New Delhi, 18 may 2020
The fourth round of lockdown has started. But there has been no reduction in the number of corona patients. More than 5,000 new corona patients have appeared in the last 24 hours. The next two months could be very important for India. So in the coming days more and more tests will be emphasized. One crore people will be tested by July.
There are 20 cities including Delhi, Mumbai, Bhopal, Indore and Chennai, where it is the central government’s policy to increase testing. There could be 5 lakh cases in the country by July.
What is the number of positive patients
Look at the latest figures from the Corona test, 4.3 percent of people across the country have remained positive during the test. While in Maharashtra the figure is 11.9%. In Delhi, the figure is 9%. This is followed by Gujarat (7.8%). Telangana (.4..4%), Madhya Pradesh (9.9%) and West Bengal (6.6%). The figures are as of May 15.
The mortality rate of corona patients in Gujarat is 6.05%, in Maharashtra 3.85%, in Rajasthan 2.68%, in Delhi 1.04% and in Tamil Nadu only 0.6%. For every 10 lakh, 4604 tests are conducted in Delhi, 2806 in Tamil Nadu, 2123 in Rajasthan, 1798 in Maharashtra and only 1664 in Gujarat. Gujarat has the lowest testing rate and the highest death rate. At that time, the Rupani government has completely failed to protect the lives of six and a half crore Gujaratis. Congress has made such an allegation.
It has been demanded before the state government that further testing of Corona is urgently needed. Less than 138000 tests have been conducted against a population of 6.50 crore in the state. In fact, corona testing of 5 lakh people should have been done today. Only temperature screening is done for most people.
About 80% of the patients in the state have positive cases of corona even though they do not have fever, cold, cough or other symptoms. Then the state government is playing a game with the citizens.
The governor has been asked to take action against the state government for human rights violations.
Information on whether a patient admitted for corona treatment is positive or negative is not given to their family members for 8 days. If a patient admitted for coronary heart disease dies, their family members are not notified for weeks.
In a period of 14 days, a total of 24 thousand tests were conducted in Ahmedabad city, district, in which 3884 positive cases were reported and 316 people died. While a total of 60197 tests were conducted in the state during the same period, in which 5197 positive cases were reported.
In Ahmedabad city, district, 1240 tests were conducted on 14th May 2020 against 2522 tests on 1st May 2020, i.e. 1282 tests were reduced.
The state conducted 2412 tests on 14 May 2020 as against 4763 tests on 1 May 2020. I.e. 2351 tests decreased. To reduce the number of Corona cases, the government is reducing the number of tests on a daily basis. Indeed there should be a 25 per cent increase in daily testing today. If so, on 18th May 2020, 10 thousand tests were required daily in Gujarat.
It has been alleged by the Congress that the government has reduced the tests and handed over the lives of the citizens of Ahmedabad city and the state. The Government of India and the countries of the world are increasing the number of tests every day. Gujarat’s Rupani government is playing with death by reducing it.
The families of Corona-positive individuals are not tested. Their families are only home quarantined. So that the true number of coronary positive patients cannot be countered. Individuals with normal symptoms are not tested in government hospitals and are sent home after being kept for three to four days.
Earlier, 80% of the people who were tested came back positive even though they did not show any symptoms like fever-cold-cough. Now such cases are not even tested to reduce the number of cases. As well as the earlier quarantine period was 14 days it has now been reduced to 7 days.
What the government used to provide meals for patients and families has also been discontinued. As a result, the poor and middle class Koro positive families are also facing food shortages. The government should try to increase the life expectancy of the citizens of the state instead of trying to increase their life expectancy by hiding their failures.