What will be the cost of Corona vaccine in India, will everyone be able to buy it, and will the middle class and poor be disappointed?

In December last year, the first case of corona infection was reported in Wuhan, China. In India in January. 9 lakh people have died due to the virus. On 11 August, Russia discovered the first vaccine of Kovid-19 and According to the World Health Organization, 34 companies are producing the Corona vaccine. 142 companies are also making vaccines. And has so far reached pre-clinical levels.

The Corona virus vaccine will be available to the public by mid-2021. Four viruses already exist in humans in the Corona virus family. No vaccine has yet been developed to protect them. Scientists are concerned about how often the vaccine will have to be used to keep coronovirus at bay.

Oxford University’s vaccine company AstraZeneca has said that it will give Corona vaccine to people at a lower cost and try not to benefit from it. The company’s head said in Mexico last month that the cost of the vaccine in Latin America would be less than $ 4 per dose. It will be 220 rupees in India. However, like other vaccines in India, it is likely that all people in the country will be vaccinated for free.