Yogi Adityanath placed third to second in BJP, keeping Amit Shah behind

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath of the BJP government in Uttar Pradesh has seen a rapid rise in the political graph in the BJP. Away from the glare of Delhi, Yogi Adityanath has carved out an image in the country. The yogi is undoubtedly Bhagavadhari. But his ideology and Hindutva ideology are not seen in the administration. Not so in Amit Shah. People of India disapprove  Amit Shah. In Gujarat, Shah rule the BJP but have never ruled the subjects. The people of Gujarat have been accusing him.

He has emerged as a staunch politician after a large-scale encounter against the law. Some have accused him of being anti-Muslim and promoting casteism. Yet he has made his place in the BJP.

He is now ahead of BJP chief ministers or leaders of all states including Shivraj Singh Chauhan and Gujarat, and is a popular chief minister. It now ranks third behind Narendra Modi and Amit Shah.

Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani is a failed and hopeless Chief Minister. Never in the history of Gujarat has there been such a weak Chief Minister. He could not find a place among the national leaders of the BJP. The position that the Chief Minister was before is also gone. The people of Gujarat have never seen Rupani as a successful Chief Minister.

Of course, Rajnath Singh is officially number 2 in the party and government, but Yogi has won the hearts of the country’s staunch Hindutva forces. Which is not seen in Amit Shah. If this continues, they will overtake Amit Shah.

Although Yogi has been a four-time Lok Sabha MP, he has not been able to make a place for himself in mainstream politics. But as Chief Minister, he is ahead of everyone except in economic and social matters. Now he is going to America to strengthen himself abroad, where he is preparing to come forward by organizing public ceremonies where Modi addressed the gathering. Even Amit Shah could not do it. Perhaps Modi is helping him the most. So that he can leave all other BJP leaders behind. Yogi is in direct combat with Amit Shah. Now the question is being asked how they get ahead of Amit Shah.