Why Suraj Diamond King Sawaji Dholakia wrote to his employee that the car repayment company is paying


Not only in Surat but in the Diamond Company of the country, the name of Harikrishna Export Private Limited is huge. However, the owner of this diamond company, Swaji Dholakia, got the reputation of not only Diamond King but also Danavir because of his talent and marketing style. Calculate the amount of the bonus you deserve and buy a car from it as if it were thousands He showed employees giving cars and in which he organized a ceremony through a video conference by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and used his name in the dark, even in the face of claims that the country is developing. But in the meantime, Swaji Dholakia is filling up our car installment company with his employee The two jewelers who are writing this article, who have gone viral on social media, have fired Dholakia from their job and complained that the Surat Crime Branch is defaming itself. The party has also introduced.

The incident began as Swaji Dholakia, who made an impression of himself as a donor in Surat, has raised his employees in Diwali all over the country including Gujarat, but acknowledged that the Diwali bonus was deducted from the salaries of gem artists every month. The car was paid as a down payment, while in the last Diwali, the bursting saviji dholaki YA had announced that now the car installment company will be filled, but as it happened, Swaji Dholakia, who was writing on social media about the cheating by the gem artists with him, has written to all the gem artists that our car installment is filling the company. If this is true then Dholakiya did not need to write such a text, then Daglakiya Dholakiya defamed himself in Surat Crime. There was also a complaint that has been

He was fired on suspicion that the gem artist and union leaders Bhavesh Tank and Haresh Kubawat were behind the entire incident. The union has submitted a petition to the Surat Police Commissioner in this regard, claiming that he has made known on the social media how gem artists are being fooled. It is not his intention to defame Dholakia, besides union chief minister Vijay Rupani. The company has also been introduced along with the car installment if the company pays, why not mention it in the salary slip. A similar question has been asked.

When contacted by Surat newspapers in this regard, when he tried to know his opinion, he threatened to sue the newspapers if he published any news, and also played a political suit in which he defended himself. The gem artists of the caste have fallen in front of them and are planning to close the business of Patidar.