Black labor in black wheat – production and price reduced, farmers spend more

Gandhinagar, 02 April 2021

Black wheat planted by farmer Jagdish Rambhai Khimaniya of Laxmi Intela village in Lodhika, Rajkot is ready. A bigha farm has got 35 manas – 700 kg of production. Tukdi wheat planted by its neighbour are found in one genre. Thus 10 to 15 mans are produced in a bigha.

Jagdishbhai says that he had ordered 20 kg of black wheat seeds from Ratlam for Rs. 1400. A total of 115 mans of wheat have been produced on his farm.

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Black wheat took 30 days longer to ripen than other wheat. Many farmers have to keep wheat in the field for more than 45 days. The wheat ripen in 90 days. Black wheat is ripen in 120 days.

Due to keeping the crop in the field for a long time, two more water had to be given.

Black wheat grains are like cumin seeds. Weight is reduced. Production per hectare decreases.

The price of 20 kg of wheat is coming from Rs 500 to Rs 600. Their selling price is Rs 700 per 20 kg. However, online at at Rs. 1200 is sold.

Like other wheat, black wheat has no disease.

Good roti

Jagdish Rambhai Khimaniya says that he has made and eaten roti. Dark pink bread is made. The bread tastes good. It does not harden even when it is cold. Remains soft. However, Tucci is better in taste than wheat. Sweet comes with a unique taste. Food is enjoyed while eating.

The color of the stick is first green and then black. It was planted last year by Amit Hansalia, a farmer from Umwara village in Gondal.

Many benefits of black wheat

There are many benefits of eating black wheat. But the farmer does not get the benefit. Black wheat has the ability to fight obesity, increased appetite, heart disease, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, acidity, malnutrition in children, constipation, digestive system, cancer.


According to the Department of Agriculture, scientists of the Mohali National Agri Food Biotechnology Institute of Punjab have developed this variety after 8 years of continuous experiments. There are three colors, blue, black, purple.

The National Agro Food Biotechnology Institute of Mohali has patented its wheat and named it Nabi.

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has started planting in the country after allowing food. Last year 700 hectares were planted in Punjab, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh.

Black wheat contains anthocyanin, zinc, 60 percent more iron, vitamin E, folic acid, selenium, magnesium, manganese, calcium, copper, potassium, amino acids.

Normal wheat contains five ppm. Whereas black wheat contains 100 to 200 ppm.

Low production in Gujarat

The present average productivity of wheat in Gujarat is 3100 kg per hectare. If the farmer takes good care, 4500 kg can be made. But there are many varieties in India that produce 8200 to 9700 kg per hectare. In Gujarat, the challenge for agricultural scientists is to find a variety that produces 10,000 kg of wheat per hectare. Because the farmers of Gujarat are suffering in the production of wheat.

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