Inaugurated the modern Take Home Ration (THR) plant of 200 metric tonne per day capacity built at a cost of Rs.28.50-crore at the Banas Dairy at Badarpura in the Banaskantha district. It adds up to 5,368 metric tonnes per month.
Speaking on the occasion, he said the plant has been built as part of the pan-India National
Food Security Act, 2013 and Supplementary Nutritional Rules, 2017 under integrated child
development scheme after Prime Minister Narendra Modi assumed office. It is the
responsibility of state governments to eliminate malnutrition among infants in the age group of six months to six years, pregnant and lactating mothers and young girls. And the Gujarat Government has taken up the task in collaboration with the district cooperative milk unions like Banas Dairy. Gujarat needs about 16,000 metric tonnes of THR per month for 42-lakh target group.
Mr. Rupani said the State Government has entrusted the leading Gujarat Cooperative Milk
Marketing Federation (GCMMF) on a ten year contract to supply THR at the centrally
administered price through district cooperative milk unions till the last Anganwadi. Banas
Dairy producing 5,368 metric tonnes of THR can serve 17,932 Anganwadis in 12 districts.
He said the government has Rs.277.88-crore scheme, called Prevention of Undernutrition
and Reduction of Nutritional Anemia among Adolescent Girls (PURNA), for girls in the 15-
18 age group. As part of unique Gender Budget, he said the government has introduced 33
per cent reservation for women, 181 Abhayam Mobile App, ordinance to check chain
snatching and Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao for women’s empowerment. The Chief Minister has
started setting up women’s police station, courts in every taluka and making stricter
Prohibition Act.
announced that milk
procurement price will be increased at the rate of Rs.10 per kg of fat and Rs.10 per kggeneral raise with effect from February 1, 2019. He said that with increased potato
production, another potato plant is being set up in the district soon.