Gujarat govt cannot finance normal agricultural projects, the work of gardens and cold storage is incomplete

Gandhinagar, August 01, 2020
The target set by the Gujarat government to plant new orchards of fruits and flowers and allocate funds for it could not be met in 2019. It decided to provide assistance to farmers to establish 122 nurseries at a cost of Rs 7.68 crore. But barely 62 nurseries could be built and that too amounted to Rs 42 lakh. Recently, a meeting has been held in the meeting of the Agriculture Department.

It was decided to plant orchards in an area of ​​11200 hectares. The Agriculture Minister had allocated Rs 27.75 crore for this. But 6120 hectares or 50 percent could be made. 12 crore farmers were given behind this. The flowering plantations spanned 685 hectares, which could barely be 298 hectares. The same thing has happened with spices. Spice yield support was to be provided in 350 hectares, while in 99 hectares.

Assistance was to be provided in 7500 hectares for vegetables, of which 5526 hectares could be supported.

In 2019, a total of 12 cold storages were set up by private traders in Gujarat. Of this, a total of 95.62 crores was spent by private individuals. But the government approved the expenditure of Rs 46 crore and gave subsidy of Rs 17 crore to the traders. The highest subsidy was given to Tirupati Balaji Agri Link Rs 1.43 crore, ISKCON Balaji Food Company Rs 1.83 crore and Radhe Cold Storage Rs 1.43 crore.

In North Gujarat, 16 solar-powered cold storages were subsidized by Rs 1.67 crore at a total cost of Rs 5.46 crore. Thus, all modern projects are coming up in North Gujarat and the government seems to have subsidized only North Gujarat projects.