Who drinks Rs. 12 thousand crore milk for children? Gujarat ranks third despite spending 2500 crore annually on nutrition Ahmedabad, 8 August 2024
Every year, the Gujarat government spends Rs. 2500 crore on milk, food and take-home ration. However, the children of Gujarat rank third in the country in terms of malnutrition. In the 10 years from 2014-15 to 2023-24, a dire situation has arisen regarding the health of tribal women and children. Milk has been given to 90 lakh people at a cost of 12 thousand crores. Annually Rs. 1200 crore milk is fed to 9 lakh people. Per person per year Rs. 13,333 milk is given to Sanjeevani 106 components of 14 tribal districts are benefiting from the Poshan Sudha scheme. In the year 2023-24, 90,249 beneficiaries have been given the benefit of nutritious food under the Poshan Sudha scheme. Narendra Modi launched the ‘Dudh Sanjivani Yojana’ on 24 December 2009. In 10 years, 87,89,105 children from 6 months to 6 years of age in Anganwadi centers were provided 100 ml fortified flavored milk 5 days a week and pregnant and lactating mothers were provided 200 ml fortified flavored milk 2 days a week at a total cost of ₹ 12,021 crore. No improvement has been seen in the nutritional status of children, pregnant and lactating mothers as a result of the Dudh Sanjivani Yojana.
It was aimed at reducing the rate of vitiligo, low-weight babies and improving birth outcomes, which has not been successful. In the year 2023-24, 90,249 pregnant and lactating mothers have been benefited with affordable food under this scheme. Maternal mortality and child mortality should have been reduced in tribal areas, but this has not happened. Women and Child Welfare Minister Bhanuben Babaria has failed miserably. For hot breakfast and meals in Anganwadis, Rs. 778 crore will be spent in 2024-25. Rs. 344 crore has been provided for take-home ration. Despite spending crores of rupees every year, malnutrition is not going away. During the tenure of Women and Child Welfare Minister Bhanuben Babaria, Gujarat ranks third in the country in terms of malnutrition.
Despite huge expenditure, 3.23 lakh children in the state are victims of malnutrition.