Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani said during his election campaign in Delhi on January 30 that the Sabarmati river had been cleaned after the implementation of the riverfront development project. Gujarat’s senior environmental activist Mahesh Pandya has said that it is not right for him. “Gandhi martyrs dayd have lied ..”
Pandya who is an NGO. He is the Director of Environment Mitra and has been working closely with the Government of India and the Gujarat Government agencies on environmental issues, he said, on two separate occasions, two different Indian ministries have said that Sabarmati is one of the most polluted rivers in the country. So why has Rupani lied against the people of Delhi?
A report from the GPCB
Citing a report by Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) on March 23, 2019, Pandya said that the water in the Sabarmati Riverfront up to 11 km is not from the Sabarmati river but from the Narmada river. He was giving his statement for the benefit of the election. Pandya, who invited India to the United Nations for climate change and the environment, said.
Ratanlal, Minister of State for Water Resources
On November 28, 2019, Minister of State for Water Resources Ratanlal Kataria, in response to a starred question in the Lok Sabha, identified Sabarmati as one of India’s 323 polluted rivers, saying that these “discharges have led to the disposal and disposal of cities / towns and industrial effluents.”
On the basis of bio-chemical oxygen demand (BOD), the main indicator of biological pollution, 20 pollutant streams of rivers have been identified in Gujarat.
CPCB The 20 polluted rivers identified by are: Amalakhadi, Bhadar, Bhogu, Khari, Sabarmati, Vishwamitri, Dhar, Triveni, Amravati (Narmada auxiliary), Damanganga, Kolak, Mahi, Sethi, Tapi, Anas, Balehwar Khadi, Kim, Meshwala. And Narmada.
The second starred question
In response to another starred question, Minister of State for Environment, Forests and Climate Change Babul Supriyo said on July 19, 2019, “The report published by the CPCB in September 2018 states that 351 rivers have been identified as pollutants. Of these, biological pollution. Identify 20 pollutant streams of rivers in Gujarat on the basis of the main indicator Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). Adjustment has been. ”
What is the status of Sabarmati really
The Sabarmati river has no water in Ahmedabad city. 7 km of riverfront project It is filled with water like a long swimming pool. 120 km of river below the rest of the river, no water but chemical flow. Which merges into the Arabian Sea. Thus, the river of Sabarmati should now be declared “dead” and declare the sewage of chemical The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation has started cleaning the river looks like cleaning the swimming pool.
People have named the Sabarmati River now in the riverfront project areas as ‘Sabarmati Riverfront’ or ‘Swimming Pool’. Through the riverfront, the Gujarat government and Ampa apparently try to kill the river.
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
The Sabarmati Riverfront has only become a pool of polluted stagnant water while the river, which flows downstream of the river, has become the polluted river of the industries of Naroda, Odhav, Watawa, Narol from Ahmedabad city. There is no water or flood, as there is a permanent drought in the river. So groundwater does not recharge, it is only through chemical.
12.50 million liters of waste water
12.50 crore liters of waste water is being released daily in Sabarmati River by the people of Gujarat’s Economic Capital and Awakening City Ahmedabad, which has polluted the Gulf of Khambhat and pollution of 24 villages from Ahmedabad to Khambhat. If anybody is responsible for this, then Ahmedabad is the Municipal Corporation (Ampa), which makes the waste water un-treated. 27 km from Naroda to Sabarmati. The long mega pipeline has been built by AMC which was intended to be used not only for industrial effluent but also has many domestic connections. Both the Industries and Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation are responsible for frequent overflows and causes of collapse in this line. While the Odhva mega line comes in fluent norms, many reports that AMC’s domestic and storm water drain companies use their effluents to release their effluents have not been taken by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board. The Sabarmati River pollutes 125 MLD per day, ie 12.5 million liters of untreated water.
How much pollution either
According to the GPCB’s 2015-16 report, the water quality of the Sabarmati River has been declared as the Sabodmati river before entering the city of Ahmedabad, the volume of BOD at Hansol Bridge is 2.6 and COD is 23. When the water of Sabarmati passes through Ahmedabad city and reach the village of Miroli, the quantity of BOD 2.6 increases from 47.05 and the quantity of COD is increased from 23 to 170, that is, BOD is increased 19 times and the quantity of COD is increased by 7.5 times. Due to this increase, the water quality in the Sabarmati River Hansol Bridge is B grade and the water color is light blue. The water quality C grade and color reaching the village of Miroli and Vautha are green.
How dirty the river
Waste water COD in CEPT river
Naroda 30 6000
Odhav 15 600
Repayment 200 100,000
Narol 1250 1,25,000
Ampa 10,000 40 lakhs
Water is in millions of liters.
Hell beneath the beautiful riverfront
2014 – The Sabarmati River that attracts the Ahmedabad Riverfront is included in the list of the third most polluted rivers in the country. In the report of the State of Trace and Toxins Metal in Indian River – 2014 released by the Central Water Commission, the water quality of the Sabarmati river has deteriorated as the amount of toxic chemicals like lead, copper and iron in the river water is more than fixed. Water mixed with these toxins is extremely harmful to the body. Instead of clearing the Sabarmati river, the BJP has started to derail it. This is because of the waste of the industry and the city. Today, it is also dangerous to the body when toxic chemicals are mixed with the river water. Thus, if one looks at the river on the Sabarmati Riverfront in Ahmedabad, it is a paradise. But the river below Ahmedabad has been made hell by BJP leaders, since BJP has been in power over Ahmedabad since 1987.
28 types of apparent disease
The Central Water Commission examined the waters of rivers across the country in 2011, 2012, 2013 by taking water samples from the area of the Sabarmati River to the area below where the city and the industries are watering, where copper, lead and iron were found in excess. Is. According to the Bureau of Indian Standards, the amount of copper in the river water should be 0.05mg, the dose of 0.01mg of lead and 0.3mg of iron. The use of these toxic chemicals mixed with water can cause heart, lung, skin diseases. Headache, joint pain, loss of memory, abdominal diseases, liver- can damage kidney. Such water can be very harmful for young children and pregnant. Thus 28 types of apparent diseases occur.
One of the 20 polluted rivers
2018, according to a report by the Center, 20 rivers of Gujarat have become polluted. Sabarmati river water is becoming more and more polluted. Despite having a water treatment plant in GIDC in Ahmedabad, water released by the industry has a significant amount of COD which pollutes the river water. In Ahmedabad, a 27 km long mega pipeline from Naroda to Sabarmati was intended for industrial effluent only, but AMPA has provided home use sewer connections. The untreated water is also being released by the Watawa and Odhav industries. 30 lakh liters daily from Naroda, 15 lakh liters from Odhav, 200 lakh liters in peanuts and 1250 lakh liters of water from coconut are left untreated. Businesses pay bribes to GPCB and politicians for millions of rupees.
Chemical river
On May 10, 2014, when the Aam Aadmi Party investigated, a toxic chemical containing chemical gas was discovered in the Sabarmati river belt at Peepli village. Gold and silver metals have started to darken due to toxic gas. Cows and buffaloes die because of drinking water. For 20 to 25 years at the village of Saroda, the river Sabarmati has come into being chemical. So that has greatly damaged the crop. Thus the water sample was taken by Aam Aadmi Party activists. There was no solution as the officers and the owners of the factories united. There are a total of seven rivers, including the Vautha Sabarmati River. Smelling chemical-laden water has been around for more than 25 years, the whole village has been introduced to the government, but no government official is willing to take over. Men suffer from skin diseases. Cattle drink water, they die of any disease. The effect of chemical water is also found in cattle milk. The animals of Sahej Rasikapura village have lost their lives. A serious issue of farming was witnessed in the village of Bacrol. Chemical-based water has to be used in the cultivation of wheat, paddy and vegetables. Eating cereals from chemicals containing water will affect people’s health. Smells of chemicals from the water in Vanzar, Kamod, Mirali, villages. Chemicals are water that is released from the peanut, Narol GIDC.
In Nawagam Ga, not only water but also chemicals are drained. The people of this village have given the Sabarmati river a new name “Chemical River”. Breathing here is also difficult. The land has become non-fertile.
The villages on the banks of the river are not potable
Even the underground water has not been potable. Colored water is coming out of the ground instead of water. Drinking water causes ailments and skin, bone diseases. The Dholka taluka can be called the main town. Gujarat Water Supply and Sewerage Board, after testing the water samples of the village tubewell, has been reported in the laboratory, saying it is not drinking water. The intense odor is dark black. According to Vasmo’s report, water is not drinkable or unusable and other skin diseases such as itching, nausea and skin diseases occur in the village. Vatanagam cultivates vegetables. Which is caused by polluted water and the whole of Ahmedabad it eats vegetables. Such vegetables are in danger of becoming cancerous. Gas and black water fountains were dumped here in the 2001 earthquake.
Report of Vasmo
Sabarmati water from Ahmedabad to the Gulf of Khambhat is not potable, as reported by the government body Vasmo. However, most of the coastal villages drink water. It is mandatory that such dirty wheels be used for drinking, bathing, cooking and feeding the animal. No one can survive in the Sabarmati River. Poisonous water The ground water that has come down into the ground has also become poisonous. Beds, water jaundice, diarrhea, typhoid and skin diseases are on the rise. The dose of TDS was higher.
Dholaka taluka comprises 1010 in Pisavada, 2500 in Virdi, 1620 in Rupgarh, 2200 in Virpur, 2000 in Transad, 2300 in Khatripur, 1580 in Ambareli, 1560 in Bhatwada, 1840 in Nesda, 1660 in Shekhedi, 2600 in Simaj and 2600 in Raipur. Water with a dose of 700 to 800 TDS is considered potable. And a dose of TDS up to 1500 can be run for drinking.
The origin of the river Rajasthan
Sabarmati is a river in western India. Its origin is in the Aravalli mountain range in Udaipur district of the state of Rajasthan. Its name in the opening part is bland. A large part of the Sabarmati River flows from Gujarat and meets the Arabian Sea near the Gulf of Khambhat. The total length of the river is 371 km. And the total radius is 21,674 sq km. Is. The Sei, Siri and Dham branches are on the right bank of the Sabarmati river. There are branches of Wakal, Deer, Harmathati, Khari, Vatrak, left bank. Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar are situated on the banks of the Sabarmati river. Dadhichi Rishi and Mahatma Gandhi established Sabarmati Ashram along the river. The Sabarmati River and other rivers merge near Vautha village in Dholka taluka. Every year there is a huge and famous fair, where the rural culture of Gujarat is seen. Foreigners also come to enjoy this farewell fair. Dholera is becoming the world’s smartest city in the lower reaches of the river. Which will be subject to pollution.
Criteria for pollution
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BDO), Digivol Oxygen (DO), Total Colifarma (TC) and Total Dieselwalled Solid (TDS).
BOD shows the elements that use oxygen in water, while DO shows only the total oxygen, TC represents the presence of total bacteria while TDS represents the strong substances present in the water.
As per the rules, the proportion of bacteria in 100 milliliters of water should not exceed 500. In some places the number was more than 17 million bacteria.
There should be no more than 5 mL and BOD 3 mL or more per liter of water, but only TDS should not exceed 500 mg.
Sabarmati floods only once in 5 years during monsoon. Therefore, the chemicals in which these rivers live are not washed away. Thus, the river below Ahmedabad has now become a chemical river. (see , if any currection Gujarati)