Rupani created poor Gujarat, 46,651 poor families grew in a year

cm vijay rupani
cm vijay rupani

Gandhinagar, 17 March 2021

Even after 26 years of BJP’s rule over Gujarat, poverty is increasing rather than disappearing. The number of families living below the poverty line in Gujarat is increasing. One-third of the population in Gujarat is poor. The number of poor families has increased by 46,651 in the last one year. Assuming an average of 6 members per family, 1.88 crore are poor.

Rupani falsely claimed that Gujarat was reaping the benefits of development. Gujaratis are becoming more prosperous. Gujarat is developing in every region. This is how the BJP is beating the drum. While the reality is somewhat different.

Gujarat has 16,19,226 families with 0 to 16 coefficients while 15,22,005 families with 17 to 20 coefficients. A total of 31,41,231 families are living below the poverty line.

In the last two years, the number of poor families has increased to 46,651. The number of poor families has increased to 2411 in Amreli and 1509 in Rajkot.

According to the data presented by the government in the Legislative Assembly on 8-7-2019, the number of families living below the poverty line is 30,94,580, while the number of families living below the poverty line has increased by December 2020. From 31,41,231.