Pulse oximeter corona test, reverse quarantine in rural areas of Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad, 18 June 2020
In Ahmedabad rural area, Asha worker sisters have been provided thermal checking instrument and pulse oximeter. That is, out of 600 to 1000 tests, only 20 to 25 cases appear to be positive. At the same time, the positive proportion of cases has been reduced in the district as young children, pregnant mothers and the elderly have been reverse quarantined.

Sample collection booths have been set up at 6 places in the talukas with more cases in the district.

People are referred to the nearest primary or community health center in case the oximeter shows a ratio below 93. People who show symptoms are tested for covid and sent to covid care center, critical ICU or hospital according to the viral load. Patients with high viral load are treated at Covid Designated Hospital, divided into 17 to 24 high viral load, 25 to 30 symptomatic, and 31 to 35 asymptomatic. Patients with normal symptoms are quarantined at Covod Care Center and those who do not have symptoms but are positive are home quarantined.

This was stated by Ahmedabad District Development Officer Arun Mahesh Babu.