Gujarat Congress’s recommendations to finance commission

Gujarat Congress’s recommendations to N K Singh, chairman, finance commission with reference to the terms & conditions of the Finance Commission. They are as follow:

  1. As per the notification dated 27th November, 2017 of the ministry of finance, the commission shall have to make recommendations for distribution between the Union and the State of the Net Proceeds of taxes which are to be or may be divided between them
  2. The 14th Finance Commission had recommended the allocation of taxes etc. between Union and State Government as per ratio of 58 % to 42 % that is the 42 % of the total Central Revenue, Tax etc. are to be allotted to the State. Before the 14th Finance commission. The ratio was 32% which was enhanced to 42% by the 14th Commission but considering the state liabilities, duties & functions cast upon under the constitution. It is most important that the states responsibility and liabilities towards of welfare of the citizen of the state cannot be neglected. The reasons of enhancement of allocation up to 52% to the states are as under.


Though all the children have to be given education at least up to 14 years under RTE apart from Primary Education. Unless the quality education in Primary, Secondary & Higher Education is provided. The nation cannot progress. As per the Social Economic Review of Gujarat for the year 2017-18, the literacy rate of the State is 78% but In Rural areas that is 75.18% for SC in rural area but for female is 64.39%, further tribal area the literacy rate is 62.48% but female literacy rate is 53.16%, In rural tribal area literacy rate is 61.9% in case of female it is 51.79%. So, this disparities in literacy rate in Gujarat for SC, ST & Rural area, demands more attention & unless special allocation for Education is not made for the upliftment of this people. This disparities will continue in future also, if Special Incentive will not provided.

(a)Recommendations :

We demand the parity with developed people, we need more fund (Special Package) to put new Infrastructure, more Technology & Students who can avail Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary Schooland Colleges at Grass root Level. Universal education has taken place in the country, How ever the Government is not discharging his duty for providing English Medium School & Colleges and it is left to private sector. Because of this the poor, marginalized students are not able to avail of quality higher education They are deprived of Higher standard of education. Gujarat Needs more Primary & Higher Secondary Schools because of the of population of Gujarat with comparison of India is 4.99% however the number of Primary Schools are 1.41% & the Higher Secondary School are 3.12 % comparing to National School Data.


It is accepted fact that throughout India the Health service is inadequate in rural areas. Previously Governments had constructed Medical Colleges, Public Health Centers even at a Cluster of Village level with facilities of Doctor & Medicines but now state has left this health services to the mercy of Private Sector, whose interest is profit only. So, to get of Infrastructure like Medical College, Public Health Centre etc. The state requested more funds. So, that state should have their own Medical Institutions which provide Medical Education at affordable rate of fees and the services to the patients is at the lowest price.

(a)Recommendation : –

We recommend special package to develop more modernized medical facilities across state by which state can deliver the services to the poorest.


ST :

Previously the Planning Commission of India and even PM & Chairman of Planning Commission had issued direction to Central & State Government that looking to the Social and economic backwardness of SC & ST, The special sub plan have to be prepared by the state and budget have be provided for the SC & ST to the proportion of their population in the State. However now there is no planning Commission but Finance Commission have the all the power to the fund. While allocating the fund should be issue mandatory direction to the state to provide such fund for SC & ST as cited above.

(a)Recommendations :-

The Finance Commission should direct state to allocate fund to the state for the welfare of SC & ST under SC & ST tribal Sub plan proportionate to their population in the state.


Gujarat is always being leader to innovative new concept & Initiation of our farmers are always free to develop new technology in the different way to earn more money per acre. During the last few years Gujarat Farmers had diverted to grow more cash crops (Like Groundnut, Sugarcane, Cotton, oil seeds etc.) and at present approximately 66% area is under cultivation of cash crop. In absence of clear price policy (MSP) and further in absent of fund to buy this cash crop state Government is facing fund crunch. In absence of allocated fund by state to buy cash crop farmers are facing very bad situation even after dealing declaration of MSP Government is not in position to buy more than 7 to 10%, Crop from farmers and vicious cycle in this sector has created bankruptcy to the farmers.


We hereby recommend that the allocation of special fund to Gujarat State should be allotted to fulfill the requirement of buying cash crop from the farmers from time to time.


Justice to the people is always the fundamental right and if any hindrance in the way of justice is injustice. Further justice delayed is equal to justice denied. A recent report established that the in India justice delay has become key issue and delay in justice with comparison to the pending cases is showing dismissal picture of justice itself. Reports says that considering the present pending cases and available infrastructure & Judges will continue then the Gujarat will have to wait the Zero cases at court after 287 years. Orissa will took 42 years. However Rajasthan can do it in 12 years.

This is happening because of the delay in proceedings, Lack of Infrastructure & Judges. The total number of cases pending in Gujarat is 29,44,401. At the same time per 1000 people pendency of cases is 34, highest in India. The lack of Infrastructure, absence of Judges & Staff, citizens of Gujarat are denying justice for longer period.


Delayed justice is denying justice and violation of is the fundamental rights of people of Gujarat. So, a single time special package is requested to dispose the pending cases.

So that quick Justice can be done to the people.

*Note :- Reports of pending cases has been taken from (India Spend)


Gujarat has the longest coastal area having 1600 KM. The ports and fisheries development have to be given special attention. Since the Import-Export policy, ports play bigger role and fisheries development earns bigger amount by way of exports in the year 2016-17. The total fisheries production was 8,15,557 ton amounting Rs. 6233.89 Crores against this. The country gets Rs. 3653.06 Crores by way of export.

However there are no good Infrastructure for fisheries development at port level. Present fisheries ports are to be modernized and new fisheries ports have to be established.

Gujarat ports are handling 39.79% of total cargo (import- Export) through coastal area. Due to some lack of Infrastructure (Connectivity through Road & Railway) Gujarat is facing less efficiency even after having a longest coastal area. Any special efforts to straighten Road & railway connectivity with major and minor ports will create and deliver more cargo handling facility and ultimate. It will boost our earning through to the supporting the Import-Export.

Country is connecting with Pakistan’s border and looking to the history and relation with Pakistan the security of the country is the paramount duty of the state. Gujarat is facing strategic problems at any time and for all the time we have to be ready for any calamities like war. This is special and specific situation of the Gujarat state which other states are not facing. Considering this fact, Gujarat has to be given special fund or Package from the point of view of security of the country.

(a)Recommendation :-

Considering the longest coastal area, we demand special package to use the Nature’s blessings.


Gujarat is most industrialized state. There are many Industries of different nature had established long back. However some industries like Chemical, Hazardous production has created health hazard problems like pollution of water and Air and somewhere spoiling the soil at Broach etc. No doubt there are environment protection Act, Forest Act, even then it seems there are no effective implementation of these Acts. One of the problem is shortage of fund, though there are pollution control board at state & Central level but they are not efficient because lack of fund.


Though there are guidelines by Supreme & High Court for protection of environment for the good life of citizens and protection of forest, pure water & air. To implementation them should be a special Incentive required to be granted to Gujarat state for effective implementation of aforesaid act and judgments of the court.

Thanks and Regards,

  1. K. Valera IAS (Retd.), Dr. Anil Joshiyara MLA, CA. Kailashkumar Gadhvi Spokesperson