17 August 1947, Muhammad Ali Jinnah was sworn in as the Governor General of Pakistan.
When the plane reached Karachi, Jinnah was accompanied by ADC Syed Ahsan.
The population of Karachi doubled in a few months due to refugees from India.
Thousands of people on both sides of the road leading from the airport to the government residence shouted slogans to welcome Jinnah. That government house was earlier the residence of the Governor of Sindh and now it was Jinnah’s last bungalow.
Jinnah gave a speech after becoming the first Governor General of Pakistan
The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan was held on 11 August and Jinnah was unanimously elected the President.
The speech allowing Hindus and Muslims to live together in Pakistan was not liked. Jinnah’s speech caused silence in Muslim League circles. Which was removed from the pages of history. Bharatiya Janata Party leader Lal Krishna Advani had to pay a heavy price for praising that speech.
Jina’s daughter Dina Wadia lived in New York at that time.
On 13 August 1947, when Mountbatten reached Karachi to administer the oath to Jinnah as Governor General, Jinnah was not present to welcome him at the airport. He handed over this responsibility to Sindh Governor Sir Ghulam Hussain Hidayat Ullah and his ADC Syed Ahsan.
Jinnah was waiting for the guests from Delhi in the hall near the entrance of his official residence. Later that night, Jinnah hosted a banquet in honour of the Mountbatten couple.
Jina was strangely isolated at the banquet. During the banquet, Mountbatten was seated between Fatima Jinnah and Begum Liaquat Ali.
At the swearing-in ceremony, Jinnah insisted that his chair should be higher than Mountbatten’s, as he was the Governor General of Pakistan and the President of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan.
Jinnah could assume the post of Governor General only when Mountbatten administered the oath of office to him. Until this happens, all power would not be transferred to him. Jinnah held no official position. Jinnah accepted this argument of the British with great difficulty.
There was news from the CID that people would try to kill Jinna by throwing bombs at him while he was going or coming to the swearing-in ceremony. Jinnah was escorted to the Constituent Assembly hall in a strict manner. Mountbatten believed that an assassination attempt would be made on Jinnah when he was returning to his official residence in an open car.
At the swearing-in ceremony, Jinnah sat next to Mountbatten wearing a white naval uniform. Mountbatten in his speech congratulated the new nation on behalf of the King of Britain.
He patted Mountbatten’s fingers and said, Thank God I brought you back alive.
Jinnah believed till the last breath of his life that Pakistan could not have been created without him.
India to Pakistan
In return for liquid assets of Rs 75 crore, the newly created country received only Rs 20 crore. At that time
Sir Adamji Haji Dawood, a top industrialist of Gujarat, gave Jinnah a blank cheque for financial aid to Pakistan.
Gujaratis have made commendable contributions to the creation and reconstruction of both India and Pakistan and to providing stability to both. Especially the people of Saurashtra. Adamji was born on June 30, 1880 in Jetpur near Jinnah’s hometown. His company, started in 1901, became the largest exporter of rice and matchsticks. Burma became the largest importer of hemp and hemp products.
Violence erupted during the partition and about 1.5 crore people were displaced. About 10 lakh people died in this violence. At the time of partition, about 25 percent of India’s population was Muslim.
History of Lohana
Lohana has many histories from Vayu Purana to modern times. Suryavanshis are called Lohana dynasty.
Colonel Todd, who wrote the history of Rajasthan, found that the sons of Lav were Maharati, Maharati, then Athirati, Achalsen and in their 9th generation a king named Naksen was born. This Naksen left Lahore in 145 BC. In 145 he settled in the Saurashtra peninsula.
Chinese traveller Fa Hien C. He stayed in India from 399 to 414. He has written that – in the central part known as the Sindhu river and the Suleiman mountain, that is, in the Tak country, a caste called Lohana lived.
As Fatah-ul-Kiram has mentioned in the ancient history of Sindh, there were three main castes in Sindh – Bania, Tak and Mumia. This book written in the Muslim period was known as Lohana-Bania in Sindh. These Mumia were also a part of them, later they converted to Islam and came to be known as Memon. There was also a town called Lohar in Kapish province of Kabul. Historian Burton has mentioned Lohrana in Balochistan, Afghanistan and the eastern part of Central Asia.
In Bombay Gazetteer, Lohana Ono has been mentioned along with Lumpak in Afghanistan. That Lumlohar fort was considered the gate of Aryavat till the eleventh century.
In 790 A.D., Lohrana lost Kapisha in a battle with the Muslims. Then Kapisha was named Kabul. Wars between Lohrana and the Muslims continued till the eleventh century.
In 1001 A.D., Sabkat-Gin, father of Muhammad Ghazni, invaded Lohar-Kot and was defeated by the Lohranas.
In 1303 A.D., Vachchraj, nephew of Rana Harpal of Loharkot, defeated a Muslim ruler named Salarshah Masood. The name of King Vachchraj was Vachchdada.
In 1044 A.D., Kumar Jasraj was enthroned as Raghurana of Loharkot at the age of sixteen.
Jalal announced a reward of ten lakh gold coins for killing Jashraj. Veer Jashraj was known as Shahi Baagh due to his bravery and the mlechha people were afraid on hearing his name. Kapisha (Kabul) was conquered.
The saffron flag was hoisted and victory banners were spread.
In 1058 AD, mlechha soldiers in Hindu attire cut off their heads from their bodies on the pretext of saluting them. The soldiers immediately killed the treacherous soldiers.
After the destruction of Lohar region, the Loharan region was not repopulated. Some people migrated to save their religion. Loharan Singh fled from Lohar region and came to Kutch and Saurashtra.
In 1451 some Lohrana people converted to Islam. Today the surnames of Lohranas among Momins and Khojas are Raja, Lakhani, Thakkar.
The Meralohar Lohars settled in Barda Dungar of Meera area. They started farming and animal husbandry. Later their commerce came to be known as com. There were many divisions besides Mer, Memon, Ojha, Khatri, Sodha, Rajput.
In 1439 a child was born in the house of Loharankalicharan Chandarana. He earned fame in the world as Guru Nanak. Sindhi and Loharana had the same ancestors.
They came from Afghanistan and settled in Sindh. Sindhi language is written in Lohana script and Bhatia script.
When Alexander came to India, there were iron factories in Sindh and Punjab. Then many Lohanas of the border area left their border homeland and came from Sindh to Multan. From there they came to Kutch, Radhanpur and Vadhiar area via Rohri, Nagarthatha, Parkan. Many people went to Saurashtra and settled there.
When Ra’ Navghan invaded Sindh in Junagadh in the eleventh century, many Lohanas and Bhatias came to Junagadh with him. Started trading from Junagadh to Porbandar and Barda region. Many became Diwans. Plowed the seas as a merchant. Scattered all over the world
The Raghuvanshi Lohana society is considered to be a separate lineage from Ayodhya King Ram’s son ‘Lav’.
Thus, it is likely that a large number of Lohanas originally came from Junagadh from Afghanistan.
Kanji Odhavji Hinducha of Jam Khambhalia of Dwarka re-established the Lohana Maha Parishad village-by-village in 1910 in a bull unit for 6 years.
This Society has also given lamps to many royal houses of Afghanistan-West India and many princely states of Kutch-Saurashtra.
After being a Kshatriya till 1300 AD, he became a Vaishya and became a merchant.
By 1300 AD, the royal houses and Kshatriyas were considered to be Lagis and Lohrana. Then he became a Vaishya for a thousand years, hence he became a Lohana instead of Loharan. After the fall of the Lohana or Lohar dynasty in 1315 AD, Islamic rule was established in Kashmir.
There is hardly any country in the world where Lohanas are not doing business. Jalaram Bapa of Veerpur has worked to tie all the Lohanas together.
The population of Lohanas around the world is estimated to be around 25 lakhs.
Hemraj Betai of Dwarka 1
In 1924, at the age of sixteen, he settled in Akyab, Burma. In 1942, he came in contact with Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. On Netaji’s announcement, he donated his 18 lakh 80 rupees
Thousands of gems were given to the country in those days. After joining the Azad Hind Government, he was with them in the establishment of Azad Hind Bank. After the country became independent, he was awarded a gold medal on behalf of the country.
Two world famous industrialists of Uganda – Madhwani and Mehta – are Lohana. In 1972, when dictator Idi Amin started a famine, both families had to leave the country. London became the center of Madhwani industry, but now in March 1980, the new government of Uganda again invited these two great personalities to open their factories, businesses, industries.
Lohana institutions are in abundance, institutions emerging from Lohana donations are not unknown in Mumbai and suburbs, but there is a Lohana Girls Hostel in Kisumu! There is a Hindu nursery school in Dar es Salaam and a Gandhi study temple of Lohana in Blagit in faraway Orissa. There is Monghibai Dharmashala in Cochin while there is Gangabai Dharmashala in Mathura. There are 11 Lohana institutions functioning in Karachi alone and 16 Lohana Dharmashalas in Nasik-Trimbak. (Google translation from Gujarati)