By Gautam Thaker, social leader of Gujarat

During the year 2014, he had given promise for crores of employment opportunities. Instead of that, the figures of battalion of jobless masses keep on increasing. Ministers of his Govt. also admit that there are no jobs. Jobs cannot be created merely by staking high claims or offering hollow promises.
It has been said that in the education sector 10 lakh Nos., in higher education, 12,000 Nos., in police forces 5 lakh Nos., in Railways 2 lakh Nos., in Health sector 1.50 lakhs, in armed forces 1.25 lakh and in judiciary 6,000 Nos. of posts are lying vacant. But the Govt. has not pronounced reasons for not filling up those posts.
Looking at the situation prevailing in Gujarat, as per records available from the District Employment Exchanges, highly educated, educated and semi skilled persons have not secured enough No. of jobs in Govt. or private sector. As per information tabled in the house during the assembly session in March 2018, the tall talks of providing Govt. jobs to 70,000 persons in a year have not turned out to be a reality.
During two years alone, about 12,869 persons have got the jobs. As on date, considering figures of all the Employment Exchanges in all the districts of the State, approx. 5,37,563 persons are registered as jobless.
Claims were made in the Vibrant Gujarat summits organized by spending crores of rupees, for creating lakhs of jobs with the help of capital investment. It was announced in the Summits of the year 2007, that 13,12,436 Nos., in the year 2009, another 29,81,021 and in the year 2011, additional 60,00,000 No. of jobs shall be created. But jobs of 55,463 Nos. after the Vibrant Gujarat Summit held in the year 2007, and 3,84,954 Nos. after the summit in the year 2009 were created. This is the position of employment situation or scenario in Gujarat. In the same vein, even 100 days employment is not provided under the MGNREGA scheme in Gujarat.According to statistics of Labour Ministry, situation of Unemployment is indeed worrisome. As per the Report, every day, 550 Nos. of jobs are eliminated. As on date, 12 crore people are being sacrificed at the altar of unemployment. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), during the year 2017, about 1.83 crore people were rendered jobless. Thereafter, during the year 2018, approx. 1.86 crore more people and in the year 2019 further 1.90 crore people are estimated to be rendered, out of job. This is the unemployment situation prevailing in India.
In the course of the election campaign during the year 2014, Narendra Modi had offered, through lofty promises, lot of hopes and expectations for employment opportunities. He had asserted that every year 1 crore new jobs shall be created but he could not do so after becoming the Prime Minister. He entirely failed in honouring his promises to create lakhs of job opportunities for lakhs of youth of the country. On the contrary during his regime, unemployment is continuing to increase. In the wake of demonetization and GST, lakhs of people have been rendered jobless. In short, during his regime the problem of
unemployment has not been resolved.
Nitin Gadkaree, the senior cabinet Minister of Modi Government says, “Nothing will be achieved by chasing after ‘Reservation’, as a matter of fact, employment opportunities are declining. Where are the jobs? In his view, recruitment in Govt. jobs has been discontinued. Jobs cannot be created merely by tall talks on ‘Development’ and ‘industrialization’. In the banking sector, because of I.T. enabled working systems, job opportunities have been reduced.
Another Cabinet Minister, Ram Vilas Pasawan says that statistics of unemployment is the cause of concern. This is the real picture of Modi Government. He has remained incapable in creating job opportunities. M – 09825382556 Email :