PepsiCo tells Gujarat potato farmers: Enter into purchase agreement, or don’t use “registered” variety

CV News/ Friday, April 26, 2019The legal suits initiated by PepsiCo India Holdings against four farmers of North Gujarat has been scheduled for hearing on June 12, 2019. This follows a hearing on Friday in the Commercial Court in Ahmedabad, where senior advocate Anandvardhan Yagnik filed his appearance and vakalatnama on behalf of the farmers in the four suits. PepsiCo submitted to the Commercial Court that it wants to settle the dispute with the farmers. The plaintiff has been quoted as suggesting that either farmers give an undertaking that they shall not use registered variety or they should enter into an agreement with PepsiCo to purchase seeds from it and thereafter sell produce also to it on terms and conditions which PepsiCo has been offering to the farmers of Gujarat. To the suggestion of settlement, Yagnik submitted to the court that a proposal be put to farmers and a reply would be sent to PepsiCo based on what the farmers want to do.