Land grabber in Gujarat will be sentenced to 14 years in 6 months, FIR in 7 days


Gandhinagar, 16 December 2020

The Gujarat  Land Grabbing Prohibition Bill, 2020, rules have been enacted from thugs and 16 December 2020, against thugs who illegally land on government, ordinary farmers, private individuals and land owned by public trusts and monasteries Capture. On September 25, 2020, Revenue Minister Kaushik Patel announced, the government will bring a law against land mafias.


If convicted, there is a jail term of 10 to 14 years. Fines up to the ministerial value of the property will be imposed.

District Committee of 7 members

There will be a 7-member committee headed by the District Collector to investigate the complaints received under the Act against the land grabber. Under the law, by making a false complaint or application in the ground, action can be taken against the person who tarnishes the title. Apart from District Development Officer, District Superintendent of Police and City Commissioner, the CEO of Police Commissioner, Urban Development Authority will be a member of this committee and the Additional Resident Collector of the district will act as Member Secretary.

There will be a mandatory meeting on the 15th. Complaints lodged by the Member Secretary will be investigated by the province officer along with another competent authority.

Which land?

Persons engaged in such activities will also be considered criminals. Farmers, common man or privately owned, public institutions, are covered under government, local self-government land.

Somoto phase

The District Collector and the State Government are empowered to take automatic action in the matter of seizure or illegal possession of government land.

Set timeline

The investigation has set a time limit for each step so that it is not prolonged. The investigating officer must obtain information from any department within five days. The first visible report will be submitted to the committee with a full investigation as to whether the complainant’s interest is involved, whether the revenue title is in the name of the person, or whether it is in fact an act of violation of the law.

It will also report whether such land has been acquired through coercion, intimidation, greed or fraud. The committee will have to take a decision within 21 days of the release of the investigation report.

Police complaint

If the committee decides an offense under the Gujarat Land Forfeiture (Prohibition) Bill 2020, the police officer will file a complaint within 7 days of deciding to file a police complaint. An indictment will be filed in a special court to implement this law within 30 days after the FIR. The crimes will be investigated by the Deputy Superintendent of Police (DYSP).

Special court sentenced in 6 months

There will be special court. The offender must be punished within 6 months. Special courts have been given the power of civil and criminal courts. A Public Prosecutor will also be appointed in each special court for early hearing. The accused must prove before the court that the land has not been seized.

Land purchase money

In the case of such a complaint, the buyer of the land has to prove that the financial source for the purchase is raised from his own income.

The same criminals who help

All persons who illegally occupy land, provide financial assistance for illegal construction on such land as well as seek rent or compensation or other assistance from the occupants of such land under criminal intimidation. Definition of land constipation Will be included in

600 crore scam pressure on Gauchar

For the last 6 years, pressure of Gaurach has increased by 470 percent by 2019. In 2012, Gauchar had a pressure of 1 crore square meters. On 15 March 2016, 3.70 crore square meters of land was under pressure. The pressure on Gauchar’s land in the BJP government has been unprecedented in the last two years. The market value of one thousand hectare was Rs. The Gauchar land scam of 300 to 600 crores has happened in a year, if at least 30 lakh rupees are considered. In 2019, 4.90 crore square meters of Gauchar has been suppressed. Thus the pressure on Rupani’s government has increased from 1 crore meters to 5 crore. In which 2 crore square meter has been suppressed in Rupani district Rajkot. BJP leaders and activists have lost this ground. This has a direct impact on the population of the village. The population of the village is decreasing. In which some villages become empty.

In 2012, there were 8.50 lakh hectares of land against 2.50 crore livestock. In 2014, there was 7.65 lakh hectares of Gauchar land. In 2014, there was pressure on 9.33 million square meters of Gauchar land. Currently, there are no pastures for 2.71 crore cattle.

Land to industries

By 2012, the BJP had given 4.10 lakh square meters of Gauchar land to industrialists. By 2017, Gauchar is accused of selling 1.92 lakh hectares of land. Adani was paid Rs 5.5 crore per square meter for the Port and Special Economic Zone. Gauchar was also in the land. The surrounding villages are being wiped out. It is estimated that by 2019, 5 lakh hectares of land will be given. So the government has less land. Under such pressure, land can now be vacated and handed over to industries.

City land too

To accelerate the overall growth journey in cities, employment opportunities have been created in the name of Gujarat’s best construction through optimum use of land along with industry-trade-agriculture-animal husbandry. Demand for municipal areas and industrial areas as well as land for residential purposes is continuously increasing. And at the same time the market value of the land is increasing.

Earth Some of the elements involved in the takeover are vyakas especially, it is done by elements with vested interests to take advantage of the situation and engage in illegal activity with the evil intention of making money overnight.

Do it first

If the Chief Minister first vacates these pressurized lands, the new law against the land mafia will have more impact. Lack of land for industries has created a new law.

In a year, there has been a scam of Rs 600 crore on Gauchar. The government has not been successful in removing pressure from him.

In the last 6 years to 2019, the pressure has increased by 470 percent. In 2012, Gaucher had a pressure of 10 million square meters. On 15 March 2016, 3.70 crore square meters of land was under pressure.

The pressure on Gauchar’s land in the BJP government has been unprecedented in the last two years. The market value of one thousand hectare was Rs. The Gauchar land scam of 300 to 600 crores has happened in a year, if at least 30 lakh rupees are considered.

In 2019, 4.90 crore square meters of Gauchar has been suppressed. Thus the pressure on Rupani’s government has increased from 1 crore meters to 5 crore. In which 2 crore square meter has been suppressed in Rupani district Rajkot.

BJP leaders and activists have lost this ground. This has a direct impact on the population of the village. The population of the village is decreasing. In which some villages become empty.

In 2012, there were 8.50 lakh hectares of land against 2.50 crore livestock. In 2014, there was 7.65 lakh hectares of Gauchar land. In 2014, there was pressure on 9.33 million square meters of Gauchar land.

Currently, there are no pastures for 2.71 crore cattle.

Land to industries

By 2012, the BJP had given 4.10 lakh square meters of Gauchar land to industrialists. By 2017, Gauchar is accused of selling 1.92 lakh hectares of land.

Adani was paid Rs 5.5 crore per square meter for the Port and Special Economic Zone. Gauchar was also in the land.

It is estimated that by 2019 5 lakh hectares of land has been given. So the government has less land. Under such pressure, land can now be vacated and handed over to industries.

Gaucher pressure per district

Jilla-square meter.

Ahmedabad 1335972

Aravali 82952

Anand 1109478

Kheda 235348

Gandhinagar 2953150

Junagadh 1269175

Roofing 2681154

Banaskantha 1129705

Botad 1211781

Bhavnagar 4996959

Mahisag 203207

Mehsana 4360856

Rajkot 17503657

Sabarkantha 12183

Surat 1,52, 376

What did the chief minister say

Chief Minister Vijay Rupani announced a law to protect the interests of farmers and legitimate landowners by controlling land mafia. The Gujarat Land Forfeiture (Prohibition) Bill – 2020 has been enacted to provide justice to the land mafia. (Translated from Gujarati)